Looking at the plane going away, Lin Yang's eyes fell on an open space not far behind him, with a cold light flickering in his eyes, "I'm afraid this time it won't be easy to deal with..." Lin Yang muttered to himself.

The five large planes were surrounded by 37 large or small passenger planes of various types, and the 42 planes flew towards the southeast at a speed of twice the speed of sound.The plane just took off, and the radar of a European base immediately caught the situation, "If you find an aircraft outside the permission, shoot it down immediately!" The commander ordered, and thirteen butterfly-shaped aircraft took off immediately.Approaching the group aircraft at ten times the speed of sound, after only ten minutes, the positions between the two sides were already very close.

At this moment, thirteen of the 37 passenger planes in the accompanying flight suddenly turned around and accelerated to five times the speed of sound in an instant.And one minute later, 1 aircraft from two directions collided head-on, and the hull of the thirteen butterfly-shaped aircraft shook, unable to dodge. .Thirteen huge puffs of smoke erupted in the air, and the sound was heard far away.

In the command center, the three commanders changed their colors in horror, "Damn it! How could these broken planes respond with such precision? And its speed can't be so fast... Listen to my order and dispatch the second squadron to pursue!"

The order was issued, and ten more butterfly aircraft took off, ready to chase after the fleet.But what happened this time was even more weird, so weird that everyone who saw it stared out of their eyes.

The second batch of ten aircraft had just taken off, and they fell down violently at the same time, and the falling speed was extremely fast, as if accelerating to the third cosmic speed in an instant.Such a high-speed fall also causes the aircraft to generate huge heat due to friction with the air.Therefore, although it was only a thousand meters high, the high temperature completely burned the entire aircraft, and only a small part fell down.

"Boom" sounded continuously.

The violent explosion made the entire base tremble, and the shocked commander's face turned pale.The three of you look at me and I look at you, each at a loss. "Hurry up... report to the higher-ups." One person yelled in a trembling voice.

At this moment, the plane carrying more than [-] people from the Momen left Europe and entered the sky above the West Asia region, and flew smoothly all the way.

Lin Yang felt that an extremely dangerous smell was slowly filling the air, "Skyman! How many surprises can you give me?" Lin Yang sighed inwardly.From Death No. [-], to Death No. [-], to "God's Messenger", and finally Gabriel and Rufaxi, the combat power of these people has been improving.If Lin Yang hadn't been increasing his strength at an abnormal speed, he would have been killed long ago.

"These guys must be eliminated!" Lin Yang's eyes showed a kind of determination.

The space in front of him suddenly distorted, and a figure of a man wrapped in white light appeared out of thin air.He seemed illusory and real, as if the whole thing was made of light.

Lin Yang looked at the uninvited guest in front of him calmly, and said with a smile: "I have been waiting for more than ten minutes, your Excellency is too slow to come down."

"Oh?" The person in the light and shadow couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice sounded extremely mellow and stable, "Do you want to be killed by me early?"

Lin Yang chuckled, disdainful, and squinted at the light and shadow: "Although I don't know what your strength is, but let me tell you, it will be very difficult for you to kill me!" Lin Yang's tone was full of confidence , "And if you fail, the future you will pay a greater price!"

"Tsk tsk... It seems that you are a very confident person." The other party chuckled, "But in front of Tianyi, any self-confidence is an extremely stupid idea!" He pointed his right hand towards Lin Yang, but there was no difference shape.Lin Yang suddenly had a very strange feeling in his heart, his hands and feet seemed to be stiff in a trance.

Laughter sounded in the light and shadow, "When time runs at a speed of 1000 million times, I think you must feel very comfortable at this moment. Well, one second is ten years, alas, time flies like a treasure, this description Couldn't be more apt!"

All the processes in Lin Yang's body became extremely active, and the true energy moved at an unprecedented speed.Yuanshen also trembled at a speed that couldn't be faster. He could feel that within a radius of ten meters, everything was placed in a strange field. In this field, time had been speeded up abruptly, and It is 1000 million times faster!

Under the concrete floor of the airport, young shoots quickly grew. The young shoots broke through the concrete floor and grew into bunches of grass in an instant.Blinking his eyes, Xiaocao had already died three times, and Lin Yang's clothes were also getting old at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"In this space, time changes because of my thoughts." The other party's tone became very pleasant, "But you are indeed very powerful, and I have to do my best to kill you." After saying that, Lin Yang felt the true energy in his body The running speed of the computer suddenly increased by ten times.

Lin Yang's skin exploded suddenly, and he seemed to have turned into a clay figurine with paint peeling off. A trace of purple strange light burst out from the wound. This is because life can run at a high speed, and Lin Yang's physical body can no longer bear it. The impact brought by it is about to burst out of the body.

"Is your feeling amazing? Does your body seem to explode?" The laughter in the light and shadow was even more pleasant, "Time is running a billion times faster than normal. Do you know what it represents? For example, The ultimate weapon for you humans is the atomic bomb, which is equivalent to putting all ten thousand atomic bombs with an equivalent of 1000 million tons into your body, and then letting them explode in an instant. Oh, the destructive power produced by this concentrated energy burst is beyond my imagination It makes me shudder when I wake up..."

The voice was laughing triumphantly, and a smile appeared on Lin Yang's face with difficulty, "Bastard! Do you think you have won?" Lin Yang's body suddenly turned into billions of tiny particles.These particles turned into mist and suspended in mid-air. In an instant, the mist composed of countless particles began to rotate at a high speed.

A group of strange yellow light was wrapped in the mist. This group of yellow light jumped a few times, and every time it jumped, the speed of rotation would increase by tens of millions of times.So the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster, until it starts to touch the limit.

What happens when matter travels faster than the speed of light?No one knows, because it has always been thought that when an object approaches the speed of light, its mass will become infinite, and the moving object cannot get enough energy to continue accelerating.So some people think that only massless things can produce a speed exceeding the speed of light, but at this moment, Lin Yang broke this prohibition, and every particle transformed into the body rotates at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and is still accelerating.

The concrete floor was pulverized by the wind created by the rotation.A black cloud of dust grew bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, it had already expanded to a range of ten meters.In the blink of an eye, a tornado with a thickness of more than ten kilometers was formed, and everything around was strangled by the gang wind into the most basic particles.The lightning flashed continuously, as if the world was ending.

An exclamation came from the light and shadow, "How is it possible?" The tone was full of horror and panic.

At this time, countless black cracks suddenly appeared in the black mist. This is because the space was torn apart by the huge energy generated at high speed.And the huge suction also shocked the light and shadow man. In a flash, he had fled far away amidst the strange screams, and he no longer cared whether Lin Yang was dead or not.

One of the largest cracks produced a strong suction force, and the black mist transformed by Lin Yang was instantly sucked into it.And the rest of the cracks also became fierce, sucking all the surrounding substances into them.So more and more things are being pulled in, and the crack is getting bigger and bigger, if it continues, it will absorb the whole world!

In just 10 minutes, half of the land in Germany was absorbed by light. Whether it was humans, animals, metal, or sand, they all turned into the most basic particles and were absorbed into the cracks.Even the underground magma is about to move, because the ground has been sucked and dug a huge hole, and the whole world is facing life and death.

"Idiot!" Angrily scolded, and a blindingly bright black light shot from a distance.The light changed from thin to thick, and immediately enveloped the whole of Germany. In the blink of an eye, the crack suddenly disappeared, and everything was calm.

Another white light shot into the sky on the dazed light and shadow man, "Idiot! What have you done!" An angry female voice came from the light.

"Mother, I didn't expect that he could break through the space limit...I, I really didn't expect!" There was a wry smile from the light and shadow, "He is stronger than I imagined, I was too big!"

"The space is intersected and chaotic because of you. You should understand that this world is a multi-dimensional world, and the spaces on each level are mysterious and unpredictable. No one knows what kind of danger is hidden. If something happens to the space we live in, the lineage of Tianwu will be destroyed." You caused genocide, don't you know the benefits!" The female voice was even more angry, "Don't make the same mistake again! I have no patience! My child!"

"Yes, Queen Mother!" The voice in the light and shadow revealed a trace of fear, and quickly replied respectfully.

Yuan Ziyi was upset. At this moment, the flying fuselage trembled suddenly, and the speed suddenly dropped.Everyone on the plane exclaimed, and when they were panicking, a phantom moved somewhere far away in the Antarctic, and the plane flew smoothly again, and the speed increased a little.

At the same time, in the office of a certain political figure in Kyoto, a man in his sixties suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the pen in front of him suddenly wrote a line on the paper automatically: 29 planes will land at Kyoto Airport, and there will be Momen members on board. , be sure to receive it well—Lin Yang left a message!

The politician took a breath, muttered something, immediately grabbed the phone and yelled, "Get me the shipping department! Let their president answer my call!"

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