country sex

Chapter 334 Strange Cave

Chapter 334 Strange Cave

After leaving the town, Yan Xiang and his party set off in the direction of the desert.Estimated according to the distance on the map, there are at least seven or eight days.

If there is a town to settle down, everyone will rest, and if there is no place to settle down, they will rest on the barren mountains.Although it seems to be very hard work, in fact, several people have a very leisurely life along the way.

If you are hungry and have no dry food, you will hunt wild animals in the mountains and roast them. The aroma is overflowing and it makes people salivate.Yan Xiang is very good at relying on beasts. He even bought a few packs of salt in the town, sprinkled some salt on the roasted meat, and then bit it down. The oil overflowed from the corner of his mouth. The taste is indescribable. enjoy.

Even later, even if they met a few people in the inn, they would not go in, and they all clamored for Yanxiang to roast the beast to eat.

Yan Xiang could only sigh while clutching his forehead, those who are capable work harder, this is the result of knowing more, and these carnivorous guys are really too greedy...

After a long journey, Yanxiang and his party finally came to the deserted desert.

The strong wind blew up, blowing up a piece of yellow sand, filling people's eyes, the sky and the earth were the same color, and it was impossible to tell the direction at all.Yan Xiang has not yet found where is the mysterious place?

The yellow sand is so chaotic and charming, even a horse can pass without a horseshoe!

Huang Yu looked at Zhang Mo next to him and asked, "Where is the destination? If we get lost in this desert, we will really have no way out."

An enemy that can be seen is not terrible, but if it is an enemy of nature, it is terrible.The power of nature is unrivaled. No matter how deep your martial arts are, no matter how high your skill is, you can only wait for death when facing the threat of nature.

Zhang Mo slowly opened the yellowed map, squinted his eyes and said, "This place is not marked on the map, it seems that we have to find it ourselves."

Yuwen Youyou said in surprise, "You're still joking at this time, this desert is pale and boundless, how do we find it?"

"This is really not a joke, we really have to rely on ourselves." Zhang Mo said helplessly.

"Okay, let's stand and complain that the road will never appear in front of us, let's start looking. If it is marked like this on the map, it should be right." Yan Xiang said.

Then the four of them walked in the vast desert, looking for the elusive way back.

On the first day, there was plenty of food and water. Although the yellow sand blown into the clothes was uncomfortable, it didn't have any effect.

On the second day, the four of them began to feel a little difficult. Although they still had water and food, they were already very exhausted.Because sleeping in this desert, the temperature at night is completely different from that during the day, it is terribly cold.Not only that, when I wake up the next day, the seven orifices may be filled with sand.

So the four of them seldom slept, and continued to search while meditating.But Xiao Wei is different, he can't use force, and his body is not strong, so she has to sleep.But he couldn't sleep well, and now his mental state is extremely depressed, his eyes are half-closed and half-open, and he will fall down at any time.

On the third day, both Xiaowei and Yuwen Youyou couldn't hold on anymore.

On the fifth day, not to mention Xiao Wei and Yu Wen You You, even Yan Xiang and Zhang Mo were about to collapse.The vast desert still couldn't find the way back, and even the way out of the desert couldn't be found. The four of them were completely lost.

Zhang Mo's feet softened, he half-kneeled on the ground, lowered his head in shame and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you, I dragged you to this ghost place, it seems that we are really going to die here."

Xiaowei and Yuwen Youyou's lips were dry, their breathing was weak, and they couldn't speak.Yan Xiang helped Zhang Mo up and comforted him, "Don't be discouraged, we have to persevere, and we will definitely find our way back."

Zhang Mo sighed and said, "You don't need to comfort me anymore. We've run out of food and water now. Within three days, we will be buried in this yellow sand. How can we find a way out?"

Yan Xiang was silent and didn't speak, he also knew that the chance was slim now, but what can he do?As long as there is still a breath, he will not give up, he must find the way back.

"Brother Yan, are we really going to die here?" Xiao Wei leaned against Yan Xiang and asked in a weak voice.

"Are you afraid?" Yan Xiang asked Xiao Wei with his arms around her.

"Don't be afraid, if there is no Brother Yan, I might have died long ago. As long as I can die with you, no matter what, I am not afraid." Xiaowei said with all her strength.

Yan Xiang was very comforted in his heart, hugged Xiao Wei tightly and said, "We will not die, no matter what, I will not let you die."

Yuwen Youyou looked at Yanxiang and Xiaowei who were snuggling up, with envy flashing in his eyes.At the same time, she was also praying in her heart, hoping that the pair of fateful mandarin ducks would survive.

Another burst of yellow sand blew past, and the four of them narrowed their eyes.But at this moment, Zhang Mo's face changed in horror, pointing to the front and exclaiming, "Look, what is that?"

Yan Xiang stared and saw that in the yellow sand in front of him, there was a tornado blowing here.Yan Xiang was also taken aback, "Run, don't be blown away by the tornado, or you will definitely die."

The four of them turned around and ran, but in the desert where they would sink as deep as they stepped on, their speed was comparable to the tornado that was chasing after them.

Soon they were sucked into a huge tornado.

All Yanxiang saw was yellow sand, a vast expanse of yellow, and then his consciousness gradually blurred, and he didn't know anything.When he woke up, he was in a cave, surrounded by things like fireflies flying in the sky, making the surroundings glow with a faint light.

Yan Xiang sat up all of a sudden, his consciousness was still in a trance, he rubbed his temples, what happened?What is this place?Wasn't he caught in the tornado?

He looked sideways and found a few vague figures lying on the left and right, which must be Zhang Mo, Yuwen Youyou and Xiaowei.Yan Xiang went to wake up a few people, and they got up one after another, all in a daze because they were puzzled by the current situation.

Zhang Mo looked around, touched the surroundings with his hands and said, "This is a cave, surrounded by hard stone walls. The diameter of this cave is about three feet, not big. I guess we were blown into it by a tornado Here it comes. I suspect that this cave is under the desert."

Yan Xiang nodded and said, "I think so too. It's just that if it's underground in the desert, we should have sand on our heads. But it's also a hard rock wall, and there's no way out."

Zhang Mo said, "This is the headache."

But then Yan Xiang found a small water pool in the middle of the cave, and the few people were overjoyed, and hurried over to drink a full.Then they discovered that there was not much water in this pool, and they probably drank it up in two days like their drinking method.

The four of them sat down against the stone wall of the cave, their eyes dazed, and they began to worry...

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