Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 328: Incomparable Service...

But the man who was fighting with him was deeply shocked, because although the waiter's fighting movements seemed inept in his eyes, what was surprising was that his moves were powerful and delicate.Many of the subtle tricks on my side are completely useless, and I feel that my hands are tied, and I can't even use [-]% of my usual strength.

The waiter fought back and forth with him for a few rounds, and suddenly scolded: "Mom! This is self-defense, you all should be my witnesses!" I don't know how he did it, and he casually stretched out his hand in anger Grabbed, and strangled the big man's neck.But the other fist was "thumping~~" hitting the big man's chest, abdomen, face, and limbs.

The big man's mouth was half opened, his eyes were wide open, and he felt that every punch of this opponent was full of domineering force.Every time there was a force hitting his body, his whole body was numb and weak, and he had no strength to fight back.

While beating, the waiter scolded: "You're going crazy! You're pretending! Will you get up after a few strokes?" He beat the man up and down, and the big man slowly fell limp on the ground. land.His face was swollen like a pig's head, and his nose was bleeding.

Everyone was stunned, staring blankly at the smug waiter, and then at the big man who had fallen down and was covered in injuries.The big man's name is Shenquan Yang Huan, and everyone knows him. Yang Huan's Bajiquan is violent and fierce. Everyone asks themselves that no one can easily defeat him.

Now that the majestic Bajiquan was easily beaten to the ground by a waiter, and he was as embarrassing as he wanted, everyone felt incredible and rubbed their eyes.

Tie Chen was about to hurt Han Bing in his palm, when he suddenly saw Yang Huan over there was knocked down by a waiter.He had experienced countless things, so he was immediately taken aback, and concluded that the identity of the waiter was by no means simple, most likely it was a helper invited by Han Bing.

Seeing that he was about to hurt the enemy's disciple, Tie Chen would not let him go easily.Instead, he used an extra layer of strength, trying to injure the ice as soon as possible, and then deal with the unknown waiter.

At this time, the waiter kicked Yang Huan away on the ground, pointed at Tie Chen and cursed: "Didn't you hear? How dare you fight!" He approached Tie Chen cursing.

The young master Gong stopped the waiter halfway, with a sneer on his long face, "My friend, Mingren don't do secret things, report your name!" The waiter glared, "Report your mother!" " hit.

The young man is a direct descendant of the Qingcheng School, named Gong Yunyi, and his family's bunting kung fu is subtle and subtle, and he never takes his peers seriously.He came north this time for fun, but when he met Tie Chen by chance, he was invited to be a notary.

Seeing the other party making a move towards him, he sneered, his right hand shook, his fingers were pinched into a beak, and lightning struck the waiter's pulse door.The waiter didn't hide, he smiled and let him click, and Gong Yunyi's fingertips touched the opponent's wrist.Gong Yunyi immediately felt a domineering force rushing into his body along his arms, half of his body went numb immediately.

Gong Yunyi was taken aback and had no time to react. The waiter's angry face was already close to the door. The waiter sneered and cursed: "You think you can poke people with your fingers very well?" With a right fist, "My fist is even stronger!" With a sound of "Pu~" in his ear, Fu Shengsheng punched Gong Yunyi in the face.

Gong Yunyi felt sour, sweet, bitter, spicy; red, green, white, black, etc. all hit his nerves together, screamed strangely, and jumped back holding his nose.

This time the waiter really surprised everyone. You must know that Gong Yunyi's kung fu is the strongest among them, and he was smashed by the other party's nose just a few times!

At this time, the fight between Tie Chen and Han Bing had reached the final stage, and it seemed that a few more moves could hurt Han Bing under the applause.The waiter immediately threw away Gong Yunyi, screamed strangely, and rushed towards Tie Chen suddenly.

Tie Chen was slapping out with a palm at this time, and was immediately surprised when he saw that weird waiter rushing towards him.His thoughts turned sharply, and before he could figure out how to deal with it, the waiter's curse had already reached his ears, "You still dare to fight!" He felt a strong wind hitting his lower back.

The back waist is the gate of life, Tie Chen didn't dare to be careless, and immediately returned his palm to protect his body.His palm power is at its strongest at this time, and ordinary people will be killed immediately if they are swept away by his palm.But the waiter's expression remained the same, but he was even more angry, cursing: "Okay! How dare you hit me!" He even grabbed Tie Chen's palm.

When the palms of the two touched, they immediately felt like an electric shock, and at the same time shook their hands and bounced away a few steps.Tie Chen swayed, feeling his whole body go numb like being electrified.

But the waiter shook his head, and ran up to Tie Chen as if nothing happened, and grabbed the back of Tie Chen's neck.This time Tie Chen was so frightened that his soul flew into the sky, his face turned pale, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.I felt the back of my neck tighten, and all the strength in my whole body disappeared, and I couldn't lift half of my strength anymore.He felt light again, and was easily lifted in the air.

Tie Chen was short in stature, but the waiter was 1.8 meters tall. When he was mentioned like this, Tie Chen immediately lifted his feet off the ground, as if he was carrying a chicken.

"Let go of him!" Immediately, people around shouted, and a few rushed to the waiter.

Han Bing looked at the waiter in surprise, she couldn't understand how a waiter in a building could be so powerful?He knocked down the three masters one after another in a mess.Although surprised, she didn't speak, and just quietly observed the situation from the sidelines.Just now, she was forced by Tie Chen's palm force without fighting back, and her vitality was greatly consumed, so she just took the opportunity to adjust her breath for a while.

The waiter smiled "hehe~" at the approaching crowd, "I knew you were going to fight in groups! Well, I'm not afraid of you!" He casually threw his right hand, throwing Tiechen more than ten meters away like a scarecrow.

With a muffled sound of "Boom~", Tie Chen's whole body was smashed against the wall.The five viscera were shocked, as if someone had ripped out the intestines in the stomach, and lay on the ground bowed and unable to get up for a long time.

After throwing away Tie Chen, the waiter looked around the crowd coldly. He just kicked Yang Huan, punched Gong Yunyi, and then grabbed Tie Chen, the three masters.Therefore, there is a natural sense of power in his speech and actions, and when everyone looks at him, they also have a slight sense of fear.

A young woman was supporting Gong Yunyi, gently wiping his nosebleed with a handkerchief.At this time, she threw away the handkerchief, turned around and glared at the waiter: "Men do not do secret things! If you are a hero, please report your name!"

This young woman has an ordinary face, with a big mouth and small eyes, and her clothes are colorful and green.She is a distant relative of Gong Yunyi, her name is Xian Yuhuan, since she and Gong Yunyi practiced martial arts together, they are considered childhood sweethearts.Seeing that her senior brother was injured, she felt pain and anger in her heart, and couldn't help cursing at the designated waiter.

The waiter grinned, pointed at the woman and cursed: "You woman, I have seen a big mouth, but I have never seen one with a mouth as big as yours! We men fight, do you big mouth woman shit? Hurry up! Get out! Otherwise, I will beat you too!"

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