country sex

Chapter 52

"Hey, that kid seems to be staring at your ass all the time. He doesn't want to fuck you, does he?" A guy said to the fat guy next to him with a half-smile.

This fat man was the one who was stared at by Yan Xiang in order to arouse his miraculous skills.The fat man turned his head to look at Yan Xiang, Yan Xiang had been looking at his butt, and now he was still looking at his crotch.Furious, he rushed to Yan Xiang in a few steps, stepped on Yan Xiang's face fiercely and cursed, "You mother, you pervert. I thought I would like you if you look like a boy, let you stare at me." Grab my ass, I will trample you to death."

The fat man kept cursing, and stepped on Yan Xiang until Yan Xiang's mouth and nose bleed.

Only then did Mu Long stop and said, "Stop your hands, get out of the way, and help him up."

Another basin of cold water was poured on Yan Xiang's face, washing away the blood stains on Yan Xiang's face.The two men carried the wooden dragon to Yanxiang.Because Mulong's hands and feet were severely damaged by Yanxiang, he can only rely on the help of his subordinates now.He stared at Yanxiang intently and asked, "How, do you know what it's like now?"

Yan Xiang licked his dry lips and said, "You dare not kill me."

"Wrong." Mu Long shook his head and said coldly, "It's not that I don't dare to kill you, but that I and you are still useful. In Jiangchuan City, my underworld forces occupy one side, and what I say is an imperial decree. Even the police will give it to you." I have three points of face, so what if I kill you? There is no proof, but they still let me and dare not provoke me. Do you think your life is more precious than others? "

"Big mistake, everyone is the same. One bullet can kill you, you are not qualified!" Mu Long said excitedly, spitting on Yan Xiang's face vigorously.

Being the boss really has unusual thoughts, and this awareness alone is not something everyone has.Yan Xiang showed a slight smile and said, "Then tell me, what value do I have?"

Mu Long smiled and said, "You're still a smart person. Let's make it clear that people don't speak secretly. You just need to pick up the phone and call the beauty from last time. When I'm happy, maybe I can let you go."

It turned out that this guy was still trying to trick Liu Ting, he was really daring.Yan Xiang changed his mind, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.Nodding and laughing, "So you are just a woman for her, so why bother? Brother Long, you told me earlier, and I stripped her naked and tied her up and sent her to you."

Mu Long was stunned, looked at Yan Xiang half-believingly and asked, "Really? Are you trying to play tricks again?"

Yan Xiang shook his head and smiled, "How dare you? Don't I really want my life? Compared with my life, what is a woman. Brother Long is happy, why do I dare to keep it private again, Brother Long, please give me the phone. I will call her over right away. "

Mu Long still couldn't believe it.He really didn't expect Yan Xiang to change so quickly, before he risked his life to save that woman.Now that he said it so easily, he sold the house after changing hands?

"Really?" Mu Long took out the phone and said, "You'd better be honest, if you dare to play tricks, you can ask Tuomeng to send someone to go to the back mountain to pick up your corpse."

Yan Xiang shrank his head in fear and said, "Oh, how dare you. Boss, look at me. If I say half a sentence wrong, you will be me, without a single complaint."

Only then did Mu Long give the phone to a younger brother next to him, who looked at Yanxiang and said, "Phone number?"

Yan Xiang gave out the landline number of Sister Liu Ting's home.The younger brother dialed the phone, and after a few rings, someone answered the phone.The younger brother turned on the loudspeaker and handed it to Yanxiang's ear.Yan Xiang hurriedly shouted, "Sister Liu Ting, is that Sister Liu Ting?"

Mu Long also became nervous, looking at Yan Xiang without turning his eyes.

The gentle and sweet voice on the other end of the phone said, "It's me, who are you?"

Yan Xiang said, "It's me, I'm Xiao Xiang. I'm buying goods now, but I haven't brought any money with me. The boss won't let me go. You can bring money here."

Liu Ting asked suspiciously, "Xiao Xiang, how is it possible? The money I gave you is clearly enough to purchase the goods. The boss didn't lie to you, did he?"

Yanxiang said eagerly, "No, Brother Zhang recommended me a new place to buy goods. He said the goods here are cheap, so I came here. It turned out to be really cheap, so I wanted to buy more, who knows that the money is not enough. This opportunity Not many, sister Liu Ting, please bring Zi Yan and cousin over here to help buy the goods."

Mu Long immediately motioned for his younger brother to cover the phone.He sternly said to Yanxiang, "What do you want to do? Only let that beauty come alone, no one more will do. You want to die, right?"

Yan Xiang hurriedly nodded, and quickly changed his words to the phone, "Uh, Sister Liu Ting, you should come alone. If you come too much, you may not be able to sit in the car, so you can come alone."

Liu Ting trusted Yan Xiang very much, and asked, "Where are you? I'll be right there."

Yanxiang looked at Mulong, and Mulong said the name of the place.Yan Xiang also said to Liu Ting, "This is No. 49 West Road Street, sister Liu Ting, come quickly. Remember someone, I want to buy more goods. Do, do, don't—I want that girl Ziyan Come here. That girl is making a lot of noise, it would be bad if she messed things up." Yan Xiang also wanted to say that the younger brother had already put the phone away.

Mu Long looked at Yan Xiang suspiciously and asked, "Are you really willing to call that beauty over?"

Yan Xiang said indifferently, "Of course I'm willing, you're just a daughter, and I don't lack women. I'm a good young man, so there's no need to waste my life for a woman."

Mu Long frowned and said, "You are so cheap!"

Yan Xiang was taken aback.

Mu Long then grinned and said, "But I like bitches."

Yan Xiang also laughed loudly.Mu Long smiled and said, "Don't worry, you know how to do this, and I will definitely not treat you badly after the beauty is settled. Tell me, what do you want? Money, a woman, or a luxury car?"

Yan Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't want anything."

"What? You do so many things and don't want anything?" Mu Long looked at Yan Xiang suspiciously.

Yan Xiang said calmly, "Yes, I don't want anything. I just want to be with Brother Long forever, go up the mountain of swords, go down into the sea of ​​fire, and fight the world with Brother Long."

"Eh." Mulong was stunned for a moment and then laughed loudly, "Okay, you are a good boy. Not only cheap, but also wicked. But I like it, okay, as long as you get rid of this beauty, you will be my right-hand man from now on. If I eat a mouthful of meat, I will definitely not miss a mouthful of soup for you." Mu Long said so passionately that he almost stood up from his chair.

In fact, Mulong is just acting for Yanxiang.Now he just took the time to give Yan Xiang a verbal promise, so that he would not keep Yan Xiang by his side.Now Yan Xiang gave him the impression that he was a rebellious villain who would stab someone in the back at any time.To keep Yanxiang is to keep tigers infested.

After the beauty arrived, he immediately slaughtered Yanxiang.Then everything will be fine and calm!

Mu Long thought perfectly, but did things really develop as he thought?

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