country sex

Chapter 305 The Holy Lord

Chapter 305 The Holy Lord

Yan Xiang couldn't understand such great patriotism, and he only half-understood this matter, so he couldn't make a conclusion.

What holy master, what is related to the life and death of the country, is it that serious?He thought it was just a simple escort, but he didn't expect to be so involved.

Back beside the carriage, Yan Xiang looked at Du Yu and said in no hurry, "I think it's necessary to tell me what kind of escort this is, right?"

Du Yu sighed, "Well, Brother Yan has helped us so much, so we don't need to hide it from you. In fact, we are from a country to the east of the barbarians. Our country is not as good as the barbarians. Maybe only Meet two-thirds of the size. In addition, we are not as warlike as the barbarians, and we have always lived in harmony. Until half a year ago..."

Du Yu paused and continued, "Half a year ago, Man Shen fell in love with our country's princess and wanted to marry our princess. If it can maintain the harmony of neighboring countries, this is nothing. But many important identities in the country The generals and ministers do not agree to the marriage, and strongly oppose the marriage."

"The barbarian god was furious, so he sent troops to attack our country. Our country has never been easy to fight, so there are not many experts. Facing the attack of the barbarian god, we were quickly defeated. With nothing to do, we had no choice but to propose to take the Holy Lord personally. Send it over to be the wife of the barbarian god, so as to defuse the war between the two countries."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he fell into silence.

As soon as Yan Xiang arrived at this place, he had heard Tiemu talk about Manshen. In his impression, Manshen should be the kind of guy who is aloof and worshiped by others. Unexpectedly, he is also such a selfish and domineering guy.Just because the other party didn't marry the princess to him, he sent troops to attack, and made a big fight. It seems that this barbarian is not a good person.

"If it's such an important matter related to the country, why only a few of you are sent to escort it? Isn't that a little too hasty?"

"Originally we thought that this matter should be very smooth. Sending the princess to the Manshen, the Manshen will not send people to stop it. We will not stop it for the sake of the country. But who knows, there are still some people in the country who are afraid of chaos in the world. People came to attack us. In addition, there are not many masters in our country, if there is an accident, it is useless to send many people." Du Yu explained slowly.

"I see." Yan Xiang stroked his chin and nodded.

"But now only I, Yun Bai, and Brother Yan are left with fighting capabilities, and the enemy will definitely attack again. I'm afraid we really won't be able to reach Jiangcheng safely. Hey!" Du Yu sighed sadly Take a breath.

"Don't worry, since Big Brother Du is honest with me, I will do my best." Yan Xiang said.

"Then thank you Brother Yan." Du Yu patted Yan Xiang's shoulder and got back on the horse. "Let's continue on the road!"

Yun Bai, Yan Xiang, and Xiao Wei also mounted their horses and continued on their way.

In the evening, several people arrived at a mountain. In order to prevent the enemy from attacking, Du Yu decided to continue on his way.And it was not far from Jiangcheng, about two days away.

If you are tired, you will lie down on the horse and close your eyes to rest. If there is any situation, the awake person will remind the resting person.After a while, Xiao Wei was also tired.Yanxiang hugged Xiaowei into his arms and let Xiaowei rest in his arms.With a slightly red face and a sweet smile, Xiao Wei fell asleep in Yan Xiang's arms.

Du Yu kept his eyes wide open, holding a dagger in his hand.As soon as he felt tired and his eyelids were heavy, he blinked the dagger on his leg without hesitation, then regained consciousness and continued to move forward.He knew that there were not many people, and anyone could sleep, but he couldn't sleep, and he couldn't relax at all, otherwise he would lose his head.

After a day's journey, one of Du Yu's thighs was already bloody.Yan Xiang shook his head frequently. Under such circumstances, even if Du Yu persevered, he would definitely lose the ability to fight when the enemy came to attack.

As for Yan Xiang, his rest method is much better.When he feels tired, he just needs to close his eyes and practice for an hour, and he will be able to fully regain consciousness.Moreover, when he was practicing, his sense organs were also in an extremely sensitive state. If there was an enemy coming to attack him, he would definitely feel it.

He also persuaded Du Yu to let Du Yu rest.But Du Yu said bravely that he could do it, and he was very energetic.

Knowing that in the evening of the next day, Du Yu couldn't hold on any longer, fell off his horse, and fell into a coma.

So the group stopped and found a place to rest.Without the mark left by Huaxin, the enemy seemed to have really lost track of them, and they did not come to raid that day or night.And there is still one day left. Tomorrow, they should be able to reach Jiangcheng, and they will be able to relax completely by then.

But tonight is destined not to be a Christmas Eve!

Several people were resting in a cave, when suddenly the bushes outside shook, and there was still a faint fire in the cave.Yan Xiang was afraid that the enemy was ambushing him, so he wanted to go out and have a look.But Yun Bai held Yan Xiang back and said, "Brother Yan, you are capable, stay here to protect the Lord and Brother Du, I'll go out and have a look."

Yan Xiang thinks about it too, if the enemy is to divert the tiger away from the mountain, the people here will be in danger after he goes out.

Yun Bai went out to investigate the situation with his long sword in hand, but he didn't come back for a long time.Yan Xiang also went to the entrance of the cave and looked around worriedly, Yun Bai must be in danger.

At this moment, suddenly a figure slowly leaned over while supporting the dodge.Yan Xiang's eyes were fixed, he clenched the Setting Sun Sword tightly in his hand, and stared cautiously at the person coming.

The figure walked very slowly, and it took a while to reach the entrance of the cave, and then fell to the ground all at once.Seeing that the situation was not right, Yan Xiang hurried over to look up the figure, and now he was stunned.

This person is obviously Yun Bai, but at this time his whole body is covered with blood, and his face is also stained with blood so that he can't see clearly.There were more than [-] wounds all over his body, and blood flowed out like a stream.Yun Bai still had his last breath. He raised his hand, tightly grasping Yan Xiang's clothes, and said in a weak voice, "There are enemies... in ambush." ​​After speaking, he died.

Yan Xiang brought Yun Bai into the cave, and the sleeping Du Yu had woken up.Seeing Yun Bai's tragic death at a glance, he widened his bloodshot eyes and was speechless for a while.

After regaining consciousness, he didn't say a word, raised the knife beside him and rushed towards the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage, and shouted, "I'm going to kill you. Since we can't escort you, Holy Master, to Jiangcheng Then I can only kill you with my own hands so that you will not be captured by the enemy."

The eyes of the woman in the carriage were full of sadness and fear, and she looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu swung his knife and slashed at the woman...

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