For some unknown reason, since the purple dragon dispelled Xiao Wuxiangjie's aura just now, Lin Yang is no longer afraid of these energies that originally seemed to be extremely scary.

Pulling out the pocket transformed by the red breath, the breath was pulled out of Hanyue's body.Lin Yang flicked his palm in the air, and saw a flash of white light disappear, and the aura had dissipated in the air.

Hanyue swayed and fell backwards, Lin Yang supported her, seeing her frown, her expression was very painful. "Don't touch my master!" Han Bing glared at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang sneered, "She was seriously injured, you are such a stupid woman!" With his palm on Hanyue's back, he healed her with genuine energy.Han Bing glanced at Lin Yang suspiciously, shut his mouth and stopped talking.

After about 10 minutes, Lin Yang slowly removed his palm.Han Yue also slowly opened her eyes, and Lin Yang quickly lifted her up, "Your meridian is injured, you'd better adjust your breathing for a while."

Hanyue sighed softly: "Thank you." Struggling to stand up, Lin Yang stepped aside, thinking that this woman really wanted to seek death, even if I saved her today, she might attract Xiaowu again tomorrow. Phase robbery.

Han Bing came over to hug Han Yue, and shouted with red eyes: "Master~" the person was already sobbing.

Hanyue swayed, as if her footing was unstable, "Bing'er, you and I have been with me for so many years, don't you know what I think? Why are you sad again?"

Han Bing shook her head vigorously, with a sad and helpless look on her face, it seemed that Han Yue held an extremely important position in her heart.

Lin Yang sighed and rubbed his nose: "There are two types of people who seek death. The first type thinks that life is meaningless, and there is no difference between living and dying, so they want to die; the second type is that they cannot stand the suffering, Sadness waits for these negative emotions to oppress and think about dying. I want to know, why do you want to die?"

Hanyue smiled faintly, "Friend Lin, if you want to know, I can tell you."

Han Bing said: "Master, ignore him!"

Lin Yang sneered, "You are still her apprentice! You don't even know why your master is so sad!""

Han Bing said angrily: "What did you say!"

Han Yue shook her head, stopped the ice, and said slowly: "I was not a disciple of the Xueshan School, but a descendant of the Yue Nu School."

Lin Yang saw that Hanyue was going to tell him the story of her past, so he listened to her quietly.Han Bing also held her breath, it was obvious that her apprentice didn't know her master's past.

"I was only in my teens at that time, and I just made my debut, and I met someone." Han Yue's expression was half a smile, half sad.

Lin Yang curled his lips, thinking that this woman is so beautiful now that she is not like ordinary people, and she was a girl when she was a teenager, so what's the matter?Presumably, people will be scared away as long as they take a look at it!That person must have seen her beauty and had evil thoughts in his heart.

"What are you thinking about!" Han Bing yelled at Lin Yang.

It was only then that Lin Yang remembered that Han Bing knew how to read people's minds. He was taken aback, and grinned at her, not daring to think about it anymore.

Hanyue smiled self-deprecatingly, "You're right, he took a fancy to my beauty at that time. In fact, he was also very elegant, and he cared about others. At that time, I was young and innocent, and the first time I met I fell in love with him immediately. And he was over 30 years old at that time. We hit it off right away. He told me jokes and things he had encountered in the world, like an elder and a lover. I was really happy at that time, I often think in my heart, it would be great if this person could accompany me for the rest of my life.”

Lin Yang was depressed, but he tried his best to restrain his mind and listened attentively, not daring to think too much, for fear that Han Bing would anger him again.

"We have known each other for more than half a month. One day, a woman suddenly came to him. The woman was beautiful and her martial arts were also very high. When she saw me, she came up and severely injured me."

Lin Yang stared and shouted: "What kind of woman is so evil!" His expression was very angry, as if he was the one who hit him.

Han Yue smiled slightly, "I found out later that that woman is his wife."

Lin Yang was dumbfounded, it turned out to be a love triangle~~.

"As soon as he saw his wife, he suddenly changed. His original elegance, gentleness, and kindness disappeared. He no longer looked at me, but tried every means to please that woman, and then turned indifferent to me."

Lin Yang laughed secretly, thinking that that guy is still henpecked!

"I remember very clearly, he pointed at me with a contemptuous expression, scolded me and said: 'You bitch, don't think you can seduce me, I just want to confirm whether you are the remnant party of the Demon Gate or not!'" said Here, Hanyue shook her head and smiled wryly, "I don't know what the remnants of the Demon Sect are. He told me that I was confused at the time. That woman was really vicious. She came over and pointed at my dantian acupoint. At that time, I felt a chill in my lower abdomen, and my body was extremely itchy. Forbearance. She took out the dagger again, and cut my face with countless wounds in front of him~~"

Lin Yang was startled, gritted his teeth and said, "This woman is really vicious!"

"I was terrified at the time, sad and scared, and I kept saving her and letting me go. But she just sneered, and her expression was so vicious, I will never forget it for the rest of my life! I didn't know what the hell I was What did you do wrong? Why did they treat me like that, I'm only 15 years old~~" Tears welled up in the corners of Han Yue's eyes, and Han Bing hugged Master to wipe her tears when she heard this.

"After the woman hurt me, she pointed at me and said, 'Bitch, do you think you're beautiful when you seduce my husband? Huh, I ruined your goblin face today! I'll tap your extra hole again, so you'll be beautiful for the rest of your life A butcher girl!'”

Lin Yang's heart moved, is there something wrong with that acupuncture point? .

"I don't know where she learned the acupuncture technique. Ever since she tapped it, every time the moon is full, I feel restless and flustered."

Lin Yang immediately understood why she wanted to practice the perverted method of the Xueshan School. It turned out that it was to restrain the lust in her heart.

"I was shocked and scared at the time, but he just gave me a disgusted look, and then left with that woman without looking back. I was really ashamed, and I didn't dare to go back to the teacher's door to see the master, and left silently with my wounds .”

Lin Yang listened to her quietly, thinking how could there be such a vicious woman in the world!

"I ran to the top of the snow mountain and found a cliff. At that time, I thought of no life and planned to die. I didn't expect to meet my master, Master Xueshan. She rescued me and taught me the mental method of Xueshan School. "

Lin Yang asked: "Who is that person? Didn't you seek revenge from him later?"

Hanyue sighed sadly: "Of course I looked for him, but I found out later that he has such a terrible identity. Do you know who he is? He is the son-in-law of the head of the Wumeng! And that woman is the current Wumeng The leader's beloved daughter. I knew at that time that there was no hope of revenge in this lifetime~~"

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