country sex

Chapter 348 True Martial Seven Swords

Chapter 348 True Martial Seven Swords

Wen Cheng fell down to sit under the tree and closed his eyes to exercise his kung fu. He was afraid that he would not get better for a while. The old man surnamed Zhang was secretly gathering spiritual energy, preparing to detonate the Explosive Lingzhu that he had treasured for many years. Toys can be made by almost ascetics who can absorb spiritual energy. They are disposable items. The difference lies in the material of the beads themselves, and the quality of the material determines their power. The spiritual power absorbed in the first three years can almost sink a small island. The low-quality ones are like the detonators of the cannonballs played by children during the Chinese New Year. One can be refined in a few days. The momentum is good, but in the cultivation world, It's totally useless~

The Explosive Spirit Bead hidden by the old man surnamed Zhang was searched out from a demon cultivator in the early years. It is of high-grade quality and made of top-grade Haoyue Stone. With his cultivation base, he has poured ten years of spiritual power into it. , this sudden explosion, naturally cannot be underestimated.

Seeing Yanxiang explaining his back move in one word, he simply did nothing and was about to throw the bead over immediately, but suddenly he was in a trance: "Hey! Why are his eyes so deep? In those little eyes, ah~ the stars are spinning~" This is his last memory, his consciousness has been erased by Yan Xiang with his cunning eye contact, but his memory has been absorbed by him, and he only picked it up Some exercises and sword moves, and the body of the old man surnamed Zhang was controlled by Yan Xiang. From then on, he had a thug with a high status in the monastic world.

Wen Chengjia sat on the ground with his eyes closed tightly, as if he hadn't heard the movement outside, Yanxiang chuckled, let's see how you die now, it's too cheap for him to cut him with a sword, how about..., turn around and join the girls All in all, yes, everyone's childlike innocence was raised at the moment, Yan Xiang found a tree vine, and touched the tip of Wen Cheng's nose lightly. , A burst of powdery breath filled the air, Yan Xiang secretly exclaimed that he couldn't take it anymore, the charm technique of the Weihu School is very powerful, no wonder it can occupy a place in the magic way, with my concentration, I can only be a second-generation disciple like him. It can be resisted, if it is like the second protector of that day, or the head of the sect is first-class, then it’s okay. Now I have to reflect on myself, smooth my growing arrogance, and continue to strengthen my ability~

Not to mention how beneficial Yan Xiang's self-examination will be in the future, but also Wen Cheng's practice of martial arts is at a critical moment, he must be calm and calm, and not be disturbed by the outside world, otherwise there will be the danger of going crazy, and suddenly his ear He exhaled hot air, and smelled a powdery breath. He wanted to hold his breath to get rid of distracting thoughts, but it was too late. The breath was inhaled into the body, and the matter of men and women making peace naturally appeared in his heart. Controlled rushing left and right, qi and blood surged, a terrifying scene arose in my heart, bloody cheeks, constantly changing faces from skeletons to gushing maggots, and then growing carrion, the cycle was endless, and finally "ah~" With a long cry, Wen Cheng, the successor of Wudang, lost his sanity and had already gone mad. In this way, the righteous way will not tolerate him, and the devil way will not accept him, because the way of magic needs a normal person, not a lunatic who doesn't know friend from foe.

"You framed me that day, and I will pay you back today." Yan Xiang felt a burst of pleasure. He learned from the memory of the old man surnamed Zhang that this Wen Cheng was actually the illegitimate son of the head of Wudang, and he was the best choice for the next generation. Candidates, once a madman today, I don't know what Wudang's head Wen Xuanyi feels in his heart. Although he offended Wudang, the monastic world has always respected the strong. Yan Xiang thought he would not be afraid of him, so since he offended Well, let's offend him severely!

Suiyan can't use it anymore for the time being, it consumes too much spiritual power, so let's use their Wudang swordsmanship, just come to play again, the finger-wrapping swordsmanship, when the internal force is forced on the sword, the sword becomes soft instantly, but Light and delicate, straight and straight, he can stab wherever he wants, but Wen Cheng, who has lost his mind, doesn't want to play with him, so he directly hits with the thirteen swords of Tai Chi, pumping, belting, lifting, grid, hitting, pointing, stabbing, collapsing, stirring, Pressing, cutting, chopping, hanging, and finger-twisting sword skills are not enough at all, so I had to change to Bianshen Foil Dance. The moves were connected as if the two were playing house, and the tyrannical energy in Wen Cheng's body suddenly gathered on the sword. On the next day, the Tai Chi sword became extremely fierce, and the sword energy was criss-crossing. Yan Xiang was furious: "You don't care about the rules of the game, do you?"Immediately, red sword energy gushed out, attacking one of them, and Wen Cheng spat out blood in an instant and was knocked out.

"Hmph~ Calling you arrogant, you dare to think of a labor-capital woman"?Yan Xiang looked angry.Step by step, he walked over slowly, knelt down, and squeezed Wen Cheng's chin: "You spit it out for me." Uh... the girls don't understand, so what is he trying to make people spit out?It's weird to think about it. It turns out that Yan Xiang just learned from the memory of the old man surnamed Zhang that the white light that knocked the dragon elephant into an unstable shape is a Wudang treasure, the sword of the ancestor Zhang Sanfeng, the real martial arts seven-section sword, As the sword of an unfathomable founder of the mountain, it is naturally called a treasure. More importantly, it has a symbolic meaning, similar to the dog-beating stick of the beggar gang. Seeing this sword is like seeing the head of the sect. It can be seen that the current head of Wudang, Wen Xuan, attaches great importance to this illegitimate son~

"Hehe~ Seeing this sword is like seeing the master? Then how about I become the master?"Feeling so anxious in my heart, but my hands didn't stop, I slapped left and right, "T***, you spit it out for me! Or? Xiaoqi, come out by yourself"?Yuan Li rested her forehead and sighed: "Damn? Is there anything more sleazy than this?"Turn around and can't bear to look any more.

At this time, Xiaolu bounced back: "Ahaha~ Are you stupid? Tell you not to study hard! Please, please, please~ I will tell you what to do if you ask me"!Yan Xiang's face was dark: "Damn! Let me ask for a toad, even if I kill you, the author, be careful when you write like this, I will crush you~" Xiaolu smiled embarrassingly when she saw the dark clouds covering Yan Xiang's head : "Okay! Don't beg me, just please respect me in the future, this beast also has dignity, so in the future, when you want to shoot me flying, you have to think twice... blah blah blah (Three thousand words are omitted below) ...)

Three or ten minutes later, under Yanxiang's glaring eyes, Xiaoluji replied very quickly: "Just take a big magnet and suck it~" Then he closed his mouth obediently, flickering his eyes pretending to be cute, Yanxiang Xiang yelled with a look of astonishment, "I'll fuck it up~ that's okay"?

"Why not? This is a good method~ Otherwise, what are you going to do? Suck with your mouth"?Hearing Xiaolu's wretched voice, without hesitation, he slapped his palm away again, and then there was a voice in the air: "I xx you¥...%&%...&¥&¥", Yan Xiang looked with his eyes: "Um"?Suddenly silence...

"Ahaha~ Magnet! Little KS, I just have to temporarily control you, then obediently spit out the real martial arts seven-section sword."

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