country sex

Chapter 26 Spirit Vein, Tailed Fox School

The night was silent, and there were a few insects chirping from the side of the road.

Yanxiang went to the clinic, looking around.At night, few people come out to walk around.Liu Xuemei asked him to come to the health center at night, so he naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity.Thinking of Liu Xuemei's charming eyes and plump body, he felt excited.

When he arrived at the entrance of the health center, Yanxiang looked around again to make sure that there was no one there.Knock knock!

The lights were not turned on in the room, so I don't know if Liu Xuemei is asleep?

As soon as Yan Xiang finished knocking on the door, the door opened, and Liu Xuemei stretched out her hand to pull him in.Then hug Yanxiang and kiss her passionately, it seems that Liu Xuemei can't wait any longer.

The mouth is smooth and smooth, kissed for a long time.Yan Xiang asked, "Aunt Liu, why don't you turn on the light?"

Liu Xuemei kissed him on the face and said, "You little fool, if you turn on the light, others will know everyone in hygiene. What do you do if you bother us?"

Yan Xiang wondered, "But I can't see anything clearly without turning on the light, what's the matter?"

Liu Xuemei pinched Yan Xiang's hard guy lightly, and said, "I'm really anxious, did you think about doing it so soon?"

Yan Xiang hugged Liu Xuemei and said, "I think about Aunt Liu day and night, how can I not be impatient."

"He will speak well and be not shy. Come with me to the room." Liu Xuemei dragged Yan Xiang into the next room, where a soft bed had already been made.There is a small lamp on the table next to it.

Liu Xuemei pulled Yan Xiang to sit on the bed and said, "I can see it clearly!"

Although he could see clearly, Yan Xiang sat by the bed but did not move.Liu Xuemei glanced at Yan Xiang, and said with a charming smile, "Don't you want to?"

Yan Xiang nodded and said, "Think."

Liu Xuemei said, "Then what are you waiting for? Is this your first time?" Liu Xuemei looked at Yanxiang with great interest.

Of course, this is not the first time for Yan Xiang, he has dedicated his first time to Liu Ting before.But facing Liu Xuemei, who had been dreaming for a long time, Yan Xiang seemed a little cautious, not knowing what to do.

Liu Xuemei chuckled and said, "Auntie is right? Let me take a look." Liu Xuemei reached out and unbuttoned Yan Xiang's pants, and then pulled them down.

Liu Xuemei then took off Yanxiang's underpants, and the big guy popped out.Liu Xuemei opened her mouth in surprise, although she had already guessed that Yan Xiang was not small.But she didn't expect it to be so big, much bigger than she imagined.She reached out and caressed Yan Xiang's dick, and said in surprise, "Why is it so big? Such a big baby is really amazing."


Bang bang bang, at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Is Xuemei there?" It was a woman's voice.

Yanxiang and Liu Xuemei's bodies froze instantly.Yan Xiang's baby was deeply inserted into Liu Xuemei's body, she didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to breathe.At this critical moment, who doesn't know how to pick the time.Trying to do good things, Yan Xiang greeted the eight generations of the woman's ancestors outside the door in his heart.

Liu Xuemei was also taken aback, so that her lower body shrank tightly, holding Yan Xiang's baby tightly.Yan Xiang was so stimulated that he almost erupted.

But Liu Xuemei is someone who has been there anyway, and she is much calmer than Yanxiang.She took a deep breath and asked in a calm and normal voice, "Who is it?"

The woman outside the door said, "It's me, Li Chunyang."

Li Chunyang is the wife of the village chief.But what are you doing in the clinic in the middle of the night?Yan Xiang was very depressed.This Li Chunyang is also a great beauty in the village, but as the wife of the village chief, no one dares to think otherwise.

Liu Xuemei said, "Oh, so it's Miss Chunyang, what's the matter?"

Li Chunyang said, "Well, I caught a cold again. I want to ask you to get some medicine, isn't it convenient for you?"

Liu Xuemei said, "I'm already asleep. It's the middle of the night, and I don't want to get dressed again. Sister Chunyang, if your cold is not serious, I will send you medicine tomorrow."

Li Chunyang said, "Well, I don't have a serious cold. It's just for precaution, so I won't bother you." After speaking, footsteps sounded.Li Chunyang should have left.

Yan Xiang and Liu Xuemei breathed a sigh of relief.Yan Xiang asked in a daze, "Aunt Liu, should we continue?"

Liu Xuemei said, "Xiaoxiang, you are really good. You made my aunt very comfortable. But you should go back quickly, if someone comes again, it will be bad if you find something."

After leaving the health center, Yan Xiang's anger was greatly relieved by the cool night wind.

Yan Xiang sighed, and was kicked out again before he had enough time.Why is it so sad? I also blame Li Chunyang's mother-in-law. When she doesn't come, she chooses to come at this time.When there is a chance, Li Chunyang must also be pressed on the bed to play.After all, that woman is pretty, not much worse than Liu Xuemei.

Thinking of Li Chunyang, Yan Xiang naturally thought of Xu Xiaoxia.It seems that this little girl hasn't come to her for several days. Where did she go?

When Yan Xiang returned to Liu Ting's house, he didn't turn on the light, and the room was pitch black.Presumably Liu Ting and Qin Juan had already gone to bed, after all, he was the only one in the mood to run outside in the middle of the night.

Turning on the light in the guest room, Yan Xiang was about to take a shower and go to bed.Played with Liu Xuemei all night, sweating profusely.The most important thing is that Yan Xiang hasn't had a good time yet, thinking of this, he feels depressed.

After coming out of the shower, Yan Xiang's lower body was wrapped in a towel, and he didn't wear anything inside.He was about to lie down and sleep on the sofa, but found that there was an extra shiny stone on the table.This stone is very strange, oval in shape and shining white.Yan Xiang took a closer look and found that there seemed to be liquid flowing in the stone.

What the hell is this?Yan Xiang was very curious, reached out to pick it up, and watched it carefully.

But Yan Xiang hadn't looked at it, but the root of his thigh was burning with pain.After several previous experiences, Yan Xiang clearly knew that the hot thighs were the manifestation of magical possession.But now there are no enemies, and he doesn't fight, let alone excited.What are you doing with a magical possession for no reason?

Yan Xiang was wondering.The shiny stone in his hand flashed a dazzling light, and then Yan Xiang felt a cold air flow into his body.Go to the root of his thigh.

The blinding light lasted for nearly 5 minutes.When Yanxiang felt that his thigh was no longer hot and painful, the stone in his hand had lost its luster.It turned black, broke into several pieces, and fell to the ground.

Yan Xiang looked at the stone fragments on the ground suspiciously.Very puzzled, how is this going on?Magic?

The door opened, and Qin Juan came out from the room.Seeing the black stone fragments scattered on the ground at a glance, her expression changed suddenly, and she ran to Yan Xiang's side in a few steps.Picking up the stone fragments, he stared at Yanxiang angrily and asked, "What did you do? Do you know that this stone is very important?"

It was not the case that the beautiful cousin was angry.As fierce as a mad tiger.Yan Xiang was stared at a little speechless and said, "Well, I don't know what happened. I just picked it up and looked at it, and it became like this! Cousin, please don't blame me, I was wrong."

Seeing Qin Juan's vicious look, Yan Xiang quickly admitted his mistake.Although he didn't know what happened, he felt very powerful.

Qin Juan stared at Yan Xiang, and grabbed Yan Xiang's hand.Then Yanxiang felt another tepid air rushing into his body.Makes him feel weird.

After a while, Qin Juan let go of Yan Xiang's hand.His face was ashen, and he sat on the chair in a daze.He muttered in his mouth, "It's over, it's over. The spiritual vein was absorbed by you, and the spiritual vein that I worked so hard to get back was absorbed by you."

Only then did Yanxiang realize that Qin Juan had a large wound on her right arm on her back, as if burned by a fire. It looked bloody and bloody, which was horrible.

Yan Xiang asked cautiously, "Cousin, you seem to be injured, are you okay?"

Qin Juan shook her head and said to herself, "You have absorbed the spirit vein. How should I explain it? They won't let me go. They won't let you go, but your life and death have nothing to do with me. As long as Our Weihu faction can keep it, who will care about you, a lucky brat."

Fox Pie?Yan Xiang's heart skipped a beat.He suddenly remembered what the old Taoist said to him in the ruined temple that day, "You have to be careful of women with plum blossom marks on their buttocks. They are members of the Weihu sect and pose a deadly threat to you."

If the magic power is true, then what the old Taoist said is obviously also true.If the old man's words are true, then Yanxiang has to believe it.Now Qin Juan mentioned the Weihu faction.He had to guard against it, it was a deadly threat.What if he loses his life?He has just learned the magical skills, but he is not happy enough.

Note to readers:

It has been changed many, many times, but has not passed the review.It may seem a bit incomplete, but it is understandable.Also please support the book friends!

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