Super Psychic: The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 751: Keeping you alive

Suddenly I heard a loud shout from the courtyard, and a tall figure appeared in front of everyone, who was majestic, murderous, with fierce eyes, and roared: "Everyone from the Tianjian Academy, come out to me!"

"Isn't that Basu?" Someone with bright eyes immediately saw that the person coming was Basu, the God of War, and his face turned pale with fright. What is this guy doing here?Before he could figure it out, Ba Su had already fixed his eyes on the tallest one among them, and with a sway of his body, he knocked down one of them with a punch of "Pu", and cursed: "I'm in a bad mood, I'm here to beat people today!"

How can the people from Tianjian Academy be Basu's opponent?All of them were so scared that their legs were numb, and they all said: "Ba hero, please let us go, I was beaten by a villain just yesterday, I really can't stand your old man's fist!"

Since Ba Su wanted to help Lin Yang seize Min's family property, these soldiers who got in the way were the first problem to be dealt with, otherwise Minto would most likely rely on these soldiers to launch a counterattack.Although he is not afraid, it is also troublesome. Basu is a rough guy who does things cleanly and does whatever he thinks of, so he decided to clean up the fighters of Tianjianyuan first.

Hearing this group of people begging for mercy, Ba Su snorted coldly, "Your boss offended me! I am very angry now, and you have two choices now, one is to compete with me, and you can choose one-on-one in the group; the other is to be obedient. Get out of Min's house and never come back again, I'll give you three options to breathe." Everyone was stunned, their mouths were more bitter than eating Huanglian, "Who are we messing with? We met two people in a row. It's an evil star, you can't provoke it, you have to hide!"

Not waiting for three breaths, someone shouted: "Ba hero, let's go, don't do anything!" In the blink of an eye, the wounded soldiers were carried away, and the Tianjian Academy was empty in a moment.Basu laughed triumphantly, and continued to rush to Mindu's residence.

At this moment, Mindu had just received the news, Basu had become energized and had driven away all the fighters from the Tianji Academy, Mindu suddenly collapsed on the bed, and shouted: "Why did Basu do this?"

"Why do you say?" It turned out to be Basu's voice. Basu walked into the living room step by step with a cold expression on his face. The muscles on Mindu's face twitched, and he said sharply, "Basu, what are you doing!"

Basu smiled coldly, "What am I doing? Of course it's revenge! Why do you let a perverted expert like Blizzard deal with me when you have nothing to do? It's all right now, I have become his warrior and must obey him for the rest of his life. Do you think this is a big deal?" hatred?"

Mindu was stunned, thinking about it carefully, if it was for the reason, if he hadn't asked Lin Yang to fight him, Ba Su would not have become Lin Yang's fighter, and it would not be wrong to place this "big enemy" on him .It's just that Mindu's original intention was definitely not to make Basu become Lin Yang's fighter, but to let Lin Yang die under Basu's hands.Mindu really wanted to say that you can't beat others and blame me, but unfortunately he didn't dare to say it out of his mouth, so he could only laugh dryly: "Brother Basu, if you have something to say, it's really my fault for Blizzard to challenge you, you Just forgive me this time because we have known each other for more than ten years?"

Ba Su let out a "bah", stared at him and said, "What is it worth to have known you for more than ten years? Don't talk nonsense, I must avenge my revenge. I will give you two choices. First, give away all the property of your Min family. Hand it over, and second, I will kill you and take away all the property of the Min family. I will give you three choices of breathing time!" The same as what he said in Tianjian Academy.

Mindu almost fainted from fright, and shouted: "Ba Su! Don't bully me too much!" Without saying a word, Ba Su went up and punched Min Du's nose to pieces, cursing: "I'm just Bullying you, what's wrong?" The big man who was a bodyguard on the side was shaking like chaff, how dare he stop him?

Min Du's nose bleeds profusely, his eyes flashed brightly, all kinds of hatred in his heart instantly turned into a dry howl, "You kill me, I'm dead!"

"Hey, don't give me such a trick, if you don't hand over your property, I'll beat you to death with one punch!"

Half a minute later, Basu came out of the living room with a sneer on his face, holding a piece of his "identity card" in his hand, which contained all of Mindu's property.And Mindu had already passed out at this moment, and the big man also slipped away, ignoring his original master.

Lin Yang had just fed Bobo a plate of meat, and Basu had returned with a smile on his face, "Master, the matter has been settled. Mindu said that he felt guilty for the master and planned to give all the property to the master. I I just collected it on behalf of the owner, and it is stored in Basu’s identity card, which can be processed at any time.”

Jiujia and the others looked strange, "Guilty? I'm afraid you snatched it!" Everyone thought.

Lin Yang smiled lightly: "Very well, you have made a great contribution, come here." Basu immediately walked up to Lin Yang obediently, and Lin Yang said: "Your Taiyi Qigong is not the right way, I will teach you another way, You study hard." Stretching out his hand and pointing at the center of Ba Su's eyebrows, a stream of memories immediately entered Ba Su's mind.Basu practiced very well, and he immediately saw that the exercises taught by Lin Yang were more than ten times better than what he was practicing now. He couldn't help but feel ecstatic, "Thank you, master!" The depression caused by becoming a Lin Yang soldier immediately Sweeping everything away, for a warrior, possessing superb skills is more important than anything else.

Although Min Du passed out, he obediently left Min's house after waking up, taking only a few valuable things with him.His family was crying, and the nine wives ran away with money as soon as they got the news, and only a few yellow-faced women followed him.When Mindu walked out of Min's house, Jiujia chased him out and handed Mindu a card, "Our boss is very grateful to Master Min for his generosity, so we decided not to be stingy, and send you some money for the journey."

Mindu had the urge to cry, grabbed the card, turned around and left, he had to find a safe foothold as soon as possible, before when Mindu was in glory, he often offended people, and those people saw him lose power , who doesn't want to come and kill him?In a panic, the family soon drove away in a flying car.

In the next two days, Jiujia and the brothers helped Lin Yang handle the affairs of Min's family, successfully took over all the property, and got in touch with the "little bosses" below, and they also admitted the new boss's "legality".Lin Yang became the owner of Min Mansion overnight, but the next day, Min Mansion was changed to Xiu Mansion.Everyone didn't understand why Lin Yang did this. Could it be that he had something to do with Xiu's family?

On this day, Lin Yang was peeling fruit to feed Bobo, when he suddenly smiled, "Come out!" He pointed to the sky with his right hand, and saw a white light flashing, and a figure wrapped in white light appeared out of thin air, it was in a different space The torrential rain that came out of practice!

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