Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 6: Photographic Memory

Out of this bad breath, Lin Yang felt that he was walking much more easily. He went to the big restaurant to eat some thin soup and steamed buns, and then hurried towards the classroom with Guo Liang and his group.This time should be the peak time for students to go to the classroom. Walking on the road, countless students with different clothes passed by Lin Yang.

After walking for a short distance, Lin Yang suddenly noticed a very strange thing. Every girl he saw was emitting a layer of faint light, although the light on most of the girls was so faint that Lin Yang couldn't see it. The point of discovery.

Some rays of light are blue, some are red, some are purple, gray, white and so on.

Lin Yang couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and looked at these gorgeous girls again, there was still light!

"What's going on?" Lin Yang was taken aback. Is there something wrong with my eyes? "Lin Yang knew that there were many eye diseases that would cause the eyes to see strange lights, so he couldn't help but suspect this aspect.

But when he looked at the boys again, he found that these guys don't even have bright lights on their bodies, they don't even have black lights!

Lin Yang kept walking and looking at all the girls passing by him. He would definitely stare at them for a long time. His nervous behavior made many girls blush and walk away quickly.Some of the bad-tempered ones gave him a hard look, and then let out a "hum~" like a gust of wind.

Lin Yang's strange behavior surprised the three Luo Yang who were walking with him.

Luo Yang slapped Lin Yang on the head, "You son of a thief! You are so daring!" After speaking, the three of them giggled.

Lin Yang tapped Luo Yang's forehead with his fingers, and laughed and scolded: "I'm observing the movement characteristics of human female life, and you don't understand it!" All three of them vomited.

Su Qing smiled and said, "But your eyes were really evil just now! You scared a few of them away!" It turned out that all the girls around Lin Yang had rushed to the front at this time, and none of them walked with him. of.

Lin Yang chuckled, "I was shaken, and the aura of dominance swept across the world, what kind of little woman is there? Wahaha~~" The three of them beat him angrily, and ran forward with their heads in their arms.

When he arrived in the classroom, Lin Yang's eyes were still not honest, and he scanned all the girls in the classroom one by one. As expected, these Yingyingyanyans were still shining, with lights of various colors.

Lin Yang had always wondered why women glowed, so he didn't listen to the first section of cell microbiology, he only knew that the bald man on the podium was spitting flying all over the mouth.

Seeing that Lin Yang was absent-minded all the time, Su Qing, who was sitting next to him on the right, nudged him with an elbow, and said in a low voice, "Boy, what are you doing? You're so mean!"

Lin Yang didn't dare to tell the truth, blinked his eyes and lowered his voice and said with a stern face: "I am studying the evolution theory of Darwin's sages by observing the physical characteristics of girls and combining their appearance, and I have already obtained preliminary research results! "

Su Qing couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Fuck you!"

This smile provoked the few students who were listening carefully in the front row to look back.The two hurriedly adjusted their clothes and looked serious, and listened carefully to the class. They looked serious, as if they had always been like this.

There is only a junior lecturer on the podium, that is, the level of reading textbooks.Lin Yang felt bored after listening to a few words, so he flipped through the textbook by himself.

"Wow~~" Flipping through a few pages of the book, Lin Yang suddenly widened his eyes, and then flipped through the book more quickly, "Wow~" Several people in the front row turned their heads and glared, even the junior lecturer The husband was also alarmed, raised his eight-character eyebrows, "Student Ni Ge, why did you touch it?" His broken Mandarin was full of anger.

Lin Yang's face was flushed at the moment, his breath was heavy, he raised his head and grinned apologetically at the lecturer, while the lecturer shook his head slightly and continued to read from the book.

It turned out that Lin Yang just glanced at the textbook casually, and he memorized the contents of the book in an instant!Lin Yang couldn't believe it was true, so he closed his eyes and meditated, even the punctuation marks were vivid in his memory, and he remembered them all perfectly!This time, student Lin Yang was so shocked, he stayed for a while, and then quickly flipped through the book to make sure that he had really remembered it by memory.

In the end, Lin Yang still found that his eyes were like a camera, and he could record everything without any mistakes and put it into his brain with just one glance.

However, his movements were too big and his voice was too loud. He didn't stop his fidgety inspection until his classmates got angry and the teacher stopped him.

At this moment, Lin Yang's heart was beating wildly. He didn't think about why he suddenly became extremely smart and could never forget it. Instead, at that one-thousandth of a millionth, he, Lin Yang, had already Make sure you are out of the sea of ​​suffering!

Although Lin Yang has been admitted to university, he is by no means smart, even if he is smart, he is only a little "smart".When Lin Yang was in County No. [-] Middle School, the head teacher once talked to him, and Lin Yang still remembers that conversation: "Lin Yang, you are a hardworking student, and your grades are not bad now, but you must remember Stay! Your grades come from hard work, not from your talent, as long as you relax a little, you will miss a good university!"

Lin Yang also knew this in his heart. There were a few strange guys in the class. These people never listened carefully to the lectures, never took notes, were often late, and often absent from class.But this group of people happens to be the top students in their studies. Every time they graduate, they have already been recommended students of a certain famous university, and they are all reluctant to pick and choose.Lin Yang knew that this was talent!No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up, so he kept studying steadily until graduation.

Lin Yang silently memorized the head teacher's comments. I am not a smart student, so I must use all my perseverance and energy to study hard!

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