Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 682: Wu Zong traces the origin

Others followed suit and stayed away from the scene one after another, because Lin Yang's coercion at this moment was getting stronger and stronger, and everyone could no longer bear it. One minute later, Lin Yang was the only one standing there, and the Tianji Pan was sandwiched between Lin Yang's hands.The light on the disk was already dazzlingly bright, and the "humming" sound from the tremor in the air became louder and louder.

The surrounding icebergs began to "crack", the ice walls exploded one after another, and countless ice shards flew all over the sky, followed by "rumbling" bursts of loud noise, like thunder from nine days, this is the sound of the collapse of the ice peak.

In just a moment, the ice peaks within a radius of tens of miles shattered one after another, and countless ice chips rolled down in balls.This scene lasted for half an hour before it calmed down.A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Lin Yang's mouth, and at the same time, the Tianji board suddenly flickered on and off, and Lin Yang heard a soft "click" in his ears.

In an instant, Lin Yang felt the coercion around him disappear.The people in the distance also felt this change immediately, and returned to the scene one after another. When they returned to their original place, they were all stunned by the scene they saw.Looking around, I can see that all the ice peaks have turned into a pile of ice chips, and this area has become a plain of ice and snow, with only hillocks formed by the crushed ice peaks.

"Did it work?" Fairy Nongyue was the first to ask.

Lin Yang nodded, "I'm lucky. I thought I'd try the last possibility, but I didn't expect to find the password after only one-twentieth of the time."

The black-faced patriarch was sure that the treasure was opened, and immediately ran towards the ice cave. He was still the first to enter, followed by the Zheng brothers.And it wasn't until everyone entered that Lin Yang took the Moon Fairy into the ice cave without haste.

Everyone went down one after another, and the ice cave turned out to be extremely deep. It has dropped hundreds of meters, but it still hasn't bottomed out.Fairy Nongyue laughed and said, "I don't know what is hidden in the treasure. It's really exciting!"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, "It is precisely because we don't know that we have expectations in our hearts, and we will know the result in a while."

After falling for more than 300 meters, everyone finally touched the ground, but the ice cave turned horizontally to one side.A group of people with strong primordial spirits naturally don't need light, and can easily "see" everything clearly.

After walking about [-] meters in the horizontal cave, we entered a slightly larger ice cave.There is a light curtain in the ice cave, which is colorful, about two meters high and one meter wide.Everyone's spiritual consciousness cannot pass through the light curtain, and even the naked eye cannot see the scene behind the light curtain.

The black-faced patriarch stared at the light curtain, "Is this the entrance to the treasure?" As he said that, he reached out to touch the light curtain.

"Stop!" Lin Yang who was approaching suddenly stopped.

The black-faced patriarch was startled, quickly withdrew his hands, turned to stare at Lin Yang, "Leader Lin, what can I teach you?"

Lin Yang said coldly: "It seems that your memory is not very good!" Lin Yang was referring to the scene when the black-faced ancestor broke into the ice cave for the first time. If it wasn't for Lin Yang, he would have died in the ice cave.

The black-faced patriarch blushed and laughed a few times, "Leader Lin's lesson is that the old man did it rashly!" He turned sideways to get out of the way.

Lin Yang walked slowly to the light curtain, thinking in his mind: "This light curtain will never exist for no reason." Thinking of this, he had a flash of inspiration, and took out the secret disk on his body.

Five fingers trembled slightly, and immediately one hundred and eight strange lights of five colors penetrated into the Tianji disk, and the Tianji disk made a "ding" sound.As if the light curtain came alive, it suddenly spit out and turned into a envelope, wrapping Lin Yang in it violently.

Lin Yang was taken aback, and his whole body energized. His skill at this time was astonishing as ever, and the envelope swelled up in a single shock.It's just that this layer of envelope is extremely tough. After a rise, it shrank forcefully again, followed by the light curtain retracting inward. After shrinking and retracting, Lin Yang was pulled into the light curtain.His body loosened suddenly, and he had already entered a bright place.

I saw bright and majestic surroundings, and the space here was about fifty square meters.Lin Yang has watched many sci-fi films, and found that this place is simply an intelligent operation room, which looks extremely clean and neat.The mixed tone of silvery white and pink is a little harsh. It is obvious that these things are made of special alloys, which are very strong.

Lin Yang looked around in surprise. The so-called "treasure" was beyond Lin Yang's expectation. He finally set his sights on a console in front of him.

The shape of the console is also very "sci-fi", with only a few simple modules.Lin Yang couldn't help reaching out and touching it, wondering if it was the application of brain induction?

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly heard a light "ding", and all the modules on the console lit up.A strange light shot down from the top, and something like a laser image appeared in front of Lin Yang.

The image is three-dimensional, showing a very handsome young man with blond hair, black eyes, and long hair.

Lin Yang looked shocked, "Could it be that I have arrived at an alien base?" No matter who it is, they will probably have this thought after seeing this scene.

"Hello, my master, you have finally appeared!" The figure suddenly spoke, with a kind and sincere smile on his face, "I have been waiting for you for tens of thousands of years! Today I finally have the opportunity to meet the master, it is an honor Extreme!"

Lin Yang calmed down quickly, and he looked at the other party lightly, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Of course I am your loyal servant, the super-intelligent tool—the black cat."

"You are my servant?" Lin Yang narrowed his eyes, thinking about all the possibilities in his mind.But for a while, he couldn't think of the door, "Why does he call me master?"

"Yes master! Before the previous owner of the black cat left, they reset Zeng me. The black cat will regard the first person who enters the spaceship as the new master, and will be completely loyal to the new owner .Master, you are the first to enter the spaceship, so you are of course the new owner of my black cat." The black cat replied quickly.

Lin Yang was surprised in his heart, but smiled on the surface: "Since I am your master, then Black Cat, I will ask you to tell me everything immediately! I am in a fog now, and I don't know what's going on." Lin Yang After Yang finished speaking, he slowly sat down on one side.

"Of course, my master! I am happy to serve you! Speaking of which, this matter started more than 200 years ago." The black cat had a smile on his face, "At that time, it was ten trillion light-years away from here. The environment of the planet where the Taiyi people live in the Batu galaxy has changed drastically, and it is no longer suitable for the survival of the Taiyi people. Therefore, for the survival of the race, the Taiyi people conquered a planet called Tianwu. The Taiyi people have a strong physique , every member of this race has the ability to evolve rapidly. Each of them is powerful, and some individuals can be unbelievably strong, strong enough to fight against powerful battleships."

"The aborigines on Tianwu star resisted. Compared with the Taiyi people, the Tianwu star has a slightly inferior technological civilization. This makes them capable of resisting attacks for a period of time, but the strength of the Taiyi star people is also gradually revealed. Come out. They are impatient to continue fighting for a long time, so the whole people launched an attack, and the strongest among the Taiyi Stars can even fight against the spaceship of the Sky Witch Star alone, and they always win."

"The situation took a turn for the worse, and not long after, the Tianwu Star people were defeated, but some of them escaped from the Tianwu Star. The Taiyi Star people successfully occupied the Tianwu Star and regarded it as the Taiyi people's new home. But In order to avoid revenge from the Tianwu people, the leader of the Taiyi people immediately sent six Taiyi stronger fighters to hunt down the Tianwu people."

Speaking of this, Lin Yang had already guessed the matter in his heart, and secretly said: "These six people are probably the sixth ancestor of Wu Zong!" Many doubts in his heart were immediately resolved.

"The Tianwu star fled to the planet where we are now - the earth in a spaceship. Unfortunately, the spaceship of the Taiyi star who followed behind broke down when entering the atmosphere, so the six Taiyi star people were forced to land the spaceship. On the Antarctic Continent, six Taiyi Stars stepped out of the spacecraft, and they were surprised to find that the Earth is a very suitable planet for evolution. Because the Earth has sufficient fighting elements and original power."

"The six Taiyi Stars were ecstatic. They decided to stay here for a while in order to quickly improve their strength. So the six people crossed the ocean with their powerful physiques, and finally arrived at a continent. That continent is where the Hua Kingdom is now. , where they met many tribes."

"The six Taiyi people gradually discovered that the races on this planet are very similar to their own. Not only do they have the same physique and appearance, but they also have great potential for evolution. For the purpose of cultivating their own forces, they began to train Local tribal residents. Unexpectedly, in just ten years, a group of masters appeared among the people they trained."

"And the six Taiyi star people have also made amazing progress in evolution, and their strength has at least doubled. The six Taiyi star people have their own strengths, so the disciples they train are also different. But considering this People on the planet have great potential for evolution, and may become enemies in the future, so the Sixth Patriarch has some reservations when training his disciples. For this reason, people on the earth cannot evolve to a very high level, but will only stay in strength at a certain stage."

"It wasn't until 200 years later that the six Taiyi people evolved to a very powerful state. They decided to return to their own planet, because at that time their strength was enough to become the king among the tribe."

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