Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 108 Showdown with Shigure


The surface of the long sword in Shi Yu's hand instantly ignited raging flames, and every time he slashed, three fireballs would be shot out.This sudden change also made everyone who was outputting step by step panic.

Flame Form: Use blazing flames to enhance Shigure's attack power. In this form, Shigure will add two skills: Fireball and Candle Flame.

"Brother Yidao, hit his fireball with a skeleton!" Xiao Lan was quick to use his wits, and only by letting the boss move the current target away from everyone can everyone have a good output environment.

Chen Tianshuo nodded, and then went around behind the boss to summon him.

"Actually, I have an even better trick."

Chen Tianshuo smiled mysteriously at Xiao Lan, then pointed at the summoned skeleton with one hand, a blue light sank into the skeleton's body, and then the skeleton's satellite began to change. Three seconds later, an astonishing phenomenon appeared on the field. The scene - two identical Shigure appeared in front of everyone.

"Replicator?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Ah, how do you know?" Chen Tianshuo was also very surprised, he had never used this trick before, and there was no demonstration of this skill in the promotional video.

Shigure, who became a skeleton, joined the battle and immediately attracted the hatred of Shigure from the real Shigure. The two Shigure immediately fought against each other on the field.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"

2429! 2436!

2452! 2500!

After looking at the Youlan Sword, it can actually cause damage to the replicants summoned by Chen Tianshuo.

brush brush brush...

Five skeletons were summoned one by one, and the "number" of Shigure on the field suddenly increased to seven.

"Hey! Black hole plane!"

Seeing that the "replicants" had surrounded the real Shi Yu, Chen Tianshuo released the black hole plane very viciously.

Countless white light spots floated out from the black hole on the ground, while causing damage to Shigure, they also severely damaged the "cloning people" around.

Boom boom boom...

The duration of the black hole plane ended, and all the "clones" around Shigure were killed, but they still contributed the last bit of strength before they died.

A burst of huge explosions took away nearly 5 life points of Shigure.

"Adventurer, you really angered me, and the flames of the candle will punish you!"

Shi Yu lost the calmness he had at the beginning, and was replaced by boundless anger.


Shi Yu pushed with one hand, and a fiery red magic effect instantly flew towards Wang Xue. Although the latter tried his best to avoid it, he was eventually caught up by the magic effect.

After only two seconds, Wang Xue lost nearly four-fifths of her health due to the previous magic effect.

"Dark Wings!"

"Damn, the blood loss is too fast." I thought this move would solve the problem, but Wang Xue's health was still dropping.

"Leave me alone, I'll add it myself." Wang Xue said while casting a pure-hearted and universal mantra.


Unexpectedly, the frequency of the boss's release of this move was really fast, and it didn't take long for Rong Xinrui to fall into the move.

"What should I do? I can't add it." Chen Tianshuo was also a little anxious at this time.

"Petrification magic!"


Wang Xue's move made Rong Xin Rushui enter a petrified state. Although she couldn't attack for 5 seconds, the effect of the candle-eating flame was removed.

"Wow, creative!" Chen Tianshuo, a self-righteous master, finally opened his eyes today.

"How is it? This is the strength of Homecoming." Long Yu Wentian said after hearing this.

Chen Tianshuo nodded: "It's really unusual."


The battle on the field was still going on, Shi Yu saw that the flame form still couldn't pose a threat to Xiao Lan and the others, so he gave up altogether, and he took out a bottle of blue potion from his backpack, and then drank it.

"This guy has a lot of things in his pocket, but I don't know if he can fall out after he dies." Xiao Lan watched Shiyu drink the potion, envious in her heart, if the Youlan Sword could also With the flame effect just now, then...


Everyone is familiar with the voice coming from behind. The Throat of the Deep Sea used this trick to immobilize the impression of the Phoenix in the underwater cave. If it wasn't for the little MM who had a sealed spirit to save her life, she would definitely be sent back to the angel sister .

"Stay away from the hockey pucks around you!" Xiao Lan's words were actually meant for Chen Tianshuo to hear, because other people have hated this thing for a long time.

Sure enough, after 3 seconds, dozens of small ice pucks on the field gradually grew larger and finally exploded, and the two skeletons that Chen Tianshuo had just summoned were also dropped in seconds.

"It's amazing, Ice and Fire Dual Cultivation?"

Frost Form: Gather the frost elements in the air around Shigure. In this form, Shigure will add two skills of Frost Arrow and Ice Burst.

Sure enough, it was a combination of ice and fire. Phoenix impression had just gotten rid of the shackles of petrification magic and was attacked by frost arrows again.

Fortunately, the flying speed of the Frost Arrow was not very fast, and the little MM escaped unharmed.

"Sealed space!"

Fenghuang felt that he was not in danger for the time being, so he immediately threw out the restricted skill. If he could hit, then everyone's burst could take away a lot of Shiyu's health.

But unfortunately, Shigure's agility was too high, when the first sealing stone fell, Shigure had already run two meters away.

"Brother Lan, this won't work, I can't beat all the skills."

"I'll try it myself." Xiao Lan said after hearing this.

Shi Yu made another move of Frost Arrow, this time Xiao Lan did not dodge, but rushed forward to receive this move.

"The shadow of the moon seems to be closed!"

In order to prevent Shi Yu from playing tricks, Xiao Lan released Moon Shadow Siguan the moment the Frost Arrow was about to touch her.

A light protective layer enveloped Xiao Lan, and the Frost Arrow had no effect after it died.

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"

Seeing that the plan was successful, Xiao Lan hurriedly pretended to go up to output, but was still dodged by Shi Yu.

"Frost Arrow!"

Taking advantage of Shi Yu's opportunity to dodge to one side, Xiao Lan spotted the counterfeit Frost Arrow move in the direction. Shi Yu had already detected his body, so he was hit before he could react to Xiao Lan's Frost Arrow move.

"Taking advantage of the deceleration effect, hurry up!"

"Sky flash!"

Ye Shuiyou sprinted for two steps, and then saw the timing to make a move. Shi Yu wanted to dodge at first, but his body had already been slowed down by the Frost Arrow.

A pink skull protruded from Shigure's head. Although the damage of this move was less than 2400, Shigure was unable to move for 3 seconds in exchange.

"The seal is coming!"

"Elemental black hole!"


"My God, how intelligent this little girl is." Chen Tianshuo looked at the hurt of Phoenix's impression, not to mention how serious the envy in his heart was.

After 3 seconds, the effect of Tian Xing Shan ended, but Shi Yu found that he still could not return to freedom, because a huge purple-black magic effect was unfolding around him.

"How is it? Better than yours!" Rong Xin Rushui walked to Chen Tianshuo's side, looked at Shi Yu who was trapped in a black hole in front of him and could not extricate himself, turned her head and said sarcastically.

"What is this? Look at me!" After Chen Tianshuo said, he used the evil copying skill continuously, turning all the summoned zombies around him into a heart-like appearance.

"Whoa, you! You're dead!"

Rong's heart was like water, looking at the many identical selves around her, and a burst of fists landed on Chen Tianshuo.

"Hit me again? Hit me again and I'll detonate one."

After all, Chen Tianshuo used his death grip to control one of the "Rongxin Rushui" to fly in front of Shi Yu and explode.

"Damn it, go away!" The summoned replicants seemed to be very interested in the transformed ones, and some of them actually came to Rong Xin Rushui's side, sticking out their tongues and licking on the little MM.


Chen Tianshuo smiled. Facing the powerful boss, he was also very restrained. He used the death grip continuously, and one by one the replicants were sent to Shiyu's side one after another.Due to the super attractive force of the black hole, even though Shigure struggled desperately, he couldn't move an inch.

bang bang...

The last clone on the field was detonated, and Shi Yu's health was only at the last 20%, but Xiao Lan and the others did not dare to relax in the slightest. Such a boss, fighting back desperately before dying, is common.

"Adventurers, you are the ones who forced me to use the last trick!"

Shi Yu's voice came again, and with a sharp swing of the long sword in his hand, Shi Yu chopped down the huge black hole without a trace.

The real battle has only just begun.

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