country sex

Chapter 269 The real murderer

Chapter 269 The real murderer

"I love you too!" Yuan Li kissed Yan Xiang on the face.

The next day, Yan Xiang didn't go anywhere, but went to the hotel owner with the Setting Sun Sword.Knocking on the door of the hotel owner, the owner welcomed Yan Xiang into the room with a smile on his face.

Yan Xiang is now taking a good look at the hotel owner. He is not tall, about 1.6 meters five, with a round face and round eyes, and looks very kind.With a pair of eyes on his eyes, he looks very friendly.

"What do you want from me?" The hotel owner looked at Yanxiang with a smile.

Yan Xiang also smiled, "There is indeed something wrong."

"What's the matter?" asked the innkeeper.

"About the man-eating murderer." With a flash of eyes, Yan Xiang's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at the hotel owner like a knife.

The hotel owner didn't seem to notice Yan Xiang's eyes, and said with a smile, "Didn't the man-eating murderer never show up again? What's the matter?"

"No, he appeared again last night, and even fought against me." Yan Xiang's gaze began to narrow.

"Then what does this have to do with me?" The hotel owner finally began to smile unnaturally.

"You are the man-eating murderer!" Yan Xiang stood up with a cry, holding the handle of the setting sun sword.

"Brother, you are making too much of a joke, right?" The boss's smile disappeared.

"A joke? It might be a joke to you. That monster fought me last night and was hurt by the sword energy. If it's correct, I can still find the scar on his back. If you weren't the man-eating murderer , then take off your clothes and show me." Yan Xiang stared at the hotel owner coldly.

The hotel owner stood up with a sullen face, "Not bad, but I want to know how you found out?"

"From the time you gave me 5 yuan as a reward, I began to doubt it. I thought you were joking before, but I never thought that you would really give me the money. But I didn't expect you to really give it to me, and it was very Generous. It is this generosity that made me doubt you." Yan Xiang said slowly.

"Generousness made you doubt me?" The hotel owner was puzzled.

"Yes, although a hotel owner has some capital, he is not so rich that he gave me the money before I caught the murderer. Of course, there is another point, that is, when I told you that I would crouch the murderer, The cannibal murderer never appeared again. In fact, I didn’t squat all the time that night, and I went back to my room to sleep before twelve o’clock. But what surprised me was that the murderer did not appear. Then the next day, you put the money Give me, ask me not to crouch down on the murderer again, I told you not to squat, but in fact I went to squat again. You never thought of it, so I caught you right away!" Yan Xiang did not rush , but said it without a pause.

"Yes, I really didn't expect this. I didn't expect you to squat for two nights for such an irrelevant matter!" The hotel owner looked gloomy.

"These are not the main points. What makes me doubt you even more is when the group of usurers came to make trouble. One of them attacked you, and you took his knife without any effort, and then fought back. This is absolutely not The skills that an ordinary hotel owner would have, or in other words, you are no longer the previous hotel owner. What's more, the former hotel owner has been killed by you. Who are you?" Yan Xiang pulled out the setting sun sword, Point to the innkeeper.

The innkeeper smiles, a sullen smirk that makes your hair stand on end like an owl's hooting.Even his voice changed, becoming shrill and piercing, "You are right, I didn't expect you to notice all these small details. I underestimated you, you really are not an ordinary person."

"Of course I'm not an ordinary person. You didn't expect that the little girl you wanted to attack last night was not an ordinary person either, and she was counterattacked, right? All the guests in this hotel have already checked out, and we are the only ones left. This group of people is serious, and you also realize that we are not simple, so you want to pick the weak Ziyan first. But you never think that Ziyan is the best in our group." Yan Xiang said.

"So what if you know? I'm not afraid to tell you that I am the third protector of the twelve blood protectors who besieged Shushan Demon Dao before. Now I will let you see my true face." Said, the hotel owner's appearance skin Suddenly it began to squirm, as if there were many bugs crawling around in it.

This is not over, after a while, the skin began to crack, revealing black feather-like things from inside.It made Yanxiang feel numb all over.

After a few minutes passed, the skin of the hotel owner on the outside was completely broken, revealing a dark thing covered with black feathers inside.No face could be seen, only two pairs of blood-red eyes staring at Yan Xiang through the black feathers.

The whole process is like seeing a living person being torn apart in front of his face, shredded, and a monster emerges from it.This situation gave Yanxiang goosebumps all over his body.

"I am the third protector of the blood race. Although the attack on Shu Mountain by the Demonic Dao was defeated, most of the people in the Demonic Dao survived. I know that you are also a cultivator, but you are still too young to fight against the people in the Demonic Dao. A little bit." The black monster couldn't see its mouth, but it made a gloomy sound.

But if he had known that Gao Hu, the leader of their Demon Dao, the dragon soul cultivator, was beaten to death by Yan Xiang, he wouldn't have said such a thing.

"The attack on Shushan failed, so you just leave. Why do you want to harm ordinary people in the town?" Yan Xiang asked while holding back the goosebumps on his body.

"My cultivation method requires the flesh and blood of living people to maintain my cultivation. It is not a matter of time to retreat. Naturally, I will not give up such a good place to practice. Unexpectedly, you will see through it in the end. But today You can't leave either, leave your flesh and blood for my cultivation. The flesh and blood of ascetics will be more delicious!" Before he could finish speaking, the third guardian turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Yanxiang.

Yan Xiang flicked his sword and stabbed at the black shadow, but was dodged by the black shadow lightly. With a turn of his body, he attacked Yan Xiang from another direction.

Yan Xiang unleashed the Fengliu sword, his figure turned out of a chic figure, and the sword in his hand shook out one by one.Although Zhan Shi couldn't hurt the three protectors, the three protectors couldn't hurt him either.

Hearing the sound of fighting downstairs, Chai Jin, Zi Yan, Yuan Li and others also rushed down.

Seeing Yanxiang fighting with the black shadow, everyone didn't understand why, but they expected that the black shadow was so weird, it was not a good thing.

With Zi Yan's sword, Yan Xiang also besieged Soi Ying.Ziyan's swordsmanship was extremely fierce, and it was like a violent storm when she used it, with sword energy flying all over the place, and after only two moves, the black shadow was stabbed by the sword energy.

The black shadow monster uttered a cry, flew up into the sky, trembled violently, and shot at Yan Xiang and Zi Yan with countless feathered feather swords...

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