Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 140 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

Everyone only knows so much about the pet system. Xiao Lan guessed for a long time but couldn't figure out what kind of setting this pet is equivalent to equipment.

"It's almost there. Let's make a record. We have to go to Tianjin tomorrow." After killing several monsters, Xiao Lan saw that the girls were a little sleepy, so he suggested to stop here.

Looking at the time, due to the entanglement of Dan Ran and others, it was already past 4 o'clock in the morning. In the adventure of the Desert Temple, not only encountered more rare monsters, but also made troubles from Dan Ran and others. The performance was much better than before, but the high-intensity battle made everyone extremely tired. After Xiao Lan took off his helmet and walked to the living room, Chen Tianshuo, Scorpio, and the other two bedrooms were all dead. Into dreamland.

"Brother Lan, I'd better go back." Ye Shuiyou walked out following Xiao Lan, his face was also very tired, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

"Forget it, how can I rest assured that you are alone?" Xiao Lan said with some embarrassment, "You sleep in my bed, I... I will change the bed sheet for you."

Ye Shuiyou hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

After Xiao Lan finished speaking, he walked into the kitchen by himself and cooked a bowl of hot noodle soup for himself. This was the first time he cooked for himself since he rented the house here. There is a desire to do well.

After the noodles were cooked, Xiao Lan stared at the stove and the clock on the wall. Before the noodles were ready to be cooked, Xiao Lan put the salt in like a computer executing a program.

"The salt is finished, what did the little girl say to put?" Xiao Lan scratched her head with her hands, trying to remember.

"Oh yes, monosodium glutamate." Xiao Lan reminded herself, and then hurriedly picked up the monosodium glutamate bottle on the stove.

Due to not cooking for a long time, the rubber stopper on the mouth of the MSG bottle was already difficult to open. After using force, the severely aged stopper actually cracked in Xiao Lan's hands.

"Forget it, I'll change it at night." Xiao Lan said to himself, and then cut some green onions on the chopping board with his rough technique, and then wobbled the noodles to the table in the restaurant.

"I'd like to see if the little girl's words are right or not." Xiao Lan picked up a chopstick and put it into her mouth with some doubts, but the taste sensation that spread all over her body immediately made Xiao Lan feel a sense of Ye Shui. You firmly believed in the method You said.

"Could it be that this little girl cooks at home by herself?" Xiao Lan didn't believe her own words, "No, the Ye family is so rich, there should be a lot of nannies, how can a rich girl like her do it by herself? But If she doesn't cook herself, how can she know the following skills so well?"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Lan couldn't think of any results. She was tired and hungry, and the temptation of dried noodles had completely captured Xiao Lan's appetite.

After wolfing down the temptation in front of her, Xiao Lan returned to her room. There was an empty single sofa beside the balcony, and Xiao Lan planned to rest there for the next four hours.

Gently pushing the door open, Ye Shuiyou's slight breathing came to her ears, this girl was tired enough last night, she fell asleep within 2 minutes of being useless.

The weather in May has gradually heated up, Ye Shuiyou did not cover the quilt prepared by Xiao Lan, because she was very tired before, at this time the little beauty was lying quietly on her side, the jade fell asleep and fell into the hairpin cloud, and the powder disappeared The makeup is thin and innocent, this may be the cutest time for a girl.

Leaning on the door frame, Xiao Lan stared at the beauty on the bed in a daze for a moment. Ye Shuiyou was so beautiful, she was a typical iceberg beauty that people often said, although the appearance of repelling people thousands of miles away made those It's a bit hard to accept when you just get along with her, but when you get along with her for a long time, you will be attracted by that indescribable charm.Of course, for Xiao Lan, there is also that indescribable, faint fragrance.

"Brother Lan..."

Ye Shuiyou's lips moved twice, and a slightly trembling voice came out of his mouth. Xiao Lan subconsciously hummed, but immediately realized that it was just a dream.

Going to the balcony and looking, Xiao Lan couldn't help shivering due to the slight wind blowing, and turned back into the bedroom, where Xiao Lan covered Ye Shuiyou with the quilt beside her, while she half-lyed on the side Sitting on the sofa, I narrowed my eyes.

"Brother Lan, Brother Lan..."

I don't know how long it took, Ye Shuiyou woke up Xiao Lan with a soft voice over and over again, and grabbed the mobile phone next to him. Looking at the time, it turned out that it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

"The others are already ready, just wait for you, Brother Lan."

Xiao Lan turned her head and looked outside. Long Xinxin, Wang Xue and others were already sitting on the sofa waiting for Xiao Lan to leave.

"I'm really sorry, I slept over here." Xiao Lan walked into the living room apologetically, scratching her head and said.

"It's okay, the time is right now." Wang Xue stood up quickly, her eyes full of gratitude.

"Then hurry up, I'm very close to Metro Line [-], and it sounds like it will be very fast to take the bullet train to Tianjin directly at the South Railway Station."

After Xiao Lan finished speaking, she quickly helped everyone pack their things. After 10 minutes, everyone went downstairs one after another.

"Oh, by the way, Youyou, this is the key to my house. If you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while, but you have to be careful of the wind on the balcony, and don't catch a cold." Before leaving, Xiao Lan thought about it I think it's better to hand over a bunch of keys to Ye Shuiyou, and instructed.

As for Xiao Lan's actions, Ye Shuiyou simply nodded in reply.

40 minutes later, Xiao Lan and others were already on the intercity train bound for Tianjin from Beijing.

"Before, I was very busy with work, so I couldn't accompany you to visit your father. I don't mind." Xiao Lan smiled at Wang Xue who was sitting next to her, and said apologetically.

"Xiao Lan, look where you said. Seeing my father is my own business. If everyone can accompany me, I am already very sorry."

Xiao Lan leaned her head on the backrest completely, thought for a while, then turned around and continued to ask: "Wang Xue, I have no other intentions, but please believe me, I don't think your father is a drug dealer."

After Xiao Lan finished speaking, Wang Xue also fell into deep thought. She knew Xiao Lan very well, and she knew that Xiao Lan was not a person who likes to talk casually. At this time, Xiao Lan must have his consideration when he asked this question.

"Tell me, what was the evidence for the court's decision?" Xiao Lan asked solemnly.

Wang Xue frowned, trying hard to recall all the past experiences of her father in court.

"At that time, the evidence was overwhelming, and even the lawyers said that there was no chance of overturning the case.

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