Li Renying's father's name is Li Xianhua, and Li Renying's uncles Li Xianmin and Li Xianyuan are also known as the three heroes of the Li family.These three people control 70.00% of the assets of the Li family.

This night, Li Xianyuan was having a good time.The pressure to control a family is extremely high, so the life of the Li family has always been luxurious and indulgent. They spend money like water, and their personalities can even be said to be a little perverted.

This was the critical moment, Li Xianyuan worked hard, and let out a dull roar from the bottom of his throat.Suddenly, his phone rang, Li Xianyuan sprinted a few more times, and picked up the receiver a little anxiously.


"Li Xianyuan?"

"I am! Who are you?" Although it was his son's mobile phone number, the voice sounded obviously wrong, and Li Xianyuan felt vigilant.

"Listen, in the next three days, I want to play a game with the Li family in Singapore." The voice sounded dull like that of an old man.

Li Xianyuan pushed away the woman buried in his crotch, his eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you want to say? Let me tell you, if you dare to touch Renying with a finger, I guarantee that no matter who you are, you will not be able to leave Singapore !"

The voice said "haha." There was a muffled laugh, "You are too confident! Self-confidence is not a bad thing, but blind self-confidence can only show that you are a fool!"

Li Xianyuan's face was gloomy, "Who the hell are you? What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Now listen carefully. There are 71 descendants of your Li family. Within [-] hours from midnight tonight, I will happily borrow some human organs from everyone including you." After finishing speaking, the other party Already hung up the phone.

Li Xianyuan dropped the microphone in his hand to the ground with a "snap."He was stunned for a moment, then dialed another number, "Hey, Director Chen, my son Li Renying has been kidnapped, I will give you ten hours to find his whereabouts! What? Found it? Where is he? His ear was cut off Already?" Li Xianyuan opened his eyes angrily, and suddenly roared, "Catch the murderer! I'm going to see the damn murderer before dawn!" He threw the phone to the ground again.

When Li Xianyuan saw his son, Li Renying's ears had already been cut off, and a letter was left on his body, which only wrote "the first gift".

"Father, how will I see people in the future?" Li Renying cried with tears and snot in her nose.

"Who hurt you? Who is it!" Li Xianyuan roared angrily.

Li Renying had a bitter face, "I don't remember, I don't remember anything!" He burst into tears again.Angrily, Li Xianyuan wanted to slap this unworthy son, but seeing his pitiful appearance, he couldn't bear to do it, "Useless thing!"

Li Xianyuan immediately notified other members of the family about the matter, and held a family meeting at his residence overnight.

An hour later, all the clansmen had arrived.This is a huge living room, which is full of more than 70 people.They are all important figures in the Lee family, and they are also important figures in Singapore's political circles.

Among the dozens of people in this area, at least half hold important positions in Singapore's political circles.Li Renying was sitting in the center blankly at this time, and everyone's eyes were on him.

Poor, there are not many sympathetic eyes, but many people are gloating.

"What a guts! Dare to attack our Li family! Xianyuan, who did it?" An old man with a gray beard yelled angrily. He was Li Xianyuan's uncle. His body was trembling with anger and his eyes were wide open.

Li Xianyuan shook his head distressedly, "After searching for a long time, I still have no clue. Now I am looking for the nearest entry personnel, and I think there will be results soon."

"Hmph. Big brother is making too much of a fuss! A letter from someone will scare you like this!" It was Li Xianmin, Li Xianyuan's second brother who spoke.

"That's right! Brother, our Li family has turned our hands into clouds and rain in Singapore. Who dares to offend? It can't be a prank, right?" The third brother Li Xianhua also said the same.

Li Xianyuan frowned. Although the three of them were called the three heroes of the Li family, they had always seemed to be at odds with one another, and there was a fundamental conflict of interest between them.Sighing secretly, Li Xianyuan said: "Renying's ears were cut off, could it be a prank? That person said that he would mutilate everyone in the family within three days. Maybe he would cut off the ears, Maybe cut off the nose, who knows what that guy will do!"

"It's a good idea to cut your nose!" The hall door was suddenly pushed open slowly.A young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks walked in slowly with a smile.

"Who!" Li Xianyuan yelled sharply.

The visitor blinked, "Eh? This is how your Li family treats guests? It's not polite to see guests yelling!" Hearing this voice, Li Xianyuan was shocked, "It's you!"

The visitor laughed "hehe." The laughter was eerie in everyone's ears, "Yes! It's me, I cut off your son's ear! I heard that you are looking for me, so I'll come and have a look. Huh? Who is looking for me?" Everyone gasped, the security here is so tight that it is difficult for flies to get in, yet this person groped into the hall without making a sound!

The visitor glanced, "I said, within 72 hours, everyone here will lose one thing."

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" The old man scolded angrily.

"Hey." The visitor stared at the old man and sneered, "Old man, you are right. Of course I have a purpose for doing this. But now you probably won't believe my methods, so you have to be wronged. Wait until you completely believe me When we can destroy the entire Li family, let's sit down and talk slowly." As he spoke, he swayed and picked up the nearest young man in his hand, as if he was holding a chicken.

"Help!" The young man yelled strangely, dancing around.Everyone was taken aback, but no one saw clearly how this man caught him, his movements were too fast!

"Let him go!" Li Xianhua turned pale with shock. The person who was arrested was his son Li Renjie.With just this one son, he couldn't help being frightened.

The visitor glanced sideways at everyone, and suddenly took out a short knife twenty centimeters long and gleaming coldly from his pocket.The members of the Li clan immediately exclaimed in unison, and the timid ones ran back even more frightened.

"Hehe. This Young Master Li Renjie is really a man! I heard that he likes young girls, is it true? Talent, talent!" The faces of all the Li family members turned green.

This Li guy does have such a hobby.He has always been a pedophile. He used to spend money to buy many beautiful and lovely girls in Singapore.Because he killed more than a dozen in a row, it aroused public outrage.Under pressure, the government had to launch a vigorous investigation, but this investigation found Li Renjie's head.

Since he is a member of the Li family, he finally let it go.Li Renjie was also scolded by Li Xianhua, and he no longer dared to commit crimes in Singapore.Later, he spent a lot of money to buy young children from India, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places to satisfy himself.

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