Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 508: The First Appearance

Li Yang was overjoyed, and thanked again and again, and a burst of flattery was sent over, Lin Yang rolled his eyes, "I just realized that you are so good at flattering!"

Li Yang grinned, "Master, I'm lazy to flatter ordinary people, and I only pay respect to people as awesome as Master."

Lin Yang stayed at Fang Zhenbei's home for three days, and while giving advice to Fang Zhenbei, he used his true energy to help Li cultivate the Golden Pill.When leaving, Lin Yang left a bank card with 300 million Hong Kong dollars in it, in order to let Fang Zhenbei practice with peace of mind.

Li Yang stayed in Hong Kong just as he was studying, and Gu Jiang prepared a house for him.At the same time, Lin Yang also gave him a task to teach Gu Feifei and Fang Zhenbei Kung Fu on his behalf.

On the day of farewell, Gu, Chen, Li and others all came to see him off. Lin Yang took the opportunity to return to the mainland and arrived in City B at noon that day.A group of little beauties such as Li Chunchun and Lin Meier have already started school.The women have also started normal work, and Yuzi is handling related investment matters.

Among them, Lin Yang's forest company is the main object of Yuzi's investment, and the scale of investment is unprecedented for the Mitsui consortium for decades.This was also opposed by many people in the clan, but Mitsui Yuko's position in the consortium was already very stable, and she was still able to stick to her own opinion.

As soon as Lin Yang returned, Chong Sheng forced Lin Yang to write nearly a hundred more songs in one night, and Forest Entertainment was preparing to hire a new group of singers.By the time Lin Yang had time, it was already the third day.

At this moment, Lin Yang learned that Lin Meier's parents were completely bankrupt.After defeating such a small move of a financial giant whale, they were not at the same level of opponents at all.Chongsheng also immediately sponsored Lin Yang in the name of Lin Yang, which doubled the size of Lin Meier's parents' company overnight, making him and his wife the most influential figures in the local area.

As a result of doing so, Lin Meier's parents have greatly changed their views on Lin Yang, and they have called Lin Jiansheng and Liu Yun several times to express their gratitude.

Lin Yang returned to Xiangjiang Garden that night, the Ozawa sisters were helping Yuzi with affairs, only Yunrong was there.And she is busy with the disaster relief fund, because both she and Li Anan are the executive directors of the disaster relief fund and have the most power.The whereabouts of the disaster relief funds are completely decided by the two of them, and to make a correct judgment, Yun Rong and Li An'an must have first-hand real information, which is quite cumbersome.

After Lin Yang came back, he saw Yunrong kept making calls and checking information, and went over to carry her away from the computer with distress, "Sister Rong, what are you doing? Why is the director of the fund resigned!" After touching the phone, he was about to call Chongsheng .

Yun Rong gave him a blank look, and snatched the phone back, "Bad brother, I just found a job I like, why don't you let me do it?" She said kissing Lin on the cheek, "The fund has only been established for a few days, and it's closed now. There are many donations from all walks of life. There are also many people sending thank you letters. These days are the time to help, and the past few days will be relaxed."

Lin Yang buried his face in her soft chest, took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "I was afraid that my sister would be tired, and I originally wanted you to manage some general matters. You can find someone to do these small things. Fortunately, you can take care of it by yourself."

Yun Rong hugged Lin Yang's neck, "But I'm not tired."

Lin Yang sighed, hugged her to sit on the sofa, gently stroked Yunrong's pink cheek with his palm, "Good sister, is it because I spend too little time with you..."

Yunrong's beautiful eyes blinked, and Lin Yang greedily sucked the fragrant fluid with her cool red lips.It took a long time for the two to separate, and Yun Rong said softly: "My good brother, there is no woman who does not want to be with her lover for a long time. Although you never said it, I know that my brother has something to do, and it is an extremely important thing. "

Yunrong sighed again, "You just need to come and see me from time to time." She suddenly smiled softly, "Bad guy! I haven't come this month, my brother said maybe I'm pregnant?"

Lin Yang was stunned, and put his hand on Yunrong's lower abdomen. After a while, he opened his eyes suddenly, and said happily, "My dear sister, I'm so cute!" Hugging Yunrong, Lin Yang kissed the soft and soft flesh Jade lips.

Yun Rong pursed her lips and smiled, "I haven't gone to the hospital for an examination yet, so I don't know if it's true. If so, I really hope it's a boy."

Lin Yang caressed Yunrong's beautiful hair, and said softly: "No need to check, I am more effective than any doctor. Sister Rong is definitely pregnant with a daughter." As he spoke, his palm was pressed against Yunrong's back, and a faint The Ziyang zhenqi slowly wandered in Yunrong's meridians.

Yun Rongmei's eyes were slightly closed, she snuggled into Lin Yang's arms, and soon fell asleep peacefully. An hour later, Lin Yang gently carried her to the bunk and covered her with the quilt.The joy in his heart didn't weaken in the slightest, he sat in front of the shop and stared blankly at Yun Rong.

After a long time, Lin Yang suddenly remembered to find those things, and ran to his small bedroom to open the low cabinet.Some of Lin Yang's things are in a mess here.When Lin Yang got the Yuqing Pearl back then, he didn't take it seriously, and just threw it in the drawer.

From the drawer, I found 36 Yuqing beads and the black bead from the country, and found a box from the shop, which contained the Holy Spirit beads.Taking out the metal plate given by Lao Qi from the paper box, Lin Yang took off the Ring of Six Desires.Putting all these things on the bunk, Lin Yang began to study the connection among them.

After scanning these things with his spiritual sense, Lin Yang found that no matter whether they were Yuqing beads or Holy Spirit beads, the characteristics of these beads were exactly the same.There is a specific energy contained in them, and these energies are different.This reminded Lin Yang of the scene when he got the Lord of the Six Desires and the legend of the Six Schools of Martial Arts.

"Yuqing, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Mozong, if this metal disk is a heavenly secret disk, then Taiqing Pearl and Xuanling Pearl are still missing." Lin Yang felt that he was extremely lucky.Picking up the metal plate, there are hundreds of pits on it, some big and some small.

Lin Yang placed 36 jade beads in these pits, and found that the 36 pits on the outermost edge were the right size.And two of the three in the middle are just right for Taiqing beads and Holy Spirit beads.And there is a very small pit in the middle of the three pits, which is the size of a grain of rice.

Lin Yang's heart moved, he picked up the ring, and a very thin blue light appeared between his fingers, and the light penetrated between the ring and the thin thread-like ring body.The small red stone fell gently, and Lin Yang placed it on the concave point, the size was suitable.

Seeing a drop-shaped pit on the left side of the center, Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat and he remembered a jade pendant that Xiao Beibei gave him.At that time Lin Yang could feel a strange aura above the jade pendant.The man hurried to the study again, and found a small paper bag beside the computer desk.

Putting the jade pendant in it, it really fits perfectly with the concave point.Lin Yang was amazed and amazed, the ring and the jade pendant had been exchanged in the hands of many people in the world, after thousands of years, they coincidentally fell into his own hands at the same time.

"If the Lingbao of the Xuanling Sect is still guarded by them, then this jade pendant should be the Lingbao of the Supreme Purity." At this time, Lin Yang looked at the Tianji plate again, except for the forty pits where the Lingbao had been placed, there were There are still 73 pits.

"There should still be one mysterious spiritual treasure missing." Lin Yang sighed slightly, "But what's the use of the remaining 72 pits?" Reminiscent of the sea chart leading to the Antarctic Continent, Lin Yang knew that he wanted to find out the treasure, Must visit Antarctica.Because the spiritual consciousness can't break through the weird energy layer that wraps around the Antarctic.

At this time, somewhere in the capital, the man in black was playing against a fat monk.The man in black held the black pieces, and the chess strength of the two sides was equal. In the later period, the man in black made a move. The monk pondered for a while, then smiled slightly, "The suzerain's chess skills have improved again." He stretched out his hand to shake the pieces.

The black-robed man slightly opened his five fingers on his right hand, and the black and white chess pieces automatically floated up and slowly fell into the chess box, "His entry is getting faster and faster, he went to the South China Sea a few days ago, he should have discovered something. This chess piece is becoming more and more difficult to use, monk, you should find a way out."

The monk smiled faintly, "When his father and son went to Nan Province to find me, I immediately saw that the thing in his hand was the Lord of the Six Desires. At that time, I wanted to take it away, but I didn't expect that there was still a treasure in the Lord of the Rings." Two powerful people. At that time, I had an idea, so I pretended to be a snake, and came up with this idea to use his power to find Qibao. It seems that the original choice was very correct."

The black robe said humanely: "Before you said it, I already knew that there is a person who is very important to me. When you said him, my heart was moved, and I knew that this person was the key to my destiny. Most of my successes and failures are with him related."

"Otherwise, how could you just watch him grow stronger? Now that he has become a powerful person, it is already difficult for you to get rid of him. The monk is thinking that it is better to be a friend than an enemy to such a person." The monk looked A man in a black robe.

The sword-like eyebrows of the man in black raised his eyebrows slightly, "Who can fully predict the things in this world? The more I go down, the more I understand one thing, do your best and obey the destiny. If I can reconcile and resolve hatred, naturally both sides will be happy It is beneficial, but everything is still not conclusive. These days, those people seem to use him to revive the Han Dynasty, and the rumors are getting more and more urgent."

The monk smiled and said: "These idiots, the great cause of the family and the country is already a matter outside our body. Even if we create a prosperous Tang Dynasty, how long can we exist in this world? It's better to seek the Tao freely and find that piece of paradise forever. enjoy."

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