Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 111 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

The 8 people went back and forth and fought the stone giant for nearly half an hour. Although the stone giant's defense was surprisingly high and it had magic immunity skills, its slow attack speed and lack of long-range attack skills were still ignored by everyone. used.

As soon as he sees the boss waving his fist, Scorpio can quickly escape from the dangerous area with a charge or a savage charge to the distance.

More than ten minutes later, the blood volume of the mud boulder giant was less than half, but Wang Xue and Chen Tianshuo did not feel much pressure from the treatment.

The poisonous swamp in the night is very quiet, even in the middle of a high-intensity battle, during the interval between attacks, the feeling of silence will come to my heart instantly.

"Brother Mengmeng, listen carefully, it seems that someone is approaching." Fenghuang Impression looked around vigilantly, and then whispered to Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan put her index finger in front of her mouth, made a booing motion, and then walked towards the direction of the voice with the impression of a phoenix.

"Good guy, there are still a lot of people."

After walking not far, the rustling sound became more and more obvious. Xiao Lan pushed through the grass and looked into the distance. A group of players, about seven or eight people, walked swaggeringly, as if they were very familiar with this place.

Walking in the front is a player wearing a green samurai suit. He doesn't hold a weapon in his hand, but the equipment on his body is definitely not ordinary.Although the moonlight is not very strong tonight, the samurai uniform on the player still exudes a faint brilliance.

"Boss, it's dark and windy this month, do you still need to call for a reservation?" One of the players stepped forward and asked.

Another person also echoed: "Yes, boss, let alone people, even ghosts are already tired of this ghostly place."

"Forget it, if you don't shout, don't shout. It's better to keep a low profile, but you'd better go and see if the mud boulder giant has been brushed. Damn, I've been waiting for two days, so don't let someone snatch it away." Said the leading player in the green samurai uniform.

Hearing the other party's conversation, Xiao Lan was instantly furious. Having experienced the experience of the old version of Yuehua Legend, Xiao Lan hated the word "private arena for leveling". Clearing the arena by relying on the advantage of numbers is obviously an act of bullying the less. It made countless single players gnash their teeth.

Holding Phoenix Impression's hand, the two walked closer, and the profile of the leading player was instantly displayed.

[Shang Liyue] lv-48 (Poison King, No Guild) Look at the players around.

[Another kind of calm] lv-46 (Poison King, No Guild) Xiao Lan took a breath, it turned out that he was the first "master" who met Hailar.However, Xiao Lan also assumed the word "master" in his heart. After all, the opponent is still the first in Hailaer's ranking list, but to really determine whether the opponent can qualify as a master, he must see the truth under his hands.

"Damn it! No, the mud boulder giant has already been beaten to half blood by a few unknown players."

At this moment, another player in Shang Liyue's team suddenly shouted.Holding the golden longbow in his hand, it looks like a hunter.

"Hurry up, they have high-level hunters with far-reaching vision." Xiao Lan hurriedly whispered to Phoenix Impression.

But the movement of Xiao Lan and Fenghuang's impression was still discovered by the other party.

"Boss, there are people in the nearby woods!" shouted the previous hunter.

With a snort, the hunter shot an arrow into the sky, illuminating the area with a radius of [-] meters. The flare skill is indeed terrifying after being upgraded to an advanced level.

Although covered by low shrubs, Shang Liyue and the others were able to confirm the location of Xiao Lan and Phoenix Impression, but just as they were about to turn to look for it, a huge purple-red arrow disrupted their rhythm.


A huge explosion sounded from Shang Liyue's team, and many players' HPs dropped significantly. Xiao Lan took a closer look and found that it was Ye Shuiyou's Skywalking Arrow.

"Sealed space!"

Little MM's grasp of opportunities and judgment of the battlefield situation really made Xiao Lan feel inferior. At this time, although there were many people on the opponent, they were in a hurry after being attacked by Ye Shuiyou first. At this time, a seal of space It is undoubtedly worse for the other party to release it.

"Damn! Who the hell is this?" Shang Liyue shouted to the surroundings.

"The Light of the Skeletal Qi!"

Before the other party could react, a thick and long white light flashed across. Although Huo Liyue had a lot of HP, he was helplessly knocked out by nearly 2300.

"Who the hell is this? Stand up if you have the guts! What are you still doing in the cold, hurry up." Shang Liyue turned around on the spot, but the surroundings were pitch black, and even ghosts could not be seen, let alone people. up.

"Hmph! For those who open their mouths and close their mouths, there is no need for him to understand!" In the bushes, Xiao Lan snorted coldly.

"There, give it to me!" Shang Liyue pointed at the source of the voice and shouted.

"Black hole plane!"

The two warriors of Shang Liyue had just put on a charging posture, but they found that their charging skills were useless at all. With Shang Liyue as the center, a black hole with a diameter of about 10 meters was rapidly expanding, and the summoned black hole flat It is spread on the ground, and since the black hole was formed, bright balls have been flying out of it. Immediately after the ball was generated, it began to move at high speed, and every time it touched the surrounding players, it would cause huge damage.

"Dark healer?"

As expected of a player who hangs around in Hailar, he can judge the opponent's occupation with just one move.

"This... who the hell is this? Is it WCG China Champion Noz?" At this time, the former player in Shang Liyue's team called another kind of calm suddenly shouted, and the trace of awe in his words was very obvious.

Xiao Lan frowned instantly after hearing this. Chen Tianshuo's job as a dark healer was specially rewarded by the operation team of the new version of Yuehua Legend because of his glory for the country on WCG.Then in the current game, the only player who belongs to this class is Chen Tianshuo.

"Who are you? Why do you know my game ID?" Chen Tianshuo was also puzzled, he appeared in front of Shang Liyue and others regardless of the danger.

call out……

A green light flashed out, and Shang Liyue suddenly cast a cold arrow, but Xiao Lan in the distance had already made preparations, and the three swirling shadows made it, followed by a moon shadow that seemed to close.

Scream of Pain (cd 20 seconds, instant): Send out a sharp scream, causing damage to surrounding enemy units.

"Screaming in pain, great skill! I don't know how it hurts."

Appearing around Chen Tianshuo, Xiao Lan said playfully.

"Oh, if I'm not mistaken, you are the hidden professional player who came to Hailar City just the day before yesterday. Are you really smart?" Shang Liyue said with a smile, but the smile on his face, in Xiao Lan's eyes, But it was very awkward.

"So what?" Xiao Lan glanced at Shang Liyue and said.

"Your Excellency is a master at first glance, how about this, you join our team, the monthly salary of 2 yuan is not a problem, and if you can help me get the top three in this pk competition, there will be an extra 10 yuan reward, if If it is No.1, then the reward will be increased to 20, and I will invite you to work in Beijing Tianqiong Group." Shang Liyue looked at Xiao Lan with seductive eyes: "How about it, it is generous enough."

As soon as Shang Liyue finished speaking, even the people in his own team were a little restless. Obviously, the rewards that Shang Liyue offered made them salivate.

"Hey! You are treated so favorably by our boss, why are you hesitating?" Another kind of tranquility also stood up and said at this time.

Xiao Lan on the opposite side smiled contemptuously, and then said very slowly: "Have you heard of Shengjing Group?"

"Haha, I have heard that they are still our partners. However, in recent years, the smuggling road of Shengjing Group has not been smooth. The red goods have been seized by the customs several times. Sooner or later, our Tianqiong Group will seize them. Down."

But Xiao Lan simply ignored Shang Liyue's words.

"The price offered by Shengjing Group is a monthly salary of 5. How about it? Can you surpass it?"

"Hmph! I'll give you 8!" Shang Liyue said without hesitation, but Xiao Lan's words still angered him to some extent, and the muscles at the corners of Shang Liyue's mouth were twitching non-stop.

"I'll give 10 million!"

When a voice came from the darkness, everyone froze.This song should only exist in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world. Xiao Lan knew that it was Ye Shuiyou's voice.But it was the first time Xiao Lan heard such a weak and firm voice.

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