Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 148 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

"What's the matter, let's talk." Xiao Lan continued to massage Ye Shuiyou without raising her head.

"The company sent me a text message, saying that the staff has been convened and a labor union will be formed after the pk competition." Ye Shuiyou pulled his leg back, and then curled his legs with both hands and hugged his chest.

"What do you think, just tell me directly, I can understand." Xiao Lan glanced at Ye Shuiyou, and said lightly.

Ye Shuiyou's lips moved, obviously wanting to say something but gave up.

"Hehe, you still want me to help, you are really persistent." Xiao Lan smiled, and said for Ye Shuiyou what she wanted to say before.

Ye Shuiyou, who was sitting in front of Xiao Lan, didn't answer clearly, but tilted his head slightly and leaned on Xiao Lan's shoulder.

"Brother Lan, I'm really tired, can I stay with you for a while before the pk competition ends?"

This sentence, like an electric current, made Xiao Lan's body jump up instantly. He frowned and looked at Ye Shuiyou in confusion.

At this time, Ye Shuiyou was sitting on the bed, looking at Xiao Lan, his eyes seemed to be very simple, without any other content, but this kind of eyes was Ye Shuiyou's best weapon to conquer Xiao Lan.

Half a minute later, Xiao Lan finally couldn't stop Ye Shuiyou's attacking eyes, and he agreed.

"Forget it, live here, anyway, those two bedrooms are empty anyway, I usually sleep in my study." Xiao Lan paused, and continued to ask: " have to go to work anyway?"

Ye Shuiyou shook his head and said, "I have annual leave, it's fine if I don't go for a month."

Xiao Lan stared and shrugged: "That's good."

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

While Xiao Lan was talking to Ye Shuiyou, Rong Xin Rushui suddenly appeared at the door, "Everyone was waiting, but you two are still flirting here?"

After hearing this, Xiao Lan pulled the little beauty over, and then tapped Rong's heart-like head: "You ghost girl, your sister Youyou's leg hurts, can I rub it for him?"

After hearing this, Rong Xin Rushui stared at Ye Shuiyou: "Oh, sister Youyou, you can't do it anymore, you should say that your back hurts, or other key points are fine!" After finishing speaking, the little beauty smirked. And went back to his room.

"Okay, just lie here and don't move, it will get better slowly, we'd better go online quickly, or we will be misunderstood by someone." Xiao Lan showed a very relaxed look, he walked to the bedroom in person, Put the towel in the washbasin that had been filled with boiling water beforehand, then took it out and wiped Ye Shuiyou's painful part.

"Brother Lan, you are very good at taking care of people." Ye Shuiyou raised his head, and his eyes and tone towards Xiao Lan also changed a little, the admiration became stronger.

"Hey, it should be said that I can take care of myself." Xiao Lan put a hot towel on the back of the chair directly, and continued: "When I came to Beijing to work alone, I didn't know anyone around me. What should I do if I have difficulties? , can’t you take care of yourself?”

Xiao Lan smiled self-deprecatingly, "After a long time, you will know everything."

"Brother Lan... it's online..."

Rong's heart-like shout came, Xiao Lan played tricks on Ye Shuiyou, and half-lyed down on the sofa by the window.

"Yo, you two just came out after a long time." As soon as he went online, Long Xinxin's sour words began to show off his anger, and Xiao Lan's back kept getting chills. black.

A rustling sound came from under the surrounding sand, and everyone immediately entered a battle state.Scorpio drew his long sword out of its sheath, protecting Wang Xue and Rong Xin Rushui behind him, Ye Shuiyou, Phoenix Impression and Rong Xin Rushui also immediately leaned together.

"Could this be a monster that burrows into the ground?" Long Xinxin quickly guessed as he watched the surrounding sand surface.

The sound below the sand is getting louder, and you can already observe obvious traces from the surface of the sand telling you to move forward.

"Lightning technique!"

Rong Xin Rushui calculated the amount of advance, and made a fierce move towards the running surface where the traces appeared on the sand surface, but it seemed to have no effect.

bang bang...

Two explosions sounded, and not far from the crowd, two sandworms with a height of two floors appeared in the originally very quiet desert shrine.

[Desert Throat-Fire] (Leader C) (Great Martial Artist of the Wind Clan) (Lord of the South Wind) Level: lv-58 HP: 250000 Magic: 0 Skills:

[Mind Teleportation]: Every 30 seconds, exchange positions with the Throat of the Desert-Wind.

[Macrophage]: Devour the surrounding poisonous sandworms and restore 20% of the body's health.


[Mind Teleportation]: Every 30 seconds, exchange positions with the Throat of the Desert-Wind.

[Macrophage]: Devour the surrounding poisonous sandworms and restore 20% of the body's health.

[Heavy Pressure Strike]: Every 15 seconds, it will cause super high five-attribute physical damage to the current target enemy, and reduce the defense of the attacked target by 50%.

[Summoning Poisoned Sandworms] [Hunting Earth] [Magic Immunity] Outstanding Ability: Agility and Power The invaders felt the power of WindClan.They are very cruel and survive by devouring small sandworms of their own kind.

The two behemoths have ferocious heads, the fire worm is red all over, and the wind worm is mainly yellow.There are also a pair of long tentacles growing on both sides of the huge head. Although the eyes are small, they reveal a sense of domineering.

Although there were some small monsters that occasionally flashed around, when they saw these two guys, they made the same move—turned around and ran away.

"We are really lucky, we can meet the boss here." Chen Tianshuo curled his lips, apparently not fully prepared for the appearance of the two unexpected guests.

"Why do these two things look so familiar to me?" Rong Xin stared at the two bosses in front of her and said.

The two bugs seemed to be a little slow to react, Xiao Lan and the others quickly took advantage of this opportunity to hide aside.

"Of course it looks familiar. Haven't you encountered it in the caves under the sea before? It's just that the color of the bug is a little different from his body surface." Xiao Lan stared at the two behemoths in front of him and said in a low voice.

The combined blood volume of the two worms is 50. Xiao Lan and others have never tried such an order of magnitude before, and a big battle is inevitable.

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