Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 193: Plain Pleasure

The son was startled when he heard this, "Brother Yang, we are at a huge loss! This nursery might lose money, and we will get half of it. Besides, watering and so on will have to be spent on people~~"

Lin Yang waved his hand, stopped him and said, "It's not easy to pay for the country people, and I also came from the country. The government takes their land, and they dare not say more, and they don't get any money, hum! Have a child, you learn a little bit, and do things to leave a way for people to survive. When this area is developed in the future, invest in some factories, so that people nearby can earn a living."

Shengzi sighed: "Brother Yang is indeed highly educated, this realm is extraordinary!"

Lin Yang slapped him, "Don't be so talkative! Let me tell you, this matter should be handled well. Just ask Brother Lang for how much money you want. This can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people. As for what kind of food, let me see. Don't do it, don't keep any experts or anything." Shengzi quickly agreed.

Leaving the child busy, Lin Yang asked Hammer to drive to Liuxiang International School of Fashion Design.Although we hadn't seen each other for a few days, Lin Yang somehow kept Ji Linger's beautiful appearance dangling in his heart, and worried whether she would adapt to the life of learning.

Ji Ling'er, who got the news, had been waiting at the school gate early, and when she saw Lin Yang's car arrived, she went up to meet her with joy.Just as Lin Yang got out of the car, Ji Linger had already rushed over to embrace him. The girl didn't say a word, but just cried in Lin Yang's arms.The smile on Lin Yang's face disappeared immediately, and he opened his eyes, "What's wrong? Someone bullied you?"

Ji Linger shook her head vigorously, "No, I just miss you~"

Lin Yang couldn't laugh or cry, "Silly girl! Why don't you call me?"

"I'm afraid you'll be annoyed, so I don't dare to fight~" Ji Ling'er kept hugging Lin Yang, unwilling to relax for a moment.

Lin Yang carried her into the car, and said with a smile, "It's nine o'clock, class is on, right?" Ji Ling'er snuggled into Lin Yang's arms, "The class here is very easy, the teacher only has a few classes every day to explain some theory. We design clothes by ourselves most of the time, and we were designing clothes just now." She blushed as she spoke, and buried her head in Lin Yang's arms, "Brother Yang, I made a dress for you these few days~~" Her voice was extremely loud Lin Yang heard it clearly, and said with a smile, "Oh? Our Linger is so good! Can you design your own clothes in just a few days?"

Ji Ling'er stuck out her tongue, "It's not good!" Lin Yang kissed her red lips, "Why don't you wear them for me?"

Ji Ling'er giggled, "No, it's not finished yet, you can pick it up the day after tomorrow~" The two of them were chatting quietly in the garage, and it was ten o'clock before they knew it.

Lin Yang said: "Linger, is the money enough?" Ji Linger smiled and said, "Enough~~Brother Yang, next week our first grade will hold a fashion design competition, can you come~~" Nephrite was in her arms , Lin Yang's soul wandered, and he smiled: "Of course I will come, what time is next week?"

"Today is Friday, and it will be held next Monday. At that time, many students and family members will come to participate~~" Ji Linger said, looking at the time, "Oops~" and said, "Brother Yang, the next two theory classes, I have to go to class first Go~" He hugged Lin Yang and kissed him, giggled, and ran into the campus like a bird.

Lin Yang didn't say until Ji Ling'er disappeared, "Go to Yunlong business district." He talked with Yi Mo'er on the phone, and when he connected, Lin Yang heard a man's voice from over there, and his heart tightened, "Mo Son, where are you? Is it a painting shop? ~~Okay, I’ll go there now.” Commanded Hammer, “Fastest speed.” “Come on!” As soon as Hammer stepped on the accelerator, the car drove out like flying.

In just 10 minutes, the car arrived in front of Yi Mo'er's shop in Yunlong business district.Through the glass window, Lin Yang saw the figures of two men, and Mo'er seemed to be talking on the other side.Lin Yang stepped into the store quickly, and seeing two young men looking sultry, one of them gave Lin Yang a sideways glance, "The market is not open today, get out!" One shouted at Mo'er, "I said Miss Yi, Brother Sheng has given you a lot of face! You should also pay this month's stabilization fee, right?"

Seeing Lin Yang approaching, Yi Mo'er threw herself into his arms with great aggrievedness.Seeing that the protection fee was paid, Lin Yang couldn't laugh or cry, and patted Yi Mo'er on the back, "They didn't touch you, did they?"

Yi Mo'er shook her head, twisting her body in Lin Yang's arms like a little girl.Lin Yang opened his eyes and looked at the yelling young man, "Who is your boss?"

Seeing that Lin Yang seemed to be a little dignified, the young man breathed a sigh of relief, "Who are you? You asked our boss?"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, "It's okay to collect protection fees, but her protection fees will not be collected in the future."

The young man sneered, "Move your butt up, you have such a big face! What are you?"

Lin Yang said indifferently: "I'm not someone, but if you dare to continue yelling in front of me and making rude remarks, I will definitely cut off your tongue!" Probably, Hehe sneered, "Damn it! Things that don't have eyes! Have wild wolves heard of it?"

The two youths were excited, looked at Lin Yang with wide eyes, and stammered each other: "This big brother, the wild wolf will naturally have heard of it, could it be~"

"Hmph! What a fucking blind eye! Brother Yang, who used to be from the Wild Wolf Club, is now the boss of City B, don't you fucking know him?"

The hearts of the two young people jumped suddenly. Everyone in City B knew about Lin Yang, the leader of the city. That time his eldest brother shook hands with Lin Yang, and when he came back, he stayed up all night in surprise. The boss and I shook hands." Yun Yun.Hearing what the hammer said, the two of them were so frightened that they almost lost control of their urine, and at the same time, they knelt down in front of Lin Yang, "Brother Yang~~Mr. Yang, we didn't know it was your old man, please forgive us~~ "The two of them were quite obedient, and they slapped their faces left and right with their hands.They knew in their hearts that if the person in front of them had one thought, the lives of the two of them would be reimbursed.

Lin Yang waved his hands, "Get up, I didn't say what's the matter." The two young people kowtowed again with gratitude.

Lin Yang said: "This Miss Yi is my woman. Go back and tell your boss. By the way, who is your boss? You can always tell me now." The two young people looked at each other with bitter faces, thinking that Lin Yang was going to take him The boss cleans up.

Hammer stared, "Fucking deaf?" Both of them trembled at the same time, "It's Xiaoyan Aso~"

Lin Yang and Langtou laughed at the same time, "Aso? Isn't he a Japanese dog?" The two young people didn't dare to say more, and smiled wryly at each other.

Lin Yang waved his hand, "Go!" The two young men retreated and ran away as if they were being amnesty, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.Yi Mo'er smiled and said, "These two people came here many times and asked me to pay 1000 yuan protection fee every month, but I didn't pay it."

Lin Yang smiled bitterly: "You are so bold, you dare to offend these people?"

Yi Mo'er smiled and said: "I didn't dare before, I give it every time, this is the first time, otherwise your lover would be for nothing?" Hammer thoughtfully dozed off in the sports car again.

The two were sitting on the sofa in the studio, and Yi Mo'er was sitting on Lin Yang's lap, and she said affectionately, "Your subordinates are doing things that are outrageous and unreasonable, and they have harmed others!"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, "Where there is sunshine, there will be shadows. Someone will always fill this vacuum. Don't you think it's the luck of the people of City B that I do it? And the real black forces are not as evil as you think. Protection fees If they don’t accept it, other people will accept it. Hmm~~ It’s really too high to charge one thousand, I’ll talk to those people one day and set the price lower.”

Yi Mo'er smiled, "After the last time, some of my classmates called me and said they wanted to make friends with you. I know they want your help!"

Lin Yang bit her nose, "Didn't you say don't associate with them? Those bastards are not interesting."

Yi Mo'er sighed, "Hui'er and the two girls are still with their father. I don't teach painting, so I'm really free. I don't have any inspiration these days, and I'm in a daze in the painting shop every day."

Lin Yang blinked, "Didn't I say that that time? You have opened a Huawan, and it will become a reality soon!"

Yi Mo'er smiled and said: "I don't open any paintings, and I spend money and thought." As she spoke, there was a smile on her pretty face.

Seeing her delicate appearance, Lin Yang's heart trembled. He bent over and buried his face in his jade neck, and took a deep breath, "Mo'er, you haven't fulfilled your duty as a lover~" Yi Mo'er giggled, "It's your fault~" As she said, she put on her fragrant lips.

Lin Yang sucked her pink tongue, and involuntarily reached into the two peaks with his right hand to stroke gently, "Mmm..." Yi Mo'er's cheeks were flushed, her beautiful eyes were rippling, and she said softly: "There is a bedroom inside..." Said She already bit her lips tightly.

Lin Yang laughed, "Good boy, my husband loves you so much today..." Picking up Yi Mo'er, he stood up and kicked open the door of the inner room.

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