Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 157: Overcoming rigidity with softness

Lin Yang interrupted him, "Teacher, I can't say more, but what I do is more important than this! I respect you very much, so I come to visit you before I leave. Here is my mobile phone number. If you need anything , whether it’s money or work, you can come to me!” Lin Yang respectfully handed a piece of paper to the dean’s desk.

The dean stared blankly at the piece of paper, and smiled wryly, "I don't know what 'important' things you are doing, but I do feel very sorry, this is the first time I have met such a smart student in more than ten years... Well, I won’t say much, I’ll write down what you said! No matter what field you are in, I think you will have outstanding achievements, I hope you will take care of yourself, I have to go to work, you can go!”

Lin Yang bowed, "Goodbye, teacher!"

Lin Yang left the office building and walked slowly on the campus.Everything here was unfamiliar to him at the beginning, but now it is so familiar. At the beginning, he came with a dream, but now he left with another dream.

Lin Yang strolled through the grove behind the school and the lawn in front of the school, he walked through every place one by one.Under the moonlight, the campus is surprisingly beautiful.

"Xiaohong, there is no one here, I'm afraid of people, let's go back..." This is the small garden behind the school, with small rockeries everywhere, and a female voice came from a small pavilion.

Lin Yang recognized that it was Zhang Yuanyuan's voice from the class.

"Yuanyuan, tell me, am I ugly?"

"No... Xiaohong is the prettiest in our class!" Zhang Yuanyuan said happily.

"Then tell me, if... if I ask a boy... will he agree to me?" Lin Xiaohong?Lin Yang heard that this girl was Lin Xiaohong, what were they doing here at night?Lin Yang became curious, so he hid behind a boulder and sat down gently. It seemed a wonderful thing to hear a girl confide in her heart.

"Ah... Xiaohong, do you have someone you like? Haha... Aren't the boys in our class going to hang themselves collectively?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't bother to talk to them!" Lin Xiaohong said softly, and then Lin Yang heard the sound of wine bottles "cracking". Are they drinking? .

One of them burped, "Beer is really bad..." Lin Xiaohong coughed.

"Oh... who told you to drink it..." Zhang Yuanyuan blamed.

"Yuanyuan, what do you think I should do?" Lin Xiaohong asked seriously.

"What should I do?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked strangely.

"Oh... why are you so stupid! I like that boy, but he doesn't know..." Lin Xiaohong was slightly annoyed.

Zhang Yuanyuan giggled, "Then tell him!"

"Bah! What a shame..."

"Who is it?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked softly, "Could it be a sissy?"

Monitor Fu Dong?Lin Yang shuddered and was about to leave when Lin Xiaohong murmured, "It's Lin Yang..."

Lin Yang seemed to be struck by a lightning bolt, she has a crush on me?Immediately, a feeling of joy and helplessness surged in Lin Yang's heart, but I didn't seem to have any feelings for her... Lin Xiaohong didn't have the peculiar female "light" that attracted Lin Yang.

"Ah..." Zhang Yuanyuan screamed, "But he already has a girlfriend, and she's so pretty..."

Lin Xiaohong was silent for a moment, "But I still like him..." followed by soft sobbing.

Lin Yang was stunned, and sat firmly on the rock with his buttocks again.

"Oh, silly Xiaohong! I heard from my classmates that he has many girlfriends! And for some reason, it seems that his family became rich overnight. Do you know this kind of person worthy of trust?"

Lin Yang was startled, shit!Which bastard did you hear that from? .

Lin Xiaohong sighed faintly, "But I still like him..." The same words made Lin Yang's heart shrink again. This feeling seemed to be pain and depression.

Lin Yang left quietly not long after, returned to the large classroom by accident, wrote his phone number on the cover page of Lin Xiaohong's textbook, and left four words by accident: "Call me if you have anything to do."

When Lin Yang left the school gate, Hammer was still waiting for him in front of the gate, "Brother Yang, I'm starving to death..."

Lin Yang got into the car and scolded, "Didn't you eat in the afternoon? It's only eight o'clock, so you're hungry?"

Hammer chuckled, "A little beauty was in a hurry just now. I drove him to the hospital and chatted for a while. Brother Yang, talking to a beauty is very tiring. Not only does it need to exert intelligence, but it also consumes a lot of physical strength... "

Lin Yang knocked back all the words left by the hammer with one finger, "Drive!"

Back in Xiangjiang Garden, after putting the three girls to sleep, Lin Yang quietly sat in front of the computer and inserted the disk.This contains relevant information about Liu Hongjin, Long Zhengtian and other big bosses.There are videos, texts and pictures, which are very detailed.

Lin Yang was memorizing seriously, but there was an email displayed on the screen, and the sender was "You".

"Honey, let me tell you something! Starting tomorrow, you must set aside three hours for special training every day! Your learning will be all-round, and the teacher who teaches you is the most authoritative in all fields in the country and even in the world The study time is up to you to choose, but you have to make a decision before midnight today! In addition, there are more detailed information about Long Zhengtian and others in the attachment. I love you to death!"

Lin Yang quickly opened the attachment, and it really was relevant information, so detailed that Lin Yang couldn't believe it.It even mentioned the number of times these people urinate every day. He wiped off his cold sweat, replied to the email first, and then looked down seriously.

Just watching, You sent another email, "Do you know Brother Riot? You have become a national celebrity now!" with many URLs attached.

Lin Yang said something casually, and was immediately taken aback. It turned out to be a video record of himself beating someone in the grocery store!

"Yang, these records will disappear completely within twelve hours, you should pay more attention in the future, and don't bring too much trouble to the country." There was some blame in You's words.

Lin Yang wiped off his cold sweat, and replied again, "Got it!"

Unexpectedly, after a while, You sent a third email, "Yang, can you help me with something private."

Lin Yang smiled and replied immediately, "I'm afraid you have nothing to ask me to help."

You replied: "I received a great kindness from an old man when I was young, please help me repay him! This is the address... He is a stubborn old man who has difficulties in life, please help me find a way."

"No problem at all!" Lin Yang replied.

"Honey, thank you very much! Good night. PS: Don't work too hard at night, I know there must be three sleeping beauties behind you..."

Lin Yang smiled wryly when he read the reply and was speechless.

Today is the fourth day for Lin Yang to learn from Yuan Ziyi, Yuan Ziyi still has a calm face, "Junior brother, how is your first punch practice?"

Lin Yang's heart tightened, he didn't practice much, at most he "practiced" in his heart, and when he heard this, he blushed and said, "It's not that good..."

Yuan Ziyi said, "Try punching me."

"Oh..." Lin Yang walked to the open space in front of him, raised his breath, and stared at a big tree in the distance with his eyes. Suddenly, his body jumped obliquely like lightning, and punched the big tree silently.Lin Yang spat out a layer of pinkish-white light thirty centimeters thick from his fist, and when the fists touched each other, there was a muffled sound of "pounce...".The tree broke from it with a "click..." sound, and fell to the ground amidst the sound of "crashing...", a violent air current was set off, and dust and sand were blown up.

Lin Yang's right fist just felt a little hot, and there was no pain.And with one punch, Lin Yang has already retreated more than ten meters away in lightning, avoiding the flying dust.

Yuan Ziyi's expression was calm, and he said lightly: "Junior Brother, you can be tough but not soft. This punch is still far behind. You have to practice hard and think hard in the future." Destroying trees and monuments with one punch is not bad!

Yuan Ziyi seemed to understand Lin Yang's thoughts, and said with a smile, "Brother, do you think that your punch is so powerful that you can pass it?" Lin Yang blushed, and grinned, "Sister Yuan..."

Yuan Ziyi stopped Lin Yang from talking, and stepped back three steps, "You punch me." Lin Yang was startled, and immediately made a bitter face, thinking that this punch would happen... "Sister Yuan, I'll go back and take care of you." Practice, no need to try!"

Yuan Ziyi smiled and said: "Brother, if you don't experience it, you won't appreciate the way of rigidity and softness in Gangliu boxing. Rigidity is rigidity, and when rigidity is invincible; flow is like flowing water, and it is like a breeze. Absence, as light as nothing, this is softness, when softness turns and flows, omnipotent!"

Lin Yang never dared to disobey Yuan Ziyi, and nodded, "Sister, be careful!" He took a breath, his eyes shot brightly, and he said softly, "Hey..." He still shot in the same way just now, his body was as pretentious as ever. It pierces like a dragon, and its punches are like electricity, with great force.

Yuan Ziyi only stretched out his right palm to greet him. In the blink of an eye, Lin Yang suddenly remembered that Yuan Ziyi did the same when he hit the crane shape three times in the old factory building.Lin Yang was startled, and quickly retracted his fist.However, Yuan Ziyi's white jade-like right palm rolled Lin Yang's right arm into the soft and soft palm. With a flick of the momentum, Lin Yang flew out with a "hoo".

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