Wu Mengran had a dejected look on his face, "It's just that Master is retreating, otherwise we wouldn't have to be afraid of this damned demon! Tonight's battle will be more or less ominous..."

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the three women left the room to eat at the restaurant on the first floor.Through the conversation, Lin Yang already knew the names of the other two women, Wen Zhu and Xue Fen, and the three women were all disciples of Nobile Chai.

There were a few diners sitting sparsely in the restaurant, and the three women sat near the glass wall.They ordered four dishes and talked while eating.Lin Yang also came to the restaurant and sat at a table next to the three women.He ordered four delicious side dishes and a dozen small biscuits alone, and listened to the women's conversation while eating.

It's just that Lin Yang's arrival immediately caught the attention of the three women. "Sister Wenzhu, this person is so edible, it's a bit weird!" Meng Ran turned her head and glanced at Lin Yang, expressing her doubts.

"And why did he sit so close to us? There must be a conspiracy!" In a few words, the women have already defined Lin Yang.

At this time, Lin Yang had already eaten, wiped his mouth carelessly with a napkin, then got up grinningly, and then sat down on the table of the third woman.

The faces of the three women changed, "Friend, we didn't invite you over!" Wu Mengran said coldly.

Lin Yang casually glanced at the three girls, "The Gold Hairpin Gate? Why haven't I heard of it, but the Shuanghua Gate!" His eyes turned cold, "Tell me, what are you going to do to trick me out? ?”

"We don't understand what nonsense you are talking about!" Wen Zhu sneered, "We don't know you at all."

"Oh?" Lin Yang nodded, "So you don't know me, so do you know Wu Mengqi? Well, this name may be fake. In short, she is Wu Mengran's sister in name. If I guessed correctly, she should He is also a member of the Double Flower Club."

Speaking of this, the three women already knew that Lin Yang had seen through, and they looked at each other, "How did you know?"

"It's very simple, because you can't hide from me what you estimated. The three of you just broke up with the Shuanghua sect master who pretended to be Wu Mengqi an hour ago. And before Wu Mengqi entered the room, she also whispered to the few people who escorted her He said something. Obviously, you are all the same way." Lin Yang's tone was flat, without any anger, "I came here to find out what your purpose is."

"My friend is indeed an expert! We underestimated your strength!" A voice came from behind, it was the Shuanghua sect master who just broke up in Tang Zhai today.

The woman sat down opposite, and looked at Lin Yang meaningfully, "Friend Lin, I have to say, we really shouldn't be against you, we should be friends with you! I don't think this should be too much Is it late?"

Lin Yang looked indifferent, "This is how you look at it."

"Okay, I'll tell friend Lin the whole process now." Shuanghuamen said with a smile.At this time, the guests in the restaurant dispersed immediately, and the door of the hotel was also closed.The curtain on the glass wall was drawn, and only Lin Yang and the four women were left in the restaurant.

"My friend Lin must also know that if the current martial arts friends do not join the Wumeng, it is extremely difficult to survive in this world." The woman looked helpless, "Originally, Shuanghuamen also wanted to join the Wumeng. It's complicated, and our Shuanghuamen are all girls..."

She didn't continue, but Lin Yang understood what the woman meant.It is guessed that this Shuanghuamen probably once joined the Wumeng, and they must have been bullied, which forced them to leave the Wumeng.

"Wumeng is a very domineering organization. For it, it is either a friend or an enemy, so it is extremely difficult for Shuanghuamen to survive. But we are not immortals and Buddhas, we need food, clothing and life. Therefore, we need to gain a foothold in the mortal world , build your own foundation." The woman said, "Tang Jiunian is a person with a great background, and this person has a good character, so my younger sister and I chose her."

"Wu Mengqi and you are sisters?" Lin Yang understood after asking, "So you are twins."

The woman pursed her lips and smiled, "What you see now is my true appearance, but my sister is easy to bear."

"Since you want to rely on Tang Jiunian, why do you still have ideas about his daughter?" Lin Yang turned cold.

"I didn't lie to you last time, so there was something in the door that required my sister to take action, so I went to replace her for a few days. As soon as I saw the two girls, I fell in love with them and hoped that I could accept them. After controlling Mr. Tang's mind, I think you know everything after that."

"I thought you didn't know the identity of my little sister, but I didn't expect you to see through." The woman shook her head, "Actually, we really met an enemy. He is Tu Gang, nicknamed Balong, because a disciple, I hurt his apprentice."

"You hope that Tugang and I can fight for both sides, and then you can kill two birds with one stone?" Lin Yang asked her lightly.

The woman smiled softly, "At that time, we were not friends, but enemies. So, I think friend Lin will understand us."

Lin Yang's face turned cold, "I didn't promise to make friends with you!"

The woman's expression was slightly terrified, and she sighed quietly, "Our skills are shallow, of course we are not your opponent. If you want to report defeat, we have no choice!"

Lin Yang stared at the woman, "Tugang, I can help you deal with it, but there are conditions."

The woman said happily, "Please tell me!"

"Your little sister, who is now Wu Mengqi, she must continue to be her Mrs. Tang!" Lin Yang could see that Tang Jiunian had a deep affection for that woman. Once he learned the truth, Lin Yang was worried that he would not be able to accept the reality.

The woman's face changed, "This is impossible! I can't agree to your conditions!"

"If you don't agree to my conditions, what reason do I have to help Shuanghuamen?" Lin Yang sneered, "I tell you clearly, even if you don't agree to my conditions, I will let her stay obediently! Spend the rest of your life with Mr. Tang!"

The woman's pupils also shrank slightly, "You want to control her!" She already knew about Lin Yang's strength, and with his powerful soul, controlling a person was as easy as pie.

Lin Yang looked indifferent, "She must pay the price for deceiving Mr. Tang's feelings."

"Don't even think about it!" The woman stood up abruptly, "Unless you kill all the Shuanghuamen!"

There was a trace of coldness on Lin Yang's face, "This is a good idea! Once you all die, things won't be so troublesome anymore."

The women were all taken aback, hearing Lin Yang Senran's words, they couldn't help shivering.

The woman sat back dejectedly, her eyes wandered to Lin Yang, "Little sister and I are both the masters of the Shuanghua sect, it is impossible to agree to your request..."

At this time, "Wu Mengran", "Wen Zhu", and "Xue Fen" suddenly knelt down beside Lin Yang at the same time: "Mr. Lin, as long as you don't make things difficult for Master, we are willing to serve you as slaves and servants!" The three women look determined.

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