country sex

Chapter 54 Double Fly

"Oh, what do you want to do?" Yan Xiang asked, looking down at Mu Long with his feet slightly loose.

Mu Long breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Money, I'll give you whatever you want."

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "Money is a good thing, but you are very fierce. You just said that I would not have a good life if you died. You are still alive, how can you tell me to trust you."

Mu Long was seriously injured, and the injury is still not healed, and now he is being tortured by Yan Xiang.That feeling is really worse than death.The pain made him burst into tears, he looked at Yan Xiang pitifully and said, "Brother, what do you want?"

Yan Xiang turned around and walked to Zi Yan's side, whispering something to Zi Yan in a low voice.Then he returned to Mulong with a black pill and said, "You have also seen the strength of that girl, killing people thousands of miles away. Not to mention your subordinates, even if they often can't do anything to us. I have a pill here, you eat it I'll let you go after that."

Mulong glanced at Ziyan with fear, indeed, Ziyan's strength is too terrifying.His subordinates were like babies who had just learned to crawl in front of Zi Yan, they had no ability to resist at all.And the white light just now, I don't know what kind of high-tech weapon it is, anyway, it can't be messed with.

Looking back at the black pill in Yan Xiang's hand, Mu Long asked, "What is this?"

Yan Xiang smiled slightly and said, "This is called poisonous heart insect bite. It is made of poisonous insects and poisonous weeds in Qiqi49. It is extremely poisonous. Most people will die if they eat a small amount."

Mulong asked with fear on his face, "Are you still going to kill me?"

Yan Xiang said, "Don't panic, you won't have an attack so quickly if you eat a whole one now. This is controlled by that girl, as long as you want to harm us, the girl will die immediately if you do something wrong. Now you understand !"

Mulong naturally understood.This pill is a time bomb, Yan Xiang can die whenever he wants.But does he have a choice?If you don't eat it, you will die immediately, but if you eat it, you can live for some days.But sooner or later you will die.He looked at the pill in Yanxiang's hand, his eyes flickered, hesitating.

Yan Xiang said, "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who kills without blinking an eye. I will only get rid of people who want to harm me. You just need to be obedient and behave well, maybe I will give you the antidote."

"Really?" Mu Long looked at Yan Xiang suspiciously.

Yan Xiang asked impatiently, "Are you going to eat or not?"

Mulong hurriedly said, "I'll take it, I'll take it." Mulong grabbed the pill and threw it into his mouth, without chewing it, he just swallowed it.

Only then did Yanxiang stretch his waist in satisfaction. The place where he was beaten just now was sore and painful, but it was also much more comfortable.Yanxiang said, "Give me your phone number. If I call you in the future, you must arrive immediately. Otherwise, you will die. Of course you can run, but the pill will be effective if you go to the ends of the earth. Don't even try to find someone else." Help you solve it, no one can take this pill, and it will attack immediately when encountering external force."

"You'd better remember what I said, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you when you die someday."

The more Mu Long heard it, the more frightened he became. He never thought that such a poisonous poison existed in this world.Don't let Yanxiang tell the truth about his plan.He only now realizes that Yan Xiang is more powerful and complicated than he imagined.Is this just a country boy?

Taking Mulong's phone, Yanxiang went to the vomiting Liu Ting and patted Liu Ting's back lightly, "Sister Liu Ting, are you okay?"

Liu Ting turned around suddenly and hugged Yan Xiang tightly.The two lumps of soft round flesh on the chest pressed tightly against Yan Xiang's chest, and Yan Xiang, who escaped from the danger just now, became distracted again.

Liu Ting cried, "I told you not to come alone. If something happens to you, how would you tell me to live?"

Liu Ting's delicate body is still so soft and comfortable.Yan Xiang also hugged Liu Ting tightly, and said warmly in his heart, "Thank you, sister Liu Ting. Thank you for saving me, but I'm fine now, don't cry anymore, it won't be pretty anymore."

Liu Ting hugged Yan Xiang tightly and couldn't bear to let go, and Yan Xiang was of course even more reluctant.After stroking Liu Ting's back with both hands for a while, they moved to Liu Ting's buttocks and kneaded them gently.Liu Ting blushed, pushed Yan Xiang away and said, "Little villain, there are still people here, restrain yourself."

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "What are you afraid of, it's not like they haven't seen it before."

"Cough, cough." Qin Juan coughed a few times, walked over and said, "Cousin, you are fine, let's go back now."

Yan Xiang's eyes flashed fiercely and said, "No hurry, there is another person I want to talk to."

The underground wooden dragon said weakly, "Brother, can you call your ambulance for me?"

Yan Xiang looked back and said, "You wait. By the way, there seems to be a Mercedes-Benz parked outside the door, right? Is it yours?"

Mu Long didn't dare to say no, so he could only nod his head and admit it.

Yan Xiang said, "Give me the key."

After taking Mulong's car keys, Yanxiang called 1 by the way.Then got in the car, looked at Qin Juan and said, "cousin, can you drive?"

"Hmm." Qin Juan took the car keys, started the car and asked, "Where are you going?"

Yan Xiang said, "Go to the snack wholesale market." The Mercedes-Benz drove away.

At the same time, a police car stopped at the door of the warehouse.A beautiful policeman with a hot body got out of the car, looked at the Mercedes-Benz going away, frowned slightly and said, "Why is this kid everywhere? It seems that we have to go to Shuiyun Village to investigate sooner."

After taking the money from Mulong, Zhang Changfa was in a particularly good mood.Turning around, I forgot about Yanxiang, he was just a country boy.If it falls into the hands of a gangster like Mu Long, will he survive?So he wasn't worried at all. After he returned to the wholesale market, he immediately called two beauties to play.

Of course, as long as this kind of woman is willing to pay, she can have fun.

On the bed, Zhang Changfa was sweating profusely, fighting non-stop on the two girls.The two women also groaned loudly in cooperation, and the two white bodies kept shaking on the bed.

"Ah..." Zhang Changfa roared, and shot into one of the women.But the second daughter hadn't had enough fun yet, she looked at Zhang Changfa with resentful eyes and said, "Is the handsome guy gone now?"

Zhang Changfa said loudly, "What's over, this is just the beginning." Zhang Changfa took out a bottle of medicine from the cabinet next to him, poured out two white pills, and swallowed them.However, he continued to move on the woman's body and said, "Look at how I conquer you two, tonight either you die or I die."

However, at this moment, the door of the room suddenly fell down in one piece, and four people walked in.Two beauties, a cute girl, and a boy with a cold expression.

Seeing these four people clearly, Zhang Changfa was frightened all of a sudden.Lying on a woman's body, she didn't dare to move, and the sweat dripped from her head like rain.

The second girl exclaimed, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover her body.At the same time, the three girls behind Yan Xiang exclaimed, they turned their heads to cover their eyes, blushing with embarrassment, not daring to look again.Although Liu Ting had already done that with Yan Xiang, she still felt very ashamed in front of this kind of scene.

Yan Xiang took a look at the two women who were fairly fair except for their skin, but looked like dinosaurs.The corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled cruelly, "You're quite interested in playing Shuangfei here."

If you ask for an update, I naturally ask for a reward and recommendation.Give me your strength, I will explode!Update, one horizontal and one vertical, it's that simple.What do you say?

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