Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 510: The Heavyweight Meeting

Lin Yang smiled slightly, "It's not wrong to say that it's a supernatural power. I have abilities that ordinary people don't have. This is where they rely on me."

It took Yun Yangchi a long time to calm down, and he took a breath: "Lin Yang, how powerful are you?" The so-called supernatural power was just a vague concept in his mind. When a living example like Lin Yang appeared in front of him, A strong curiosity was spontaneously born in his heart.

Lin Yang said lightly: "Conventional weapons can no longer hurt me. Except for a few things, I can do whatever I want." This answer made Yun Yangchi's eyes light up. Your guess is even better!"

The two talked for a long time, until Yun Rong knocked on the door fiercely, "Dad, it's time to eat!" Yun Yangchi and Lin Yang looked at each other and smiled, and both left the room, the table was already full of sumptuous dinner .

After eating a little, Lin Yang's cell phone rang, and it was a text message from Lao Qi: "Go out immediately, someone will answer, and the new order has been conveyed."

Lin Yang frowned slightly, Yun Yangchi knew he had something to do, and said with a smile: "Lin Yang, if you have something to do, go there, there is nothing to do here, come back later, there will be more opportunities."

Yun Rong looked at Lin Yang, "What's the matter?"

Lin Yang smiled and said, "There's someone who wants to see me." Then he looked at Yun Rong with a guilty expression, "Sister Yun, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Yun Rong said softly: "It's okay, don't miss things."

Lin Yang nodded, walked out of Yun's house quickly, and just after leaving the apartment, a young man greeted him, "Mr. Lin, please get in the car." Lin Yang followed him into a car.The car was very fast, and after 10 minutes, the car stopped in front of a hotel.

The driver got out of the car and helped Lin Yang open the car door, and said, "Mr. Lin, someone will greet you when you enter the hotel. I'll wait for you outside." Lin Yang nodded slightly, jumped out of the car and walked to the hotel. Once he entered, there was a waiter at the front desk. Old Qi hurried over.He grabbed Lin Yang's hand and said with a smile, "Lin Yang, it's the chief who wants to see you! It's a great honor, so try to be polite. I'm right, there should be something important to tell you."

Lin Yang smiled faintly, "I understand." Lao Qi led Lin Yang to the door of a private room on the second floor, and knocked lightly on the door three times, twice heavily and once lightly.The door was opened a few seconds later, a middle-aged man in a suit with a mighty face glanced at Lao Qi, nodded slightly, and opened the door.

Old Qi smiled and said, "Lin Yang, I'll be on guard outside." Lin Yang strode in, and there was a man in his 60s or [-]s sitting in the living room, with a slightly fat face and a pair of glasses. He was smiling at himself.

Lin Yang smiled slightly, and sat down on the opposite sofa politely, with his left leg swaying gently on his left leg, and looked at the other party.The man smiled "haha" and said, "It's better to be famous than to meet you. You are much more energetic than in the photo. Lin Yang, I have always wanted to see you, but it is inconvenient and the time has not come. I called you today because I want to have a deep talk with you. Let's talk."

"Ever since we found out that you are the heir of the Demon Sect, we knew that your achievements must be extraordinary. So we placed a heavy bet on you. At this time, you and the fate of the country are tightly bound together." The man's eyes were burning. Looking into Lin Yang's eyes calmly, "I see you today because I want to analyze the current situation with you. Let you understand what you have to do and what you shouldn't do."

Lin Yang said seriously: "All ears!"

"There are three most urgent tasks for our country now. First, get rid of Hei Lian's henchmen. This organization has made the country a mess. A large number of officials in the country have been corrupted by it, and the country's economic lifeline is controlled by him. They put officials People, the rich, and evil forces have colluded to form a huge network of relationships, and if it is not eliminated, the country will never have peace."

"Second, attack the hostile forces headed by the United States. Our country is rising, but it has not yet risen. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, so the United States has never stopped aggressing against our country. Take the two major disasters a few days ago, that is the United States The government created it. The real power behind it is controlled by two or three huge financial groups. So in essence, what we have to do is to eradicate these large financial groups that threaten national security, and they are the real source of world turmoil.”

"Third, identify and eliminate the forces behind the United States. No one knows their true identities. People only know that this force has made the United States advance by leaps and bounds in technology. In just a hundred years, it has become the strongest in the world. Large countries. Their technological level far exceeds other countries, as evidenced by the death fighters and weather interference weapons they have developed."

Lin Yang was well aware of the first two items, but after hearing the third item, he was immediately taken aback, "Is there another power?" Lin Yang was very surprised.How is it possible for a force that can provide a force that surpasses the current technological level?The country can't research success yet, let alone an organization? .

"Yes, and this force may be our greatest enemy in the future. What's even more frightening is that we still don't know what their purpose is. We don't even understand why they support the US government."

Lin Yang smiled wryly, "If there really is such a force, this group of people will definitely not be ordinary people." Lin Yang can only describe it as "non-ordinary" people, he can't figure out who would be so smart.

"The plan to eliminate the black lotus is underway. This is our country's top priority. The latter two are closely related things that must be resolved at the same time."

Lin Yang said: "My identity has been exposed. They knew about the relationship between me and you a long time ago." It's just that Lin Yang didn't know it at first.

"There can be no secrets between the two parties, because no one can guard against the infiltration of spies on both sides. As for the black chain, the layout of the key places has been completed. As long as you can fight against those characters in the black lotus whose strength is far beyond ordinary people, our plan will be successful. Successful implementation."

Lin Yang said indifferently: "It seems that the country also hides a group of martial arts figures that should not be underestimated. They may be able to complete the task. Why me?"

The man said: "They can only be used as a reserve force, so that we can advance or attack, retreat or defend."

"I can accept all of these." Lin Yang stared at the man, "but I hope you can understand that I don't want the people around me to be hurt, even if it's a little bit. In addition, things like lackey cooking are not suitable for me .”

The man pondered for a moment, "You are an extraordinary person with great strength. So the country needs you and will provide you with everything that the country can do. As long as your terrorist ability will not become a threat to national security, you are a friend of the country , the two sides will have overlapping interests. In this case, the two sides will only get along friendly, I think you can figure out the key to this."

Lin Yang smiled slightly, "I hope so."

The man said: "The infiltration of Heilian is intensifying, and during this time, we hope you can go to the United States again to continue the beheading operation. At the same time, the forest also needs a large amount of capital injection."

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