Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 545: The Old Monster

The old Taoist smiled slightly, "It's going to be broken, maybe I will really beat you!" He took the book and asked Xiao Xu: "This book is extremely precious. It is the record of the practice of the ancestors of Sanqing. What have you researched these days? gone?"

Xiao Xu scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Grandpa Mu, there are many things I don't understand. There is mercury and lead powder in it. What does these things have to do with alchemy? Grandpa Mu, mercury is poisonous. You can't eat it casually. I think this book must have killed many people!"

The old man smiled "haha" and shook his head, "Silly boy, you don't understand at all..." He waved his hand, "Go back, I can't lend you this book today." Xiao Xu said with a bitter face, "Then can I borrow it tomorrow?" ?”

"Tomorrow's matter will be discussed tomorrow, hurry up..." The old man wrapped the yellow silk again.

Xiao Xu glanced at Lin Yang, "Senior, see you tomorrow." He left the scene in a hurry.He always knew that old man Mu was weird, so he left immediately very wisely.If not, I'm afraid not only will I not be able to borrow books next time, but I will also be scolded by the old man.

The old Taoist turned his gaze to Lin Yang, "Young man, do you want to borrow books too?" He shook the silk book in his hand.

Lin Yang could feel that from time to time, the old Taoist body sent out streaks of spiritual consciousness covering the entire library and surrounding areas.Moreover, Taoist's strength is definitely higher than Lin Yang's. Lin Yang sighed inwardly, knowing that it was impossible for him to quietly take away the book.

Nodding his head, Lin Yang smiled and said, "It's a book borrower. I want to borrow that alchemy book in your hand. Will the old man borrow it?"

The old man smiled slightly, "The books here are for borrowing, but the old man doesn't look like you are borrowing books, but you are here to steal books! Libraries will severely punish book thieves. Young man, you are young , Why would you do such a thing? You must remember that you must carefully consider the consequences before doing something, otherwise, if you make a mistake, you will be hated forever, and then you will look back a hundred years ago. At that time, no one will be able to save you."

Lin Yang smiled "hehe", "The old man talks a lot of nonsense, and I don't want to grind my teeth with you. I just want to know if you are willing to lend me the book in your hand."

The old Taoist sighed and shook his head, "What a young man who is not polite, everyone calls me Grandpa Mu, but you call me an old man... But I won't argue with you." He waved to Lin Yang, "Young man If you want to borrow books, come with me, I will not kill you without teaching, and the old man will not bear this bad name."

As the old Taoist said, he turned and walked away. Lin Yang followed behind him, wondering what kind of mystery this old Taoist was playing.But even though Lin Yang knew he was invincible, he was [-]% sure of running away, so he wasn't afraid of him at all.

The Taoist led Lin Yang into an office with a sign "Library Management Office" hanging on it.The room is small, with only one office desk, one computer, two shelves, and a bookshelf for documents standing behind it.

"Sit down, young man." The Taoist took a seat opposite, and smiled slightly to let Lin Yang sit down too.Lin Yang slapped his butt on the chair unceremoniously, and stared at the old Taoist, "Old man, I know you are amazing. Mingren don't say dark words, I just came here to see the silk book in your hand. I heard what it is I am very curious about its content, and I must read it. If you don’t give it to me, then I will have to grab it.”

The old man laughed "haha" and pointed at Lin Yang, "Young man is so interesting, he said so confidently about grabbing things, very good! Let me ask you, are you sure you can snatch things from me?"

Lin Yang blinked, "I haven't tried it, so I don't know yet. But even if I can't take it away today, there will be tomorrow, and if I can't tomorrow, there will be the day after tomorrow. Old man, I am young and strong, and I don't believe I will never be able to take it away."

The old Taoist suddenly sneered, "You're really crazy!" He took out an egg-shaped egg-shaped jade ball from his wide sleeve, which was white all over, "37 primordial spirits have been trapped in this jade ball." , and one more will enter it today."

Seeing the ball, Lin Yang suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis. With a sound of "咻", Lin Yang's body suddenly bounced back, smashed through the wall with a "boom", then shot upwards violently, and then smashed through the cement layer on the top with a "boom".Lin Yang shot towards the sky like a cannonball, and fled eastward in a flash.

The old man stared blankly at the wall, his face changed drastically, and he murmured: "It seems that the administrator is going to be removed!" Then he looked annoyed, "I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" Lin Yang was flying in mid-air.

Lin Yang saw that he was about to fly out of this area, and suddenly felt a spiritual consciousness that was not overbearing, but gentle as water, suddenly wrapped himself up.Lin Yang's head was dizzy for a while, and his body fell straight down very simply.

"Boom~" A truck in motion was smashed into the ground.The altitude of hundreds of meters, coupled with Lin Yang's super fast flying speed, made his falling speed exceed 300 meters per second.

It was a light truck, but fortunately Lin Yang fell into the back of the car, only four wheels were blown off, and the bottom of the car was smashed through.Lin Yang continued to smash hard into the concrete road.

Only the light truck at the front of the car scraped against the ground amidst the sparks and stopped. The driver was stunned and didn't know what happened, thinking he was being chased by someone.And the cars behind couldn't brake in time. After running over Lin Yang who was lying sprawled, they continued to hit the back of the half-drawn car with a "bang".

"It's over, I've run over someone! The car has crashed!" Several drivers said something bad in their hearts, cursing and jumping out of the car.

It was the first time that Lin Yang had a deep understanding of what it was like to be run over by a wheel. Although it didn't hurt very much, it wasn't uncomfortable either.What's even worse is that Lin Yang's primordial spirit is still tightly bound by that watery and windy primordial spirit, making it impossible for Lin Yang to move.

Not long after, many people ran over and surrounded Lin Yang, "Oh, it doesn't seem to be bleeding, what a miracle! Call an ambulance!"

"What's going on here? People are fine, but the car is scrapped."

"It's all right, you didn't look at this person, you kept your eyes straight, your body didn't move, I think it's probably out of breath... Don't worry, I'll try him... Oh, I'm not breathing! Which of you knows artificial respiration?" With artificial respiration, Lin Yang's heart twitched violently.The person speaking in front of him was a middle-aged uncle. Lin Yang smiled wryly in his heart, and quickly turned his soul, but he still couldn't break free.

Lin Yang sighed secretly, and only then did he understand the purpose of the three brothers Zheng Zhu for letting him come.Maybe that silk book is really a relic of the Sanqing, but Lin Yang has no chance if he is guarded by such a perverted old man. "I will definitely break your six legs when I go back!" Lin Yang was furious.

Suddenly, Lin Yang felt his body relax, and heard a voice in his ear: "Forget you to run fast! Boy, you are not from my Sanqing sect, so don't think about reading again in the future! When you leave the library, I will follow the rules." It’s not good to hurt you again. But you have to remember clearly, if you dare to approach the library within a hundred meters in the future, I will put your kid’s soul into the bead! Let you stay in it for 80 years before coming out.”

Lin Yang was shocked, jumped up from the ground, and ran away, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Old monster! I'll be back soon!" Several drivers behind shouted, "Grab him! , Let him lose money! I rely on it!"

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