Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 336: Powerful and Powerful

Lin Yang was speechless in a daze. Although he had guessed that Momen would have a very strong influence in Europe, he did not expect it to be so powerful that it would rank as the third largest consortium in the world!

Lin Yang wiped his face vigorously, "How can the Momen be so powerful? Didn't they go abroad only in the late Qing Dynasty?"

Lao Qi "hehe." With a smile, "You say that because you don't know the real Mohism. Mohism was once known as Confucianism in ancient times, and people said that non-Confucianism is Mohism. The suppression of the forces gradually declined. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Momen had almost faded out of the secular world. At this time, the leader of the Momen suddenly took all the elites of the Momen across the ocean and entered Europe."

Yuan Ziyi once told Lin Yang about this, and Lin Yang knew something about it.

"People in Momen are amazing!" He sighed, this is the second time Lao Qi used "amazing" to describe Momen.

Lin Yang's heart moved, and he heard Lao Qi say: "According to the confidential historical records, they only brought a very small amount of things when they went to Europe. They did not understand the language and customs, but they formed the third largest consortium in the world in just over a hundred years. As he spoke, he found another piece of data from the computer, "This is the rising curve of Momen's financial resources, and it is a top secret of the state."

Lin Yang found that the curve has been rising in a straight line since [-], and he rolled his eyes, "After World War II, Momen developed rapidly. What's going on?"

"As I said just now, World War II was actually a war between consortiums, and the state was just a tool used by the consortia. Before the war, the German consortium and the American consortium had a huge relationship with the most powerful consortium at that time—the Rothschild family. conflict of interest."

"By supporting Hitler and World War II, these consortiums have hit the Rothschild family almost to the brink of collapse. A large number of their family members have been killed and their assets have been embezzled. More than 2/3 of their financial institutions do not exist at all It was at that time that the American consortium, which was originally controlled by the Jewish consortium, took advantage of this favorable opportunity to annex almost all the assets of the Rothschild family in the United States, Australia, and Canada, and established a new Citigroup consortium, Morgan consortium and American consortium. The three major consortiums formed the later consortium structure, which is the immature form of the current consortium structure."

"Among them, the German Junkers consortium also lost most of its members during the war, successfully transformed into a new oligarchic force, and used the five major Swiss banks to transfer the wealth plundered during the war to escape the loss of the defeat in World War II. It later became the largest financial oligarch consortium in Europe, and now ranks fifth. All financial institutions and assets of the Rothschild family in continental Europe, North America and Australia were wiped out, and the few surviving financial institutions in the United Kingdom and Switzerland struggled to recover. And gradually recovered after the war. Until now, he is still in this period." Lao Qi slowly told Lin Yang the whole story.

"It was precisely because of the decline of Roschchild that the Momen had the opportunity to prosper. At that time, the people of Momen were already fully familiar with European culture. This made them feel comfortable doing business, although it was only behind the scenes. The operation is to find some local celebrities to represent it. But it still achieved great success. After the 60s, it developed rapidly, and now it has surpassed the Junkers consortium to become the largest consortium in Europe.”

Lin Yang wondered: "My senior sister once told me that Momen went overseas to save the country and strengthen the family. Why hasn't it contacted the country yet?"

Lao Qi nodded, "You've got the point! There's a big secret in it!" He took a puff of cigarette, maybe a little excited, but he choked himself into a cough, and it took him a long time to calm down.

"The enormous power that Hei Lian possesses is unimaginable to us, that's why the country wants to get into the core through you, rather than get rid of him violently. If it is solved violently, the country will suffer unbearable losses, and the losses will be huge Nothing like a direct war with the United States."

Lin Yang was taken aback, "So powerful?"

"It's that serious! This is why the Mo Sect has never established contact with the country. Because the black lotus is the biggest enemy of the Mo Sect. Hei Lian played a very important role in the decline of the Mo Sect. This is why our recent I just got the clue." He smiled, "The country could not get in touch with the Momen before, but it is different now, with you here, you will become a bridge for the cooperation between the Momen and the country."

Lin Yang suddenly felt a huge pressure on himself, he swallowed his saliva, "You think too highly of me!"

"No. You are already a disciple of the Momen, and at the same time the implementer of the national revival plan!"

"Revival plan?" Lin Yang's eyes widened.

"Yes, the revival plan!" Lao Qi looked a little excited again, "As long as we eat the black lotus and unite with the Momen, our country will truly stand up!"

Lin Yang narrowed his eyes, "Eat it? Not get rid of it?"

Lao Qi nodded, "Yes, eat it! The black lotus is like a cancerous tumor, but it grows on the heart, it can only be digested, it can't be removed. After cutting it off, that person can't go down!"

Lin Yang took a breath, "But what if I fail?"

"After failure, our country will never stand up, so failure is not allowed!" Lao Qi stared at Lin Yang with wide eyes, almost gnashing his teeth, "I think You have told you that Lin Yang no longer belongs to you You, yourself, belong to the country!"

Lin Yang also looked at Lao Qi with wide eyes, and suddenly smiled wryly, "Do I still have a choice?"

Lao Qi nodded in satisfaction, "We once told you that the country can grant you any request, and you will also have many powers granted by the country. Here I reiterate that all this is true, the power of the country It can be said that it is controlled by you! These powers are so huge that you can do whatever you want. But all of this is for one purpose, to win this war without gunpowder smoke! Because we can't afford to lose!"

Lin Yang exhaled, "I understand!"

"The organization of Hei Lian is very large and complex. It includes European forces, American forces, and even the forces of R country and Nanyang people." Lao Qi took out a leather bag from behind, and took out a Wrapped in an extremely old yellow cloth.

Lin Yang: "What is this?"

Lao Qi shook his head with a serious expression, "We have asked many experts to conduct research, but we have never been able to figure out what it is. I will give it to you today, and you must keep it safe. It is best to understand its use. "

Lin Yang was stunned, "You don't know? Then why did you give it to me?" Monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

Old Qi said: "We only know that this thing is what Hei Lian wants very much. What the enemy wants is what we want to stop. In order to get it, the country sacrificed dozens of team members. So far, the Hei Lian forces are still trying their best to pursue it. its whereabouts."

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