Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 131 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

After wandering back and forth like this for an unknown amount of time, Chen Tianshuo's cone-shaped crystal finally responded.The glowing side indicated to Xiao Lan and the others that there should be a large ruin waiting for adventurers not far ahead.

Chen Tianshuo walked in front holding the conical crystal, Xiao Lan and others followed closely behind, and 10 minutes later, a huge stone building appeared in the night.

"From the map, this should be the relic that was given to the buff of the dying tree spirit before." Xiao Lan took out the Shenyu Continental manuscript. On the parchment, the word Shrine of the Desert - Lei is very eye-catching.

"Okay, I'm going to level up here tonight, I hope the monster's experience value will be better." Xiao Lan said with a sigh of relief.

"The most important thing is, what's the environment like inside? Don't be like the former Vicious Swamp and the basement of the Toxic Research Institute." Rong Xin Rushui asked before entering.

Chen Tianshuo shook his head: "I've never been here before, so I really don't know what's going on."

"Whatever he is, let's go in and have a look first." After Xiao Lan finished speaking, he took the lead in entering the interior of Lei, the Temple of the Desert.

When he first entered the interior of the Desert Temple, the space was very small, and Xiao Lan could only walk half-casually after entering.

"What the hell is this place? I'm so aggrieved." As long as Xiao Lan is in front, Ye Shuiyou will definitely follow closely behind.

"Go forward and see, the front may be wider." Xiao Lan said.

After 10 minutes, the narrow passage was finally completed by Xiao Lan and others. Everyone gathered in a small room to study the terrain.

"This is simply a miniature version of the Lost City?" Chen Tianshuo said after researching it over and over again.

Xiao Lan nodded, then pointed to the front door and said, "This should be the entrance, but I don't know what it will be like when the door is opened."

To be on the safe side, everyone, including Xiao Lan, retreated one after another, leaving only the bloody Chen Tianshuo to open the door.

"It's disgusting, it's me again!" Chen Tianshuo complained, stepped forward, and gently pushed the heavy door open with both hands.


As soon as the gate was opened, the aborigines of Sanddust Words gave Chen Tianshuo a note of Mawei. , The two venom arrows came suddenly, but Chen Tianshuo's reaction was not slow. A skeleton appeared in front of him, and the two venom arrows were pawned by the skeleton. Chen Tianshuo was safe and sound.

"Skywalking Arrow!"

Like the way he did in the Tomb of the Time Clan before, Ye Shuiyou directly opened the way with the Skyward Arrow.There was an explosion sound, and the two gatekeepers in front of them were instantly blown out.

[Poison Ghost] (rare) (Wind Clan Warrior) (Southern Wind Lord's subordinate) Level: lv-55 HP: 100000 Magic: 999999 Skill: Stealth Venom Three Blowing Arrows Venom Stunning Arrow Venom Slow Arrow Outstanding Ability: Agile Swish ...


After the effect of the sky arrow ended, all kinds of venomous arrows shot out from the gate one after another. Xiao Lan found the right opportunity, and fixed the two guys with a three-stage swirling shadow followed by a moon shadow dark wave.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"



The poisonous ghost's defense is not very high, and it is not unusual to deal such damage, but its super high attack speed still left a deep impression on Xiao Lan. If it is output in the back row, it will be dangerous.

bang bang...

When two spells in the shape of meteorites landed, Xiao Lan hurriedly turned her head. It turned out that it was the sealed pet Nightmare Mouse that Phoenix Impression hadn't released for a long time.Since the expedition to the tomb of the ancestors, little mm has never summoned it when fighting monsters.

"Why are you willing to release it today?" Xiao Lan turned around and asked with a smile.

"Hmph! If it wasn't for the pk competition, I would be reluctant." Phoenix Impression embraced the Nightmare Mouse, and the cute little mouse kept rubbing its head against the little sister's arm, showing a very intimate look.

Xiao Lan nodded: "That's right, having such a guy in the PK competition is like adding a powerful mage."

"Hey, how can you compare it to me?"

When Xiao Lan uttered a word, she was met with strong dissatisfaction from Rong Xin, "All right, all right, my little aunt, you've done well."

"It's almost there!"


The two poisonous ghosts fell to the ground, and Xiao Lan and others were able to pass through the gate and enter the interior of the Desert Temple.

"Brother Lan, you seem to have forgotten something." At this time, Ye Shuiyou rushed over from behind and handed a strange-shaped thing to Xiao Lan.

[Suffering Sacrifice Cup] (quest item) item description: This sacrificial cup is used to hold the blood of the girl who was sacrificed as a sacrifice.Once the blood has been collected, the priestesses of the Throne of the Wind God—the arbiters of the spiritual journey—mix the herbs and pollen in the cup to make the blood inside a nerve-stimulating liquid.

"Oh my god, wouldn't it be?" Seeing such a description, Xiao Lan's hands holding the cup began to tremble a little, and his brows frowned, obviously very nervous.

"Brother Lan, what's the matter? You're sweating a lot." Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Shuiyou hurried up and asked concerned.

"The scene in a...for a while may be a little...a little scary. If you don't want to watch it, you can close your eyes." Xiao Lan stammered.

More than ten minutes later, several screams came from the front hall. All the girls, including Wang Xue and Long Xinxin, turned pale from fright. Ye Shuiyou leaned against Xiao Lan nervously, her body I couldn't help trembling.

A gust of cool wind blew, and the whole hall became more gloomy. In front of countless sacrificial obelisks, nude girls were nailed to them. Although they were dead, black blood was still flowing out of their bodies. , After dripping on the ground, bursts of blue smoke came out.

All the girls present finally couldn't help watching this cruel scene, and quickly ran to the exit of the hall without saying a word, leaving only Chen Tianshuo and Xiao Lan in the center of the hall.

"Why is this happening? Did their blood turn into venom when it dripped on the ground?" Chen Tianshuo turned his head and asked Xiao Lan in bewilderment.

"Maybe it's the effect of the obelisk." Xiao Lan said as she walked towards the obelisk behind the girl.

Pulling out the Youlan Sword, Xiao Lan cautiously brought the blade close to the obelisk. The moment the two came into contact, there was a buzzing sound, and a puff of green smoke came out from the obelisk, which was indeed poisonous.

"It's cruel!" Chen Tianshuo said.

"No, this should be a sacrificial procedure. Maybe the people involved in the sacrifice don't know what cruelty is." Xiao Lan walked around the obelisk and explained.

"You guessed that there would be such a scene before?" Chen Tianshuo asked hastily.

"Hehe, if you have played the old version of Yuehua Legend, you will also guess it." After Xiao Lan said, she squatted down and took out the Suffering Cup that she got earlier.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Tianshuo asked.

A trace of a smile appeared on Xiao Lan's face: "You will know in a while."

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