Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 308: Rules of City B

"I'm sorry for these gentlemen. During the competition period, all contestants declined all signings and cooperation. Please leave immediately!"

"What do you mean? Huh?" One person was furious immediately, "They are just contestants, not your signed singers! What right do you have to do this?" His voice was so loud that he immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

"I think you haven't carefully read the regulations written on the contestant's entry ticket. It has the legal effect of the previous contract. Well, sir, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, our security will come and ask you to go out!" The man said His face was already cold.

The man seemed to know the situation too, he turned his head and left after angrily "humming".The others also looked angry, but finally left one after another.

These people obviously didn't know the identities of Lin Yang and Lin Lele. The man said flatly, "You two ladies, please follow the rules. Thank you for your cooperation!" Then he turned his head and left.

Lin Meier clapped her little hands and said with a smile: "The two sisters are amazing! Someone wants to sign a contract right now!"

Luo Meier blushed and did not speak, but Lin Lele raised her head, "Hmph~ I can't help it~~ Geniuses are always like this!" Everyone laughed.

Su Xiang'er suddenly grabbed Lin Yang's hand: "Brother, I want to sing too!"

Lin Yang froze, "Oh?"

Su Xiang'er suddenly sighed again: "Forget it, my singing is terrible~~"

Lin Meier giggled: "I've heard it~ no brother sings so badly!" Lin Meier knew Lin Yang's voice, and she always despised it.

Suddenly, a fat and big dog rushed over, the big dog stood up, and the dog's tongue licked Lin Yang's face "sloppyly", "Ah! Smelly boy~~" This dog is exactly Biaozi, I don't know why I came here.

Biaozi blinked dog eyes at Lin Yang, bit Lin Yang's clothes and pulled them out.Lin Yang's heart moved, and he said to the girls: "I'll go out for a while~~"

Biaozi rushed out with a "whoosh".Biaozi rushed out of the hotel, and Biaozi's owner, the elegant old man Wang, was standing at the door eating popsicles.

Lin Yang rolled his eyes, "Old Wang, do you have something to do?"

The old man bit off a piece of ice gada with a "crack", chewed it a few times and swallowed it, "Oh, I have something to go out these days, please help me take care of Biaozi, this is just such a son, you can take care of him !"

Lin Yang wiped off his sweat, "Don't worry."

"In addition, I will give you a phone number so that you can contact some of my friends. If there is anything I can ask them for help, of course, they must pay a fee to let them do it. You can pay it." After turning his head and walking away, he suddenly stopped and turned around and said: "Give him less meat, look at that fat body!" Then he turned his head and strode away.

Lin Yang saw that old man Wang was walking far away, "Hey~" smiled, "Biaozi, is old man Wang going on a blind date?" , The four legs twitched hard.After a while, he jumped up again and called Lin Yang "Wow", Lin Yang was amused by it and laughed.

The audition is expected to take two weeks. After participating in the competition between Lin Lele and Luo Meier that day, Lin Yang never went there again.

Instead, he took Biaozi to the streets and alleys every day. This is not Lin Yang's leisure.Because the reform of the underworld forces has achieved initial results, Lin Yang wanted to look around to see if there was anything wrong with the underworld.

This is a vegetable market in the west part of city B, and it is also one of the six major vegetable markets in city B.Most of the people who came to sell vegetables were from nearby farmers, and most of the people who came to purchase were from major supermarkets and canteens in City B.

Lin Yang also sold vegetables with his father when he was a child, so he is relatively clear about these things.The smell in the vegetable market was so bad that even Biaozi couldn't bear it. He was very angry that Lin Yang brought him to this kind of place, so he kept making a dog face.

"Your dish can cost up to [-] cents a catty, if you don't sell it, you'll sell it!" A middle-aged man was squatting on a nearby truck and yelled at the people in the car.

Standing below was an old man in his fifties. A truck full of potatoes was parked in front of him, and a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy stood beside him.

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, and his clothes were dirty and ragged, so he could tell he had come from a long way. There are many mountainous areas in the counties and cities near City B, where the transportation is inconvenient, the economy is backward, and the living standard is generally low. Lin Yang guessed that the old man probably came from the mountainous areas.

The old man looked distressed, "Master, I have been here all day and night, because I heard that the price here is high. My son has to pay tuition fees in the spring, and I have to save money for him first. Master, can you raise some money?" price increase?"

The man in the car waved his hand impatiently, "Old man, your price is already the highest. To tell you the truth, if you can find a higher price nearby, I will give you 1000 yuan immediately!"

The old man sighed, "Then I'll look elsewhere~~" The man in the car sneered and ignored him.

This kind of vegetable market used to have food tyrants, who charged some protection fees, street stall fees, etc. Later, the wild wolves would dominate the dark forces in City B.Lin Yang naturally became the maker of the rules, so he no longer charged fees to scattered small households.Only charge some sharing fees for those big households who charter cars to collect vegetables.

Lin Yang stopped the old man, "Master, your potatoes are good!" The old man stopped the car again, "Do you want it?" There was hope in his eyes.

Lin Yang smiled slightly, and asked again, "Where is your old man from?"

"It's on the side of Black Snake Mountain." Lin Yang was taken aback, "Black Snake Mountain?" Black Snake Mountain is more than 200 miles away from here, and he even ran over with a cart!

"It's Black Snake Mountain, the family's autumn potatoes, and I want to sell them in the market."

Lin Yang nodded, "Then let me ask you about the price?"

The old man was taken aback, "Ask who?"

Lin Yang asked him to wait, and dialed a number: "Hi~ I'm Lin Yang!"

"Oh~ it's Brother Yang, what's the matter with you?" It was the voice of a middle-aged man, with a very flattering tone.

"I'm at the vegetable market you're in charge of, come here right away, and bring your laptop!" Ten minutes later, a fat man came running out of breath, holding a notebook in his hand. "Brother Yang~~"

"You should check the potato market in this province now." Lin Yang ordered. Lin Yang was forced by Lin Jiansheng to buy vegetables for him several times, so he knew the prices of vegetables well.This kind of fresh potatoes costs three or four yuan a catty in the supermarket.

The fat man was short and dark, but he had quick hands and feet. He turned on the computer, and within a minute he had already searched for information: "The price varies from city to city, and the base looks like two yuan and five."

Lin Yang nodded, "What did you say before? The price can't be lower than 80.00% of the average price in the province! Ask him how much the price is?"

The fat man's face turned cold, and Mung Bean stared fiercely at the stunned cargo owner in the car, "Bastard! I told you not to cause trouble, bring your brand here!"

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