country sex

Chapter 257 Playboy

Chapter 257 Playboy

If Yuan Li's trick of being cute and flirtatious is used on a young boy, the other party may be really hot-headed and unable to control it.

But Yanxiang is different, Yanxiang has been through the weather for a long time, and his face has been so perfect that even knives, guns and sticks can't pierce it.He smirked at Yuan Li and said, "Baby, this is not allowed. You agreed to go to the room with me to sleep before buying clothes. Now it's a foul."

Yan Xiang's words made Yuan Li flush with embarrassment.The waiter next to him showed a dazed expression. It turned out that it wasn't Yan Xiang who was stingy, but that the woman didn't follow the rules.This woman is also really, since she came out to sell and didn't satisfy the customer's request first, she even thought about buying clothes. Do you really think she is a wealthy local tyrant?

Under the waiter's clear eyes, Yuan Li was so angry that she almost didn't find a hole to crawl in.With her beauty and temperament, does she seem like a woman who needs to be sold out?

What was even more exasperating was that Yan Xiang, who didn't want to give the money, let it go, and even humiliated her in a different way.Let her feel ashamed, no, no matter what, she has to get her face back.She rolled her eyes and saw a playboy surrounded by women, and immediately twisted her confident waist and walked towards the playboy.

Yan Xiang looked at Yuan Li with great interest, he wanted to see what Yuan Li wanted to do and how she would step down.

"My lord, do you want to buy clothes?" Yuan Li held her breath and let out a sweet voice that made people feel itchy.

The Playboy turned his head and was stunned for a moment. He had never seen such a beautiful woman.Although it was just a plain face, her skin was comparable to tender tofu, and her big eyes, delicate nose, and small red mouth were so perfect that she couldn't find any dead spots.

The most important thing is that temperament, which looks like a mature woman, but exudes a little youthful breath.It's heart-pounding.

Compared with such beauties, the beauties around him who are usually proud of him are simply a bunch of country aunts who don't know how to dress up. They are authentic beauties.

The playboy was already thinking about how to coax the beauty in front of him to bed and put him under him.On the contrary, he has lost interest in the chattering woman beside him, staring at Yuan Li without blinking, and then showing a gentleman's look, "Yeah, beauty, are you also shopping for clothes? What kind of clothes are you interested in?" , I can buy it for you.”

The playboy got straight to the point, in his opinion, such beauties only care about money.As long as women care about money, there is no woman he can't take down.He has nothing but money...

I have to say that Playboy really knows a little bit about women, because Yuan Li did find him for money, Yuan Li showed a sweet and attractive smile and said, "I like this dress, but it's a bit expensive. And I didn't come out with my wallet. So, do you look pretty?"

While speaking, Yuan Li straightened her chest to show her proud figure.She didn't ask for money directly, but she could make men willingly pay for her.

Playboy's eyes stared a little, and he swallowed, but his throat was still very thirsty. "No problem, it's just a piece of clothing. You can choose whatever you want, and then pack it up and take it away. Just tell me the price!"

The playboy has already made up his mind, no matter how much money he spends, he will have sex with this alluring stunner, otherwise his life will be in vain.

Yan Xiang sat down beside him with a faint smile, and watched Yuan Li perform with an extremely calm expression.He wasn't worried at all, even if Yuan Li really went to have a room with this playboy in the end, it didn't matter, because it wasn't his business at all.

The waiter looked very troubled by the side. If Yuan Li was Yan Xiang's girlfriend, why did Yan Xiang not care about it?Besides, Yuan Li is obviously seducing a man to pay for her. Such a woman is a bit too cheap. Should she go over and introduce her?

"After buying the clothes, is the beauty interested in visiting my private villa?" The playboy flirted with Yuan Li, and at the same time touched Yuan Li's waist.

Yanxiang feels very hot, why is it so hot?Is it because the air conditioner is not turned on, which makes him unable to sit still.

"Okay, how about shopping for clothes first?" Yuan Li moved her hand away, and gently pushed Playboy away.

"No problem, I'll just check the price of this dress." Playboy caught Yuan Li in his arms unexpectedly, and stared into Yuan Li's plump chest.

"Damn it, it's too hot, waiter, turn up the air conditioner!" Yan Xiang couldn't help complaining loudly.Not only was it hot, but he also felt his fists were itching, and he had to find something to punch him twice.

Playboy was attracted by Yan Xiang's voice, and looked slightly sideways at Yan Xiang.Yuan Li took the opportunity to break free from Playboy's arms.

"Forget it, this dress is so expensive, so don't bother me. I'll buy it next time!" Her goal has been achieved, she just wants to stimulate Yanxiang and make Yanxiang jealous.Although Yan Xiang still had that annoying look, she could already feel the smell of vinegar.

"Then what's the matter? If you say it's good, you must buy it." Playboy continued to reach out to touch Yuan Li.

"Okay, are you disgusting, are you disgusting? People say you can't buy it, but you insist on buying it. Why are you so shameless?" Yan Xiang finally couldn't help it, stood up and stood in front of Yuan Li, tilting his head Look at Playboy.

His stiff neck is still not healed, he can only tilt his head!

But in the eyes of the playboy, Yan Xiang is a provocation.Especially this action of tilting his head to look at people is very arrogant.The anger rushed down, he stared at Yan Xiang angrily and gritted his teeth, "Boy, who the hell are you? You dare to meddle in my business, do you know who I am?"

"I know you are my son. This is my woman, no one is allowed to touch her. If you don't want to die, get the hell out of here." From the moment he bumped into the door, Yan Xiang was unhappy with this guy.

Obviously he is still a little jealous, this guy has no worries about food and drink, accompanied by beautiful women, and a luxurious sports car, he is obviously tall, rich and handsome.How can this make him not jealous.

And Yuan Li, who was behind Yan Xiang, heard that she was his woman in his eyes, and he felt an unprecedented sense of happiness in his heart.Looking at Yan Xiang's not tall, but very burly back at this time, she really wanted to rush up and hug Yan Xiang, and snuggle into Yan Xiang's arms like a little girl.

The Playboy laughed, angrily, the corners of his mouth pulled up so high.Only then did Yan Xiang realize that you have gleaming gold teeth inlaid, and you are no longer rich and handsome, and you are still a local tyrant...

"You'd better go out and inquire about my name, Hua Liubin. You will regret what you said just now."

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