Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 562: The Real Strong Enemy

Suddenly, the "silkworm cocoon" changed abruptly, and the outer red light suddenly lit up, and instantly turned into a ball of dazzling red light.The light flickered a few times, and a person appeared in the light.This man was a man in his twenties, his skin was as smooth as jade, his short gray hair was short, his nose was as straight as a pillar, and his eyes were like bright stars, in which there was a mysterious and unpredictable light like stars.

This young man is none other than the evolved Lin Yang.The huge energy absorbed caused a qualitative change in Lin Yang's body. This kind of change is exactly "shape becomes invisible".Just like water, water is impermanent, Lin Yang's body can be rigid or flexible, and can change as he pleases.At this moment, Lin Yang's realm is already close to the realm of great freedom, and there is only a layer of paper in front of him.

Once the house paper is pierced, Lin Yang will see a new world, and his body will be sublimated again.It's just that even Lin Yang couldn't predict what he would look like at that time.

"Who are you!" A researcher boldly asked Lin Yang.Lin Yang smiled slightly, and with a movement of his mind, the inquiring researcher shook his body, opened his mouth and said, "This is an energy conversion instrument, which can convert the physical energy in this world into life energy. Life energy is a very wonderful, different Substances with general energy in the world."

"It can become tangible or intangible..." Before the researcher finished speaking, his eyes suddenly opened wide, black blood flowed out from the seven holes, and he fell to the ground with a "plop".At this time, an old man in green robe walked into the entrance.

Lin Yang turned around and stared at the old man, "You shouldn't have come!"

The old man had a strange expression. He glanced at the "Energy Transformation Instrument" and then at Lin Yang, "This lab's half a century of hard work was destroyed by you!"

Lin Yang smiled faintly, "If my guess is correct, this thing should be used to train fighters. The nature of life energy is stable, and it can instantly improve a person's physique. It's a pity that this kind of forced improvement by external force will not make a real master .” As he spoke, he pointed his right hand to the left, and a blue light “silkling” emanated from between his fingers.

The blue light is everywhere, and a huge hole is twisted out of the wall by blinking, revealing the huge space inside.Hundreds of young men with dull eyes sat side by side inside, their bodies were all connected by catheters and wires to many strangely shaped instruments.

The old man said angrily: "Although Your Excellency is extremely powerful, country R is definitely not a place for you to run wild!" With a flick of his right hand, a golden strange light "Si Ling Ling" rushed towards Lin Yang.

Lin Yang also raised his hand, and a group of blue lights greeted him, and the two strange lights twisted together in mid-air, making a strange "sisi" sound.Lin Yang smiled, "Your swordsmanship is very good, and the Shangqing Pearl was indeed obtained by me. But I want to know, how can your country R be related to the Shangqing faction in Zhongtu?"

At this time, the golden light suddenly split into two, one blocked the blue sword light from Lin Yang, and the other charged towards Lin Yang.Lin Yang let out a long laugh, stretched out his right hand and grabbed it, the golden light suddenly shrank and melted into Lin Yang's palm.

The old man's complexion changed, his body swayed slightly, he almost couldn't stand upright, and shouted sharply: "Don't think that no one in country R can cure you! It's just that it's not worth the old man's exit! You are sensible and hand over the Shangqing Pearl, I don't care about other things with you anymore!"

Lin Yang just accepted his "Flying Sword". The so-called Feijian is actually a powerful energy with a weak distraction attached to it.Lin Yang broke his "Flying Sword", and he felt a little injury in his heart.

Tens of thousands of red threads sprang out from the palm of Lin Yang, twisted in the golden light, absorbed all the golden light, turned it into a stream of energy and entered the body, like drinking sweet spring.Lin Yang stared at the old man, "I'm sorry, Shangqingzhu cannot be returned to you!"

The old man opened his eyes, seemed extremely angry, and said loudly: "When did someone like you appear in the west! Since you don't know what to do, you must ask the master to come out of the mountain!" After he finished speaking, Lin Yang felt a burst of primordial spirit suddenly spread go.

Lin Yang said with a smile: "You can't beat me, of course you have to ask Master to get out of the mountain, you don't feel ashamed! No wonder the three of you beat me last time. The warriors of country R are probably used to being shameless!"

Suddenly, Lin Yang's complexion changed drastically, and just as he was about to move away, a powerful spiritual sense rushed towards him from all directions.Lin Yang's whole body tensed up, and he immediately resisted with all his strength.Strange purple and gold lights flashed all over his body, and there was a strange sound of "cracking" in the surrounding air, shooting out streaks of fine lightning.

"Hmph! Ignorant junior, how can I spare you if you've lost all your efforts?" After speaking, Lin Yang felt the pressure increase sharply, with a pained look on his face, as if thousands of steel needles were piercing his body at the same time, which was extremely numb and unbearable.His head was dizzy, as if he was about to die from his soul.

Lin Yang let out a roar, and the strange purple light on his body suddenly lit up, and he ran away.At this time, Lin Yang exerted his mind power to the extreme, passed through the passage as quickly as a sword from a string, and instantly exited the door, flying straight to the sky.

But the primordial spirit seemed to be everywhere, scattered around Lin Yang.Lin Yang rose more than [-] meters high and flew eastward.At this time, the old man also jumped up from the ground and chased after Lin Yang, but with a look of joy on his face, he said to himself while flying: "Master has finally left the customs!"

Lin Yang hurried all the way, and in about ten minutes later he arrived at a hill, and the Dao Primordial Spirit suddenly became stronger by three points.Lin Yangli didn't know, he let out a muffled snort, and fell down.It hit the ground fiercely from a height of hundreds of meters, smashing the rocks into pieces and flying dust.

Lin Yang immediately jumped up from the ground, only to see a young man in green robes standing three meters away in front of him.The man looked at Lin Yang coldly with a look of killing, and there was a purple halo circulating behind him.

Lin Yang wiped his face, looked at the young man a few times, and deliberately asked, "Who are you?"

The young man said coldly: "Junior, you ruined my big business, now I give you two choices! Either worship under my sect, or be killed by me!" His tone was flat and his expression was indifferent, as if he should decide the life and death of others generally.

Lin Yang opened his eyes, "I can't beat you, but it's not so easy for you to kill me!" Just as he was about to escape, his body sank suddenly, and his body was restrained in place by an invisible force, and he couldn't even move.

The young man smiled slightly, "I didn't expect that after a thousand years, there would be a talent like you in the Demon Sect! But you warriors think you have a strong physique, but in the eyes of us monks, you are worthless! Little boy, you worship me as your teacher , let me let you know what real cultivation and enlightenment is, it is a thousand times stronger than you are now!"

Lin Yang's heart moved, and he blinked and asked the young man, "Senior, I can't beat you. Even if you want to accept me as an apprentice, you must tell me who you are?"

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