country sex

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Falling into such a big cave, taking time to solve the problem of survival, the four of them should work together to find the exit.However, due to Zhang Mo and Yuwen Youyou's big fight before, the cooperation between the four must be carefully negotiated.As a result, mutual trust has been reduced to a minimum.

Zhang Mo and Yuwen Youyou also stared at each other warily, and the atmosphere seemed tense again.

Yan Xiang hurriedly stood until the two directly relieved, "How about this, let's find the exit together first, shall we? When we find the exit, we will calculate the grievances between each other."

Zhang Moyu Wenyou still stared at the other party.

"Okay!" Yuwen said leisurely.

"It's time to go." Zhang Mo said.

What is time-based travel?Will they have to kill each other again after a while?But Yan Xiang didn't bother to think about it, as long as the two of them didn't fight.

So, the four of them started to disperse to find the exit.This cave seems to be the previous cave that has been expanded ten times, with a large pool in the middle, surrounded by smooth stone walls, without any gaps or exits.Finally, all four of them gathered in front of a figure carved on the stone wall above.

This figure is more than ten feet tall, with a majestic face, and the carving is extremely detailed, and the face looks lifelike.What surprised the four of them the most was that this figure had six hands, just like the legendary Nezha.

Who is this portrait?The four couldn't help but ponder.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Mo raised his head to look at the stone statue, his eyes could not help showing a look of astonishment, "Could this stone statue be Tianzun?"

"** Tianzun?" Yan Xiang was also startled.

Yuwen Youyou and Xiaowei don't know, so they probably don't know who is ** Tianzun?

"How can you be sure that this is Tianzun?" Yan Xiang looked at Zhang Mo.

If this is ** Tianzun, then the four of them broke into ** Tianzun's cave by mistake.And it is said that ** Tianzun is a fellow practitioner of Zhengmao Kungfu, the supreme god and man, but no one knows what his temper is like.But ** Tianzun is a person from the previous world, and finally locked himself on the cliff of death, why is he here again?

By the way, Jueming Cliff, where did Yanxiang come from?Could it be that ** Tianzun has also been to this place?

"I have a painting pavilion on Kunlun Mountain. There are all kinds of portraits in the painting pavilion. I have seen the portrait of Tianzun in it. It is exactly the same as this stone statue." Zhang Mo said affirmatively.

"In this way, this is really ** Tianzun, but why the statue of ** Tianzun is here, it's really strange!" Yan Xiang frowned and thought hard.

"Shua..." Zhang Mo suddenly threw a sword energy at Yan Xiang, Yan Xiang turned sideways to avoid the sword energy, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Didn't you say that you won't do it until you find the exit?"

"Hmph, I don't care about that much now. I have heard that there are a large number of treasures in the place where Tianzun is located, and there are peerless cultivation secrets. Besides, we have broken up. I will not let you get the secrets and treasures Yes, so I will kill you first." Zhang Mo stared at Yan Xiang and Yu Wenyouyou coldly.

Yan Xiang couldn't figure out why Zhang Mo suddenly became so mad, completely disregarding morality and benevolence. Is it because no one in this place knows his evil deeds, so he will act recklessly?

Yan Xiang pulled out the Setting Sun Sword, and said indifferently, "Okay, since that's the case, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Let's decide the winner, and the winner can walk out alive."

Yuwen Youyou inserted her hand into her clothes, "Don't forget I'm still there."

"Xiaowei, stand aside, don't come over." Yan Xiang turned around and said to Xiaowei.

Xiaowei nodded and stepped back to lean against the wall.She knew that even if she went up by herself, she wouldn't be able to help, so she could only hide and watch.

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, confronting each other, but no one made the first move, because the one who made the first move was likely to be attacked by the other two.

As time passed by, Yan Xiang suddenly felt the ground shaking.Not only Yan Xiang, Zhang Mo and Yu Wen Youyou also felt it, and the three of them looked at each other for some reason.

At this moment, a large stream of water spouted from the pool in the middle, rushing into the water, hitting the stone wall on the top, and then turning into little drops of water and falling down.

This sudden turn of events made the four of them widen their eyes in surprise, dumbfounded.But what happened?Is the cave about to collapse?The shaking of the ground became more and more severe.

"Boom..." There was another explosion in the pool, and a big green toad jumped out, stretched its limbs in the air like a roc, and then fell to the ground.

This toad is very big, as wide as two feet and as tall as two people. It looks like a big tank.With turquoise skin, his back was covered with pimples that made people feel numb, his chin was bulging, and his round eyes rolled around, as if he was looking at the four of them.

Yan Xiang had never seen such a big toad before, so he opened his mouth wide and asked in a daze, "What is this!"

This is a toad, everyone knows it is a toad, but has anyone seen such a big one?And what is the meaning of this toad jumping up suddenly?How lethal is it?

The three of them had already forgotten that they were going to have a duel, and they all stepped back lightly, leaning their backs against the wall, carefully watching the toad, for fear of offending the big toad.

However, the big toad seemed to have noticed the three of Yanxiang, spit out a mouthful of green saliva, and shot at the three of Yanxiang.

The three hurried to the side, avoiding the green saliva.But Yuwen Youyou was a step too slow, as he was about to be shot by saliva, Yan Xiang dodged over again and pushed Yuwen Youyou away.But he couldn't dodge in time, his arm was stained with green saliva, and a puff of green smoke suddenly rose.

When I looked at the arm again, I found that the flesh and clothes on the arm had corroded a large piece, exposing the white bones inside.A piercing pain spread all over his body, Yan Xiang screamed, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

The venom was so powerful that it corroded a large piece of flesh on Yan Xiang's arm just by touching it.If it was all sprayed on Yuwen Youyou's body, it would melt Yuwen Youyou's whole body.

Yuwen Youyou was also frightened when she saw Yan Xiang's appearance. He didn't expect that Yan Xiang would risk her life to save herself at this critical moment. Thinking of her behavior before, she felt extremely ashamed and complicated, and she didn't know what to do. taste.

"Be careful, this venom is very poisonous, don't touch it." Although his face was already pale, Yan Xiang still gritted his teeth and reminded the three of them.

The toad didn't stop attacking because of this, looked with his eyes, and seemed to find the injured Yan Xiang, opened his mouth and sprayed out another mouthful of venom...

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