country sex

Chapter 37

Qin Juan asked Yan Xiang to come to the room, mainly because she wanted to talk to Yan Xiang about cultivating Taoism.Unexpectedly, this kid said something here and there, and his mouth was full of unscrupulous nonsense.

It seems that Yanxiang won't listen to her obediently without some tricks.Qin Juan purposely raised her face, and said indifferently in her eyes, "Since this is the case, if you don't have the heart to read the Tao, then there is no point for me to stay. I will pack up and leave tomorrow, and return to the sect. You can do it yourself!"

When Yan Xiang heard this, he panicked.Looking at Qin Juan's face, it didn't look like she was joking at all.He hurriedly shouted, "Cousin, don't be angry, I'm just kidding you. Don't leave, what will I do if you leave. I have been waiting for a cousin like you for more than ten years. , you're leaving and I'm lonely again."

In fact, Yanxiang just didn't understand.If Yanxiang knew about cultivating Taoism, Qin Juan's lies could be seen through at a glance.As a cultivator, Qin Juan has money and wealth outside her body. If she really wants to leave, she can leave immediately.Why bother talking in front of Yan Xiang.

Seeing Yanxiang's pitiful look, Qin Juan couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Okay, I won't leave because of time. But you must obediently listen to me about cultivating Taoism!"

Yan Xiang sat on the bed with his hands tied like a good boy and said, "Well, it's best for my cousin never to leave. I'll listen to whatever you say!"

In fact, Yanxiang is just pretending to cooperate with Qin Juan.Of course he was reluctant to let Qin Juan go, if such a beautiful woman like a fairy was let go, he would be like a pig or a dog.The most important thing is that he hasn't slept with Qin Juan yet.If he left like this, Yan Xiang would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

So no matter what, he will keep Qin Juan even if he is shameless.

Only then did Qin Juan sat down beside her with satisfaction, and then said seriously like a teacher, "Listen, the most important thing for a cultivator is to be ascetic and firm-willed. Don't be obsessed with the world of mortals, otherwise it will be difficult to improve your cultivation. There are also sects popping up all over the world, and there are strong people like forests, if you want to gain a foothold in the world of cultivation, you have to be careful every step of the way."

"En." Yan Xiang nodded solemnly.In fact, he didn't listen to anything, and the wind blew it away from his ears.His main purpose is to let Qin Juan stay, as for the others, he has no extra thoughts to deal with.

What's more, Qin Juan said that these things are far away, so he didn't know it at all.These things will never happen to him, and they have nothing to do with him, so they will naturally be held high.

But things that Yanxiang couldn't think of, since then, these miraculous things have happened to him one after another, causing his life to be turned upside down.

Qin Juan continued, "Do you still remember the old Taoist who taught you the magic power? He is also a senior in the cultivation world, a strong man. But it was because he was alone, helpless, and his friends betrayed him, so he didn't end well. So you In the future, we must be careful, there is no best friend, and there is no eternal enemy."

Yan Xiang wondered, "It's so profound!"

Qin Juan suddenly thought of it and said, "By the way, did you notice any changes in your body after the old Taoist taught you the magical skills?"

Yan Xiang said, "Yes, sometimes I suddenly become invulnerable and invincible. But this state does not exist all the time, it depends on luck."

Qin Juan blinked her eyes and said, "I'm not asking about your magical power. I'm asking about any special changes in certain parts of your body?"

Yan Xiang thought to himself, of course, since he had that miraculous skill.I can't fall with a golden gun, and I can even fight several girls overnight.Naturally, Yan Xiang couldn't express this idea in front of Qin Juan, but said a little shyly, "There is a bit more in one part, but that part is a bit hidden."

Qin Juan's eyes lit up, and she quickly asked, "Where is it? What's there?"

Yan Xiang embarrassedly pointed at the base of his thigh and said, "Here."

However, as soon as Yan Xiang finished speaking, Qin Juan's actions made him turn pale with shock and couldn't handle it.Qin Juan pulled off his trousers, pulled up a corner of his trousers, and looked inside.

Yan Xiang was even more surprised when Qin Juan stripped his pants down suddenly.Could it be that the cousin couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to fight the overlord?Come on, I'm definitely not going to fight back, but it's better to be gentle.

The light was not very good, and Qin Juan couldn't see what was growing on Yanxiang's thigh at all.Taking the desk lamp from the table, it shone on Yanxiang's thighs, and then Qin Juan discovered the truth and said, "Oh, so it is like this."

Being watched by his cousin, Yan Xiang felt an inexplicable sense of excitement.She straightened her lower body and let Qin Juan watch it.

Qin Juan still wanted to see more clearly, but some black hairs stretched out to block her sight, Qin Juan stretched out her hand to tear it off in a rage.

Yan Xiang let out a scream, clutched his crotch and curled up on the bed and said miserably, "Cousin, what are you doing? Do you want me to become a hairless duck? Or do you want to take this opportunity to punish me?"

Qin Juan seemed to realize at this moment what the hair that was torn off just now was, she blushed immediately, and apologized, "Xiao Xiang, I'm sorry, cousin didn't do it on purpose. It was just because I was absorbed in it that I didn't notice it. You are not hurt. Bar?"

Yan Xiang was very angry and said, "I was injured, and it was very serious."

Qin Juan showed concern and said, "Really? Where is the injury? Let my cousin help you look."

Yanxiang was overjoyed, waiting for your words.Then he turned over, took off his underpants and pointed the big guy upright, "Look, it's all swollen by you!"

Qin Juan covered her eyes, but she still couldn't help peeking at Yan Xiang's big guy from between her fingers.It was the first time she saw a man, and she didn't expect it to be so big and scary.Looking at the furious blue veins on it, it is too ferocious and scary.Qin Juan's little heart was beating wildly!

Only then did Yan Xiang proudly put on the big underpants.Seeing that you are still arrogant, I won't scare you to death!

Qin Juan put down her hands covering her eyes and said angrily, "Xiao Xiang, if you mess around again, I will ignore you from now on."

No matter how it sounds, this sentence sounds like flirting.Yan Xiang chuckled and said, "Okay, let's stop making trouble. Let's get down to business, cousin, what did you see in my crotch just now?"

Yanxiang deliberately said that Qin Juan was molested in his crotch.However, Qin Juan recovered very quickly, and immediately turned into a serious look, although her face was still a little flushed and said, "I saw nine suns. Two of them have turned red. If I guessed correctly, this should be It is the manifestation of the level of divine power. This means that you have cultivated to the second level!"

Yan Xiang thought to himself, I already guessed it.But on the face, he said ignorantly, "Really? I've never thought about it that way before, and I've never practiced it before. Why did I get promoted to the second floor?"

Speaking of this question, Qin Juan blushed again.After a long pause, he said, "Actually, there are many magical arts in the world of cultivation that have special ways of cultivating the Tao. The pure Yang school's magical arts are mainly based on Yang Qi. Cousin, have you ever done that with a woman recently? Yin, that's why your magic power has been raised up."

Harvest yang and nourish yin?so smart?Yan Xiang immediately became interested.Sure enough, the wretched old man didn't lie to him. If this miraculous skill can harvest yin and replenish yang, it can indeed conquer women all over the world.

Yan Xiang asked with great interest, "Cousin, what is collecting yin and nourishing yang? Why do you have to do things with women to improve your skills?"

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