Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 226: Examining the Group of 5

Liu Qingyun nodded vigorously, and when she looked at Lin Yang again, her eyes no longer showed any defensiveness.Even if Liu Qingyun had no eyesight, she could see that Lin Yang was sincerely helping her and had no ulterior purpose. Thinking of how suspicious she was of others before, Liu Qingyun felt ashamed and ashamed.

Lin Yang looked at the time and said with a smile: "You should also rest, I have something to do tomorrow and I have to go back! Goodbye~" Just as he was about to leave, Liu Qingyun suddenly grabbed Lin Yang's sleeve.

Lin Yang was startled, "What's the matter?" Liu Qingyun's pretty face flushed slightly, "Thank you!" Lin Yang laughed, "Don't thank me first, and don't forget the conditions you promised me!" Then he lowered his voice and approached She whispered in her ear: "You are destined to be my Lin Yang's woman!" As she spoke, she lightly kissed her on the cheek, then strode away from the ward, leaving behind Liu Qingyun who was slightly dazed.

That night, Lin Yang received the passport and air ticket sent by Youpai, and told Lin Yang that he would go to Country R with the investigation team of a certain local company, and that Lin Yang was the secretary of one of the company's bosses.

The next morning, Lin Yang bid farewell to his daughters, and a mysterious car took him to the airport in City B. In the waiting hall, several "corporate bosses" were gathering to play poker.Among them were two middle-aged men, a young man and a young woman. Except for the more handsome woman, the three men were ordinary in appearance and ordinary in temperament, and there seemed to be nothing special about them.But as soon as Lin Yang got close to these four people, he immediately felt a sense of danger. It was an instinctive intuition.

The young woman raised her head and smiled, "Secretary Lin, why did you come?" The name on Lin Yang's passport is Lin Junshang, and the woman's name is Bai Chang. Lin Yang only knows her name and appearance so far. .Lin Yang smiled slightly, "Boss Bai, are you here early?" The other two middle-aged men also raised their heads and nodded slightly at Lin Yang, "Secretary Lin, go get me a drink."

Lin Yang was taken aback, thinking why don't you buy it yourself?Thinking of his identity as "Secretary" again, he smiled slightly, "Mr. Li, wait a moment!" He turned around and went to get four cans of juice.When the points come, give each of the four players a pot and continue playing cards.It was only 06:30 in the morning, and the plane took off at 07:30.Lin Yang had nothing else to do, so he sat aside, and when he was bored, he slowly observed the four players playing cards.The middle-aged man in the gray suit had a round face and eyes, was covered in flesh, and always had a smile on his face. His alias was Li Yinghua, and it was he who sent Lin Yang to buy drinks.

The other middle-aged man was dressed in a black suit. He was tall and thin, with a clear face, eyes, and a gentle appearance. There was always a faint smile on his mouth. This man's pseudonym was Zheng Wen.And the young man in the white suit was named Zhao Zhou. He had a face with Chinese characters, which seemed to be always cold. Lin Yang had been here for so long, but he hadn't even glanced at it.

The only thing that made Lin Yang pleasing to the eye was the young woman named Baishang. She seemed to be 26 or [-] years old, with a gentle and cheerful attitude, and when talking to her, it gave people a feeling of spring breeze.And the willow eyebrows are curved, the eyes are like waves, and the figure is graceful and eye-catching, which makes people never tire of watching.

Seeing that the four of them were playing cards very attentively, Lin Yang's expressions seemed to be very cautious. On the newspapers spread out on the ground, there were a dozen or three or five coins thrown next to each of them.Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately remembered the "little game" they played when they met Poison Wolf for the first time.The four-player game is very simple and clear, like "running fast". If you have a few cards left in your hand, you have to hand over a few coins to the winner.

Bai Chang seemed to be unlucky. After Lin Yang came, she had lost three games in a row, and lost nine coins, and there was only one coin left in front of her.Lin Yang suddenly smiled and said, "Boss Bai, how about I help you out?"

Bai Chang smiled slightly, "Okay! But you are only allowed to win, not to lose!" Immediately, he handed over the cards he just got to Lin Yang. "I'll try my best!" After Lin Yang took the cards, he nodded slightly to the other three, then slowly closed his eyes, entering the realm of emptiness.Lin Yang's eyes were filled with countless colorful lights, which were very chaotic.But Lin Yang's eyes seemed to be everywhere, and he immediately "saw" the cards of the other three, and remembered them in his heart instantly.

"What are you in a daze for? Deal the cards!" It was time for Lin Yang to leave, Li Yinghua urged impatiently.Lin Yang opened his eyes, smiled apologetically, then threw a 3, and the next player pressed a 4, and the four played cards round after round.In this hand, Lin Yang's cards were only average, but he knew the cards of the other three, so he walked with ease.After about 5 minutes, Lin Yang threw two 2s to overwhelm the previous player's two Aces, and no one wanted it.Lin Yang threw down another 4 and smiled, "Sorry, I won!"

The three of them looked at each other, and Li Yinghua lost the most among them. His cards were stinky, but because Lin Yang hated him for letting him run errands to buy drinks, he still opposed him and kept pressing him to prevent him from going smoothly. With seven cards left, he finally tossed seven coins to Lin Yang with a bitter face.

After this round, Lin Yang won seven coins from Li Yinghua, plus three from Zheng Wen and one from Zhao Zhou, making a total of eleven coins.Li Yinghua sighed, touched his pocket, and scratched his head again, "Forget it, I don't want to play anymore, I won't be able to eat any more!" Lin Yang put the coin into Bai Chang's hand with a dispensable expression, "Boss Bai, luckily I didn't insult my life."

Bai Chang smiled "hehe", "You are much better at playing cards than I am!" The boss accepted all the coins without any politeness.Li Yinghua pointed at Lin Yang and shouted: "Secretary Lin, it's just a few coins, give me two, I'll buy another drink, I don't have any change~"

Bai Chang blinked, and hummed softly, "I'll give you the change if you don't have any." As he spoke, he took out a handful of change from his pocket, including five yuan and one yuan, and handed them all to Li Yinghua.Li Yinghua looked at the slap of the change and sighed. Lin Yang knew that the coin must be like a bargaining chip, so he smiled and didn't say much.

Bai Chang smiled happily, and patted the seat beside him, "Secretary Lin, sit here~~" Lin Yang got up and sat down, wondering what this woman was capable of, that she was sent to assist him.

Bai Chang looked Lin Yang up and down a few times, and said with a low laugh, "You are much more handsome than in the photo!"

Lin Yang blinked, "Really?"

Bai Chang said: "Secretary Lin, I heard that you've been flirtatious lately, what a bad influence this is!" Lin Yang knew that she pointed out that she had a large number of girlfriends, and secretly said that you are not my woman, so why bother with so many!He was not happy in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "Mr. Bai, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future!"

Bai Chang laughed lightly, and said in a low voice: "You helped me earn more than 100 million today, thank you very much after returning to China!" Lin Yang smiled, "You're welcome." After a few words, the service staff had already reminded everyone Ready to board.The five people boarded the plane one after another, sat down, and the plane slowly took off soon after.Lin Yang didn't want to waste time, so he took advantage of the time to practice for a while. When Lin Yang settled down, when he opened his eyes, three full hours had passed, and the plane would arrive in country R in less than an hour. Nagoya.

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