country sex

Chapter 40 The Lesson of Blood

"Boom..." A black shadow flashed in the middle of the corridor, and the fat man drew a perfect arc in the air, fell heavily on the ground, vomited blood, and passed out instantly.

The little loli Ziyan shook her tender fingers and said, "Uncle is too bad, you can't swear."

Yan Xiang and Qin Juan looked at Zi Yan in surprise.Although Yan Xiang had already guessed that the origin of Zi Yan was not simple, but he did not expect it to be so fierce that he could knock people unconscious with just one finger.This is too powerful.

But this fat man is looking for death, he dared to moles Qin Juan.Qin Juan has thorns all over her body, not everyone can tease her.Fortunately, Ziyan made the first move.If Qin Juan waited until Qin Juan made a move, the fat man might die in the blink of an eye.

More than a dozen people looked at the fat man who had passed out on the ground in shock, and then they all reacted.He took out his weapon, shouted and rushed towards the three of Yanxiang.

"How dare you do something to kill this girl."

"Come on, brothers, kill him for me." Two of them also took out a Type 54 pistol and aimed it at Yan Xiang. They didn't want to hurt Qin Juan, a beautiful woman.

The Type 54 pistol is the most equipped pistol today.As a triad, you can easily get two with just a little money.Of course, the government strictly prohibits guns, and you can only get a few.If you buy too much, it's arms trafficking, and this crime alone can land you in jail for several years.

When Yan Xiang saw the two guys pull out their pistols, he was startled and quickly hid to the side.It's not that he's timid, but he still has a deep impression on pistols.Especially influenced by underworld movies, if you pull out a gun, bullets will fly all over the place, and a few people will die no matter what.Yanxiang is not a god, so how could he not be afraid.

However, after the two guys took out their pistols, before they aimed, they suddenly saw a figure flash in front of them.Then the cold light suddenly appeared, and only a snap was heard.The two looked intently, and the gun in their hands had been shattered into pieces.How is this possible? The two looked at the cute little girl standing in front of them with great shock.

Zi Yan grinned at the two of them, "Uncle, it's wrong to use weapons!"

Looking at the sharp long sword in Ziyan's hand, the two of them were heartbroken."What are you going to do?" he asked in horror.

Zi Yan giggled, raised her hand, and tapped the hilt of the sword on the acupuncture points on their chests.The two rolled their eyes and fell asleep.

After dodging two pistols, Yan Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.But a guy next to him didn't give Yanxiang a chance to breathe, he took out a sharp switchblade and stabbed Yanxiang in the waist.

Yanxiang hasn't felt the heat in his crotch yet, which means that the magic power hasn't possessed him yet.He didn't dare to fight this guy, so he could only dodge to the side.Suddenly, Yan Xiang felt something soft hit his back, he was taken aback, turned around and reached out to grab it.Very precise, Yan Xiang firmly grasped the soft object.

Yanxiang is very proud, seeing you sneaking up on me.Then he looked up, only to find that Qin Juan was blushing and looking at him angrily.It was only then that Yanxiang discovered that what he was grabbing was Qin Juan's tall snow-white twin peaks.

Er... Yanxiang is depressed!

The guys who surrounded and attacked also showed stunned expressions.Why is this kid so wretched?Now they are fighting and taking the opportunity to eat tofu from other beautiful women.We didn't even eat, so we gave you a head start.Be sure to chop off your hands and feed them to the dogs.

Zi Yan at one corner covered her eyes with her small hand, and said shamelessly, "Big brother is so good or bad!"

Yan Xiang was very embarrassed, and he didn't mean it.But it feels so good, so big, so soft.Yan Xiang couldn't help pinching it twice.

Feeling the movement of her chest, Qin Juan couldn't help moaning.Since he rarely interacts with men, and his breasts are so full-full, they are very sensitive.Even a light touch would make her body melt away, she gritted her silver teeth and looked at Yanxiang bitterly and said, "Stinky boy, have you touched enough and still don't let go."

Qin Juan's low moan made Yan Xiang's blood boil rapidly.The roots of the thighs burned instantly.

Come, this is the feeling, possessed by magic!

Like a raging lion, Yan Xiang roared, staring at a dozen people arrogantly and said, "Aren't you a triad? Come on, let me see how much money you have."

The two guys in suits in front jumped forward and stabbed Yan Xiang in the chest with a straight-edged bayonet.Yan Xiang punched the two men's wrists, and with a click, their wrists were actually broken, and the bayonet fell to the ground.Yan Xiang took a step forward, grabbed the hair of the two and bumped them against the wall.Blood spurted out, and the two screamed and fell to the ground.

Everyone else was stunned by Yan Xiang's brutality.What's the matter with this Nima?Texas Chainsaw is really happening.A few timid ones even wanted to turn around and run away immediately.

Yan Xiang didn't have a chance to confess to them, he was just punched and kicked when he went up, as long as he was hit by Yan Xiang's fists or kicks, at least two bones would be broken.

After a while, the corridor was full of people lying in disorder.Everyone clutched their sore spots and screamed, they met an evil star today!

Yan Xiang walked to the room guarded by more than a dozen people.Kicked open the door and walked in.

On the big pink bed in the room, Liu Ting's hands were handcuffed on the bed frame.His eyes were slightly closed, with tears in the corners of his eyes.The clothes on the chest had been torn off, exposing the white flesh inside.The bottom was also taken off so that only a small white underwear was left, and the blackness between Liu Ting's legs could still be seen.

Mu Long was playing with Liu Ting with a lewd face.The sound insulation effect of this room is also really good, it's very noisy outside.Mulong didn't even realize it, and was still having fun inside.

But Liu Ting is so beautiful.So he didn't enter Liu Ting's body right away, but played with Liu Ting's body slowly like an antique.So much so that after more than 20 minutes, I still haven't gotten to the point.Until Yanxiang entered the room, he regretted it, and went directly to it if he knew it.What more foreplay is needed!

Yan Xiang kicked open the door and saw this scene, he couldn't help being furious.He ran over and dragged the wooden dragon out of the bed, and he was beaten wildly while riding on the wooden dragon.

Mulong raised his fists to resist, but with a click, the bones in both hands were broken.Yan Xiang's fists rained down on his body and face, ruthlessly destroying his body.

Qin Juan put on clothes for Liu Ting, who was naked, and pinched the handcuffs with her fingers, causing the handcuffs to break in two.

"Ah, don't fight, I admit defeat. It hurts so much, big brother, uncle, please don't fight! If you fight again, you will die!" Mu Long vomited blood, holding his head weakly, and screamed.

Only then did Yan Xiang stop, he was also tired from the beating.It turns out that beating people is also a labor-intensive job.Yan Xiang stood up and said coldly, "Kneel down!"

Mulong didn't care about the pain in his whole body, he quickly got up, and knelt down on the ground like a dog.

Yan Xiang hugged Liu Ting and kicked Mu Long in the chest.Kick the wooden dragon out and hit the wall of the room.Mu Long felt as if his chest was cracked, and a few more ribs were probably broken.

Yan Xiang said viciously, "Don't let me see you in the future. Otherwise, you should prepare the coffin first!"

Holding Liu Ting out of the room.In the corridor, more than 20 security guards rushed up with an electric baton, blocking the intersection of the corridor.Seeing the seriously injured person lying on the ground, a group of security guards carefully stared at the three of Yan Xiang.It's not easy for these three people to settle so many gangsters with just their hands.

Yan Xiang held Liu Ting in his arms, and now he felt like a generation of overlord Xiang Yu's Gaitian momentum. He glanced at more than 20 security guards and shouted, "Zi Yan, open the way!"

Come on, brothers.Collection recommendation!

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