country sex

Chapter 293 Trap

Chapter 3: Traps

There was always a huge ax on the iron wood back, almost as tall as a human, so such a huge ax must not be light.

Yanxiang thought this thing was Ironwood's combat weapon before, but now it seems that it is completely cumbersome, which has completely affected the speed of travel.

"You can't throw it. This ax has been passed down from generation to generation in my Tiemu family. Even if I lose my life, I can't throw it away. Just run away and ignore me." Tiemu shook his head firmly.

"Isn't it? You still care about the ax at this moment of life and death. You can get the ax back if you keep your life, but if you lose your life, you have nothing." Yan Xiang couldn't figure it out.

"Anyway, I can't throw it away. Even if I die, I can't do things that are ashamed of my ancestors." Tiemu's belief is firm.

This moral concept really kills people, who is so stubborn these days, people are alive, things are dead.How could he lose his life because of dead objects, Tiemu was too clueless.

Yan Xiang looked back and found that the black bear was getting closer and closer, and the distance was less than two feet away.And they were still some distance away from the trap, and now he was also suspecting that boy Dashan's bad intentions.You already know the black bear's cave, why did you bury the trap so far?Isn't this deceiving people on purpose?

After running for another distance, the black bear had already caught up with the two of them, and its huge bear paw slapped Temu.

Tiemu was indeed an experienced hunter. Although he didn't look back, he already felt the rush of wind behind him and a strong sense of crisis.As soon as he grasped the huge turn behind him, he slammed down with an ax, but before the ax landed on the black bear, he had already been shot flying.

Tie Mu spat out a mouthful of blood, his body hit the tree trunk heavily, and then fell to the ground, lying on the ground, panting heavily, he had no strength to get up again.

Yan Xiang moved his feet and rushed to Tiemu's side, "Uncle Tiemu, are you alright?"

"Run, ignore me. There's a trap ahead, he won't be able to catch you." Tiemu gasped weakly.

"I won't leave you alone, you saved me." Yan Xiang picked up Tie Mu's body and ran wildly.

Tie Mu leaned on Yan Xiang, showing surprise.Although Yan Xiang had already carried him to add an extra weight, Yan Xiang's speed did not slow down at all, and even accelerated a lot.He himself already weighed over a hundred catties, and with the addition of an ax that weighed nearly one hundred catties, it weighed a full two hundred catties. How did Yan Xiang do it?

But Yan Xiang seemed to be as light as nothing, walking like flying, and immediately distanced himself from the black bear.

In the bushes, Dashan and the other three hid in a hidden place, secretly observing Yanxiang and Tiemu.

"Dashan, Lao Tie seems to be dying. Shall we go out and help?" A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a Chinese face showed a look of anxiety.

"Don't worry, they are almost at the trap. None of you are allowed to go out. If you go out, you will fight against the tiger mercenary group. Do you really want to do this?" Dashan glanced at the three of them fiercely.

The three of them had no choice but to keep their mouths shut. They were not capable of fighting against the tiger mercenary group.Although they also want to go out to help Temu, but I have to think about it myself.The three of them basically have wives and children. Even if they can disregard their own lives, they still have to think about their families.

Da Shan naturally knew the concerns of the three of them, he smiled and continued to observe Yan Xiang who was rushing towards him.

Yanxiang's eyes were fixed on the front, looking for the buried trap.I see, there are still traces of loose soil, and the trap is there.

Yanxiang carried the mountain to the front of the trap, then stopped, and waited for the black bear to catch up. He only had to wait for the black bear to rush over, and he quickly ran over the trap, and the black bear would fall into the trap up.

Hei Xiong didn't know that there was a trap behind Yan Xiang, he roared and rushed over, and as expected, he rushed towards him.

Yan Xiang retreated quickly, but his body suddenly fell into the trap, and the body of the black bear also fell into the trap.

what happened?Doesn't it mean that this trap can completely bear the weight of a person?Why did he fall down as soon as he stepped on it? There were a lot of sharp tree tops and swords planted underneath.Yan Xiang made a decisive decision, and with a force of both hands, Tiemu was thrown out of the trap, and he and the black bear fell into the trap together.

The process is complicated, but it all happens in an instant.Tiemu was thrown out of the trap and fell to the side. He was still in a daze, unable to realize what happened.

Then he remembered that Yan Xiang and Hei Xiong had fallen into the trap together. He threw himself into the trap and shouted, "Yan Xiang? How are you? Are you alright?"

But the trap was deep and dark, and he couldn't see anything.I can't see the situation of the black-haired monster, nor can I see the situation of Yanxiang.

"Don't shout, I planted a sword in this trap, and anyone who falls will surely die." Dashan walked out of the bushes with the other three.

"Didn't you say it was just to ambush the black bear? Why did you do this, this trap can't bear the weight of a person at all, you want to harm us?" Tiemu stared at Dashan fiercely.

"To be precise, it was harming you. Who knew that kid would save you and act as a scapegoat himself. But he deserves it. There are not many such people, and there are not many people like this." Dashan showed a ferocious smile.

"Why? Why did you do this?" Just after being injured, Tiemu's body was already so weak that he could only shout at the mountain at the top of his lungs.

"Why? I just blame you for being ignorant. You knew that I was interested in your daughter, but you stopped me in every possible way. In the end, I came to propose marriage in person, but you still didn't agree. You made me lose face in front of my brothers. I won't kill you , I feel so comfortable." Dashan said with a cruel expression.

"What about you?" Tie Mu's eyes fell on the three people behind Dashan, his eyes were full of disappointment, "You are my brothers who were born and died with me, are you just watching him do this?"

The three of them hung their heads in shame and said nothing. They also had their own worries.

"They are not as stupid as you. They are very sensible. You can only blame yourself for being so ignorant that you dare to offend me. A little barbarian dares to offend my tiger mercenary group. You want to die." Dashan walked to Tiemu In front of him, he kicked Temu's chest fiercely.

Tiemu spat out another mouthful of blood, but his eyes were still staring at Dashan resentfully.

"Don't look at me like that, I will take good care of your daughter. Make sure to let her enjoy the blessings of men and women every night, and I will feed her well, idiot, go to hell!" Body, thrown into the trap forcefully.

Seeing Tiemu's body falling into the trap, he smiled!

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