Lin Yang flew extremely fast, and not long after, the two of them arrived at a small town called "Moon Moon" in Province S.The town built a moon-watching villa three years ago. It is said that it was funded by the town government for the purpose of developing the town's rural tourism industry.

Wangyue Villa covers an area of ​​more than 3000 mu. Most of the villas are built on the mountainside. The small bridges and flowing water in the village, and Yushu Qionglou really attract many tourists. An iconic area of ​​the town.

Lin Yang and Ming Yuyan landed in the large garden behind Wangyue Villa, not far from a large building.This area is announced as the management center of Moon Moon Villa. The houses are built in a rustic manner, and outsiders are usually not allowed to enter, because this is where the Huashan Yue Nu faction is located.

When the two landed on the ground, Ming Yuyan looked a little nervous, and her jade hand tightly grasped Lin Yang's palm.Lin Yang gently squeezed her hand comfortingly, and said softly, "Sister, don't be afraid, your master will be happy to see you."

"Who is it!" With a sudden cry, two slender figures rushed towards them like a gust of wind, surrounding Lin Yang and Ming Yuyan.

Lin Yang saw that these two were women, in their twenties, and both had seven-point looks. The two women were staring at him and Ming Yuyan coldly, with guarded expressions on their faces.The two women were not yet born when Ming Yuyan left the mountain, so they naturally couldn't recognize that Ming Yuyan was her disciple.

Ming Yuyan smiled slightly, and took a step forward, "What do you call the two younger sisters?"

The two women looked at each other, and one of them shouted to Lin Yang and Ming Yuyan: "Who are you? Trespassing on other people's houses, what's your intention?"

Ming Yuyan still wanted to talk, but Lin Yang had already stepped forward, smiled "hehe" and pointed to Yuyan, "This is the Ming Yuyan Ming heroine from your sect 30 years ago, don't you guys know him? Hurry up and talk to you!" Report from my teacher!"

The two women were obviously taken aback when they heard Ming Yuyan, and they fixed their eyes on Ming Yuyan, as if confirming the credibility of Lin Yang's words.

Ming Yuyan looked like a young girl, and she was very graceful and beautiful. The two of them murmured in their hearts, "If Uncle Ming, how could she be so young? Could it be that she will live forever?"

Ming Yuyan smiled lightly at the two girls, and asked softly, "Which uncle are you two?"

Although the two women did not dare to confirm Ming Yuyan's identity, they did not dare to offend Ming Yuyan. One of the women thought for a while, "My master Shangyu Xiaye, are you really Master Ming?"

Ming Yuyan smiled and said: "It turns out that she is under Senior Sister Yuye's sect. I would like to ask the two nephews to report to Master, saying that my disciple Yuyan is not filial." As she said, she waved her right hand lightly to the ground, and there was a strange air flow, and the air on the ground The leaves swirled up and were picked up by Ming Yuyan in her hands. This gesture was exactly the technique of Piaoxue Palm.

Seeing Ming Yuyan showing off such a skill, the two girls immediately believed it ninety percent, and bowed their bodies to Ming Yuyan, clasped their fists and saluted, "We were rude just now, please don't blame Master Ming, my nephew will go and report to Master." After finishing, one girl stayed with Ming Yuyan, and the other walked back quickly.

After talking a few words, the two of them realized that the female disciple left behind claimed to be Li Qingwan, and the female disciple just now was Zhao Qinghong, and both of them were disciples of Yuye.While talking, Li Qingwan looked at Lin Yang curiously. Although she didn't speak, Ming Yuyan knew that she was guessing Lin Yang's identity.

Ming Yuyan couldn't say anything, so she thought for a while, "This is my good friend, not an outsider." As an uncle, she was ashamed to tell the fact that Lin Yang was her boyfriend.

After saying a few words, more than a dozen people came out of the house over there.These people included men and women, old and young. The woman who looked to be in her fifties was the one with the most expectant expression, and her eyes stayed on Ming Yuyan.

Seeing this man, Ming Yuyan immediately trembled, and called out "Master!" She hurried up to meet her with tears, and she knelt on the ground with the woman's legs in her arms, with a look of guilt on her face.

The woman also had a sad face, holding Ming Yuyan's cheeks with both hands, looked and looked, and murmured, "Is it Yuyan? My child, where have you been all these years? In the first ten years, I sent your brothers and sisters down the mountain countless times for my teacher. You, but there has been no news, the heavens are pitiful, my good disciple is finally back today!"

Ming Yuyan hugged each other and couldn't help sobbing, like a daughter who was far away from home after suffering all kinds of hardships, and then suddenly met the feelings of a loving mother when she returned home, and she was full of admiration for children.

When the master and apprentice were feeling sad, Lin Yang glanced at the group of people.Four men, two middle-aged and two youths, were found in the crowd.The rest are all women, including four middle-aged women and seven young women.

Ming Yuyan once told Lin Yang that her master was Wu Jingya, known as the Huashan Heroine.Seeing that she was the only older person in the room, Lin Yang thought that she should be the oldest member of the Yue Nu faction.

The master and the apprentice chatted for a while, and Wu Jingya had time to observe Lin Yang.After sweeping her eyes, she saw that Lin Yang's eyes were ordinary, but his face was very handsome. She asked with a smile, "Yuyan is a good boy, who is this?" They looked like young people in their 20s, but they were both talented and attractive. Wu Jingya immediately guessed that Lin Yang might be someone like Ming Yuyan's boyfriend.

"How could Yuyan find such a man who doesn't know martial arts?" She was secretly worried.

Lin Yang secretly said: "She is my sister and master, I'd better not be rude!" Lin Yang is the king of the Demon Sect, so he has the right to dismiss even the most senior figures in the martial arts world.But the person in front of him was Master Ming Yuyan, so Lin Yang had to show some face.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang smiled slightly, stepped forward and clasped his fists, "See you, senior."

Wu Jingya nodded slightly, "You don't need to be too polite, please sit in the living room." She signaled everyone to go back to the living room.

Wu Jingya and Ming Yuyan walked in front and brought everyone back to the living room.

Wu Jingya has always loved this apprentice Ming Yuyan very much. She is not only well-behaved but also intelligent. Although she has not seen her for decades, she still feels the same as she did more than 30 years ago.Caressing the top of Ming Yuyan's head, Wu Jingya asked softly: "Yuyan, tell me how you got here all these years? Why has there been no news?"

Ming Yuyan didn't dare to hide anything, and told Wu Jingya everything she had experienced. Of course, she still had reservations about the part with Lin Yang, and she only said that Lin Yang had saved her life.

After hearing the apprentice's story, Wu Jingya's face sank like water, and she reprimanded: "You child, how can you be blamed for this?" She sighed, "What a stupid child, no matter how big a mistake you make, how can Master have the heart to do it?" Blame you too much? Do you know where that person came from?" Obviously she hated the man who hurt her beloved disciple very much, and wanted to kill him immediately.

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