Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 282: Forest Entertainment

"Idiot, wait outside, I'll find you~" Ten seconds later, the door of a room on the left side of the corridor opened, and the sound of music rushed out of the door. Lin Lele jumped from inside with a smile.When the two hugged each other, Lin Lele opened her small mouth and bit Lin Yang's chest hard, "Oh~" Lin Yang let out a strange cry, squeezed her little buttocks, and kissed her soft jade at the same time warm lips.

"Woo~~" After kissing for a while, Lin Lele turned her head away with a smile, "Come in, Miss Ben is going to show off her singing skills later!" Pulling Lin Yang, she ran back to the room.

The light in this small hall was dim, and Xu Ziang was standing on the stage singing loudly with his head held high, while many girls below were screaming and booing, shouting words like "Xu Songshen".It's just that Xu's voice is really unflattering, Lin Yang kept frowning, and couldn't help sighing: "His songs are more evil than his people!" Lin Lele hugged her stomach and laughed.

Pulling Lin Yang to a round table, there were already three pretty girls sitting around. Seeing Lin Lele pulling Lin Yang over, they all smiled and asked, "Isn't this handsome Lin? Long time no see, I miss you so much." ~~" As they spoke, they rushed towards Lin Yang, throwing a few winks in succession.

Lin Lele waved her pink fist and pretended to hit her, but the three of them smiled and retreated, "Oh, my little Lele is still protecting her husband!" Everyone laughed.

After arguing for a while, Lin Yang naturally hugged Lin Lele in his arms, and asked everyone with a smile, "Are all the people here from your class?"

"Yeah, Xu Zhutou has recently taken a fancy to Gong Xiaoran in our class." A girl said with a smile, and then pointed to a girl who was sitting quietly in the distance.Lin Yang saw that he was very beautiful, and thought that Xu Ziang had good eyesight.

At this time, Xu Ziang had already finished the song, and everyone immediately shouted: "I invite our female singer, Aqiong, to show off her incomparable singing voice!" The lights flickered a few times, and a very beautiful female student walked onto the stage, facing towards the audience. Everyone smiled slightly, parted their vermilion lips, and sang a very nice song.

Lin Yang heard that her voice quality is excellent, although it is not as good as Luo Meier, it is already very rare, and his heart moved, "Lele, what's her name? She sings well~~" Lin Lele suddenly stretched her little hand behind her, Holding Lin Yang's monster, "What do you want?" the girl asked fiercely.

Lin Yang took a breath, and hurriedly said: "Just a little inquiry about the situation. I heard that there is a singer selection contest in City B recently, and those shortlisted are expected to be packaged by a big company. I think your classmate has potential, so I asked Ask~~" Lin Yang broke out in cold sweat.

Lin Lele let out a "hum~", "She is indeed one of the good singers in our school."

A girl smiled and said, "Although she sings well, our Lele's level is no worse than her."

Lin Yang blinked, "That's it!" He secretly pulled Lele's little hand away.

After the girl sang a song, a student suddenly yelled, "Come on, watch this commercial!" Everyone immediately fell silent, and all turned their attention to the wall-mounted TV screen on one side, where the comprehensive channel of CCTV was broadcasting an advertisement .

On the screen, many heavenly superstars from the two sides of the strait appeared at the same time, and they shouted in unison beamingly: "Sing out yourself and make tomorrow!" Then they said a very disgusting "Yeah~".

Although the advertising words are not very good, these celebrities are dazzling enough to immediately catch people's eyes.Then another popular singer, Xiao Yanchu, said loudly with a straight face: "As long as you dare to participate, you will have the opportunity to get the all-round package from the forestry company! You in the future are me now, so what are you waiting for, come and participate." !"

"Fuck, it's real or not!" A boy was both surprised and delighted. It's extremely difficult to make a name for himself in the music scene. This is a great opportunity, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Probably not, this is CCTV, and it costs a lot of money to advertise!"

Another four-eyed brother immediately said, "And you see he played a big banner, what's the 'Excellent Asian Singer Selection Competition'! Fuck! Asia~~"

As soon as he finished speaking, a line of subtitles appeared on the screen in conjunction with the typing sound of "Baba~": "Forest Company will give each of the five contestants who won the special prize a cash reward of 500 million yuan! And will carry out special packaging; Fifteen contestants for the first prize will receive a cash reward of 100 million yuan; 30 contestants for the second prize will receive a cash reward of 100 yuan; Well-known special groups are responsible for the selection of singers in each competition area. Forest’s goal is to create a new generation of superstars of the king and queen level! As long as you can sing, as long as you have potential, Forest Company will provide you with all-round packaging! Come on, What are you waiting for~~".

"Day! So ruthless!" Just after this advertisement passed, everyone's eyes widened, burning money!Absolutely burning money!Special-level rewards of 500 million yuan!The total bonus is 7000 million yuan!This money can directly register an entertainment company!

"Crazy! This forest company must be crazy~~" Even though he said this, all the people were staring at the competition process being explained on the screen.On the spot, a few anxious girls slipped out of the karaoke hall and hurried back to school to sign up online.

Lin Lele smiled and twisted Lin Yang, "Is this what you're talking about?"

Lin Yang blinked, "Yes!" He whispered in Lin Lele's ear, "Student Lin Lele, do you want to become a big star?"

Lin Lele pursed her lips and smiled, "How could it be so easy, you just told me this last time, is there something you didn't tell me? Tell me quickly!" Lin Lele pinched Lin Yang's nose.

Lin Yang smiled "hehe~" and stretched out his hand to tickle her, taking the opportunity to escape from the victim's nose, "Lele, the company on the advertisement belongs to your husband and mine. Isn't it easy to make you popular?"

Lin Lele blinked, "Do you want someone to be a star?" She put her arms around Lin Yang's neck and asked with a smile.

Lin Yang kissed her small mouth, "Of course the choice is yours, I just ask classmate Lin Lele's opinion."

When Xu Ziang got off the stage, he saw Lin Yang. After hesitating for a while, he finally ran over and greeted Lin Yang with a smile, "Lin Yang is here, hehe~~"

Lin Lele rode upside down on Lin Yang's lap, lying in Lin Yang's arms, and sneered without turning her head: "Great talent Xu, your singing is really good, it's really shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, All spirits are shocked by it, and the situation changes color~~ The little girl really admires it!"

Xu Ziang's face turned red, and he smiled embarrassingly, "You can't sing well~~"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, "Xu Ziang, what's the matter? I heard you sing well, why don't you join the competition?"

Xu Ziang had an embarrassed expression, "I'm not interested, hehe~~I greet my classmates over there, talk to me~~" He ran away in a hurry.

Lin Lele twisted Lin Yang's back and laughed, Lin Yang bit her pretty face and smiled, "Lele, why don't you move out~"

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