Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 157 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

Risking being stabbed by Xiao Lan, Drunk Kuangjun turned his head twice, but to his disappointment, except one of the four priests in the team was killed earlier, the remaining three were killed by Chen Tianshuo, Rong With his heart like water and the impression of Phoenix tossing around, he had no chance to add blood to the drunken man.

Quickly turning to the right, Xiao Lan swiftly dodged the drunken Kuangjun's forceful sword, took a Z-step, and came behind the drunken Kuangjun, Xiao Lan wanted to use the Moon Shadow Double Blade to sneak attack from behind.

But Drunk and Kuangjun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He made a charge towards the distance, quickly distanced himself from Xiao Lan, and then made a backhand attack from the guard.

In less than a second for Drunk Kuangjun to make a move, Xiao Lan considered various countermeasures. It is not difficult to simply dodge, but there are still many Drunk Family players around. If anyone focuses on Xiao Lan, it is very likely that he will use his skills to harass him when he dodges.

The effect of the guard's shock had already appeared in the air, and Xiao Lan shot a three-stage swirling shadow directly, but he didn't intend to run away, because the direction of the flash of this move was towards the drunk Kuangjun himself.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"

Since the floating height of the Moon Shadow Twin Blades was not obvious to the drunk Kuangjun, Xiao Lan simply used the Moon Shadow Chain Slash to output, and finished with a Hundred Ghost Night Walking Formation after the job was done.

"Xiao Lan, you're really good, I've learned it!" The drunken man was completely irritated by Xiao Lan. He originally wanted to fight Xiao Lan for 500 rounds, but at this time he changed his mind and called out to his subordinates Completely abandoning Chen Tianshuo and the two sisters, 12 people rushed towards Xiao Lan together.

Several arrows fell towards the place where Xiao Lan was. Even though he ran with three swirling shadows ahead of time, Xiao Lan was hit by two arrows. The archer's defense was not high enough, but the attack power was terrifying. , just hit two arrows and the 3000 HP is gone.

A sinister smile appeared on the face of the drunk Kuangjun who had gone completely mad, 12 against 1, it seemed impossible for Xiao Lan to survive, but just at this moment, an ominous rustling sound appeared in the Drunk at the feet of family players.

"It's a bunker! Get out of here quickly."

I don't know who yelled, but at almost the same moment, two bunkers appeared on the field. An archer player from the Drunken Family couldn't dodge because there were people on both sides, so he directly transferred into them.

"Don't stop! Whoever kills Xiao Lan will be rewarded with 1 yuan!" In the end, the drunk Kuangjun finally used his housekeeping skill, the RMB policy.

"Hey, when did our Xiao Lan become so valuable." Wang Xue's voice came out in the team's voice channel. It turned out that Xiao Lan forgot to turn off the voice volume.

"So, you have to quickly conquer Xiao Lan, she is so noble, it would be bad if she was fucked by other girls."

"Miss Xinxin..."


Just as Xiao Lan wanted to laugh, Drunk Kuangjun followed with his sword. The one-handed sword was held behind Drunk Kuangjun's back. The edge of the sword rubbed against the sand. They all made harsh noises.

But during this period of time, Xiao Lan had already used his agility advantage to switch to a new position.Another move of the Moon Shadow Meteor Sword. Although the huge explosion effect did not cause much damage to the drunk Kuangjun, the large amount of sand and dust raised still reduced the vision of both sides a lot.

"Moon Shadow Dark Sky!"

This move is undoubtedly worse for the other players in the Drunk Kuangjun Yiji Drunk Clan. The dust flying everywhere has already narrowed everyone's vision, but now they have entered the night mode. The situation is no better than that of the blind.

"Windworm, please don't worry about what's going on elsewhere." Xiao Lan observed the situation on the field and prayed for Long Xinxin's side. Although she could ask questions just by sending a message, the tense battle still left Xiao Lan with no time to spare. Take care of that...

"Scorpio, I really can't take pills, I'm a little tight on blue here." On the battlefield with Feng Chong, Wang Xue shouted loudly even though she was a little tired.

Since the fire bug has been killed, the boss's teleportation skill has expired.At this time, Feng Chong can only use heavy pressure and blows over and over again to create pressure on Scorpio.

One after another, the bunkers were generated from the battlefield one after another, which brought a lot of trouble to Scorpio Wang Xue and others. On the one hand, they had to keep cleaning the poisoned sandworms refreshed from them, and on the other hand, they had to constantly adjust their positions , so that I can have a good output and treatment environment.

"After this wave of little bugs clears up, you Youyou, open Ji Miekong, let's see how much blood you can overwhelm." Long Xinxin said after scanning the audience.

Ye Shuiyou nodded, and then directly dropped 8 poison-soaked sandworms with a thousand-blade arrow. After the upgrade of the thousand-blade arrow, the number of arrows has been greatly increased, and the power has also increased a lot. Ye Shuiyou Melee and long-distance are very fierce, coupled with the super AOE ability brought to him by this skill, the ranger profession, in the new version of Yuehua Legend, is becoming more and more versatile.


Since Drunk and Kuangjun refuses to play heads-up, Xiao Lan doesn't have to be polite.

On Xiao Lan's side, the other two fighters were just about to charge him, when the Sealed Descend of the Phoenix Impression appeared in front of them. After the level of the Sealed Descended was increased, the damage increased a lot, but the bigger change was that it would Leave a huge magic seal stone on the field.But now, a boulder is enough to block the charge skills of the two fighters.

Hitting headfirst on a rock is not a good feeling. The two soldiers were just about to leave when the little sister's sealed space trapped them.

"Hey, this is called closing the door and beating the dog!" Standing outside the effect of the sealed space, Xiao Lan laughed loudly, and then released the Moon Shadow Thousand Soul Sacrifice to the center of the sealed space.

"It's so cool, I'm also adding some serious information." Rong Xin could see this scene clearly, the little MM directly fell into trouble, and a lightning spell killed the two soldiers directly.

"It's cruel enough!" Xiao Lan pointed at Rong's heart, and said in a low voice.

"Hmph!" Little MM ignored Xiao Lan at all, turned her head around, and ran towards another drunk family player.

After several scuffles, Xiao Lan, Chen Tianshuo, and Impression Phoenix were almost unscathed, except for the fact that Rong Xinru's blood volume dropped to the danger zone a few times. In her eyes, magic is a heaven-defying recovery skill, and the battle becomes extremely simple in her eyes. Just use the sealed space to freeze the opponent, and then you can use blood-sucking magic very freely.

Drunk Kuangjun was the only one left on the field. Xiao Lan wanted to go up and humiliate him, but Chen Tianshuo took the lead. Five skeletons exploded at the same time. Drunk Kuangjun had no choice but to accept the punishment of level -1.

There was a crash, and Xiao Lan, Chen Tianshuo, and the two sisters all stared at the place where the drunk Kuangjun fell.Countless potions and a few pieces of equipment fell out, and the four people on the field looked at each other and smiled, and now they could make a fortune again.

"This looks like the sword of Drunken Kuangjun." Chen Tianshuo went up first, picked up a light blue one-handed sword and nodded, "It's definitely not wrong, this blue color is really special."


After equipped: Increase the user's strength by 10%.

Although there are only two attributes after equipment, this one-handed sword can definitely be called a gold inferior. Although the trigger probability of a fatal blow is not high, the damage of 5 hits is scary to think about. With the current player level , basically 2000 to 3000 damage, if this special effect is triggered, it will be difficult to kill it directly.

As for the second 10% strength value bonus, it is even more impressive. You must know that 10% is calculated based on the player's total strength. The strength value will directly increase by 1000 points, which will not be underestimated as an attack bonus.

Xiao Lan glanced back at Fengchong's position, and said, "Don't sell this thing, give it to Scorpio as a birthday present."

Chen Tianshuo and the two MMs around were stunned and said, "What? A birthday present?"

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