Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 160 The Meeting of Wind and Cloud

Following Xiao Lan, Ye Shuiyou quietly approached Kuangaoxiang from behind.Seeing that the other party used two more healing spells, the HP that Phoenix Impression just knocked out was replenished in an instant.

"It's amazing, this guy basically doesn't lose blue." Ye Shuiyou praised.

"Hmph! I'm afraid it's not the people who are powerful, but the equipment." Xiao Lan looked at Kuangaoxiang's back and said, "Kiaoaotian must have specially equipped equipment for him, taking into account both mana recovery and aura, so I can't figure it out. Why are they so poor in positioning and awareness."

"Forget it, let's talk about it first."

Three seconds later, taking advantage of the new round of high-intensity attacks launched by Phoenix Yinxiang and others, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou's harassment from behind also began immediately.

A shot of Skywalking Arrow, although the purple-red magic effect is more obvious in the dark night, but because the players of the Arrogant Family were all attracted by Xiao Lan and others in front of them, this shot of Skywalking Arrow went very smoothly The arrogant incense was hit.

"Moon Shadow Thousand Soul Festival!"

"The sky is full of clouds!"

The two cooperated very tacitly. Almost at the same time when the first effect of the Moon Shadow Thousand Soul Festival hit Kuangaoxiang, Ye Shuiyou's several sword qi had already hit him. Priest, she must have the characteristic of preventing low blood thinness. She hit the two big moves and sent him out of the field directly.

The members of the Kuoao family didn't react until this time. Kuoaohai decisively charged after seeing Xiao Lan's position clearly, but it was too late. Xiao Lan had already prepared. Lan directly fled the scene in three swirling shadows, and quickly left with Ye Shuiyou.

"It's despicable!" Kuangaotian was very angry when he saw that Kuangaoxiang was the first to be killed by Xiao Lan and others, but at this time he was helpless.The battle continued like this between the two sides. As time went by, players from the Arrogant Family continued to die in battle. In the end, they were defeated in only 10 minutes.

On the street in Hailar, eight people including Xiao Lan reappeared, Rong Xin drooped her head like water, and her face was full of displeasure.

"Zhencai, the event hasn't started yet." The little sister seemed very disappointed with the arrogant family.

Chen Tianshuo was also very puzzled: "I heard that this arrogant family is very powerful in reality, but it's not that good."

"Forget it, don't worry about it for now, let's go to the night market." The next game will be 15 minutes later, Xiao Lan comforted.


In the next few days, everyone spent in this rhythm, playing dungeons during the day and participating in qualifying at night.Chen Tianshuo, Long Xinxin, Wang Xue and others have already returned to their residences, but Ye Shuiyou is still staying at Xiao Lan's house.

"Youyou, you don't know at home like this?" One day at noon, just after lunch, Ye Shuiyou was looking at the various books in Xiao Lan's study with relish, Xiao Lan was holding a fruit plate, leaning against the door frame and asked road.

"Even if they know, so what?" Ye Shuiyou looked away from the book, stared at Xiao Lan and asked.

Xiao Lan's body was still: "Is that okay? We are cohabiting illegally." Xiao Lan was obviously worried.

Ye Shuiyou smiled charmingly: "Don't worry, they don't have the right to investigate when I'm on annual leave."

"What about your father?" Xiao Lan asked hastily.

"Him? Does he still care about me now? He's all thinking about how to cooperate with Shengjing Group." Ye Shuiyou glanced to the side, obviously dissatisfied with Xiao Lan's question.

Walking over slowly, Xiao Lan glanced at the book Ye Shuiyou was reading: "Okay, it's just that I'm a little lazy, and the house is dirty, so please take care of me."

Just as Ye Shuiyou was about to answer, the phone rang, and Xiao Lan hurried to answer it, only to hear Wang Xue's excited voice.

"Xiao Lan, look at the official website, we have reached the final stage."

Xiao Lan smiled disdainfully: "What's the point? If you won all the qualifying rounds, if you can't make it to the final stage, who else can make it?"

Wang Xue was very dissatisfied with Xiao Lan's answer, "You say that you are not humorous, and you can't be happy about such a good thing. No wonder many girls in the university failed to get together with you in the end."

"What about you?" Xiao Lan asked directly.

"Me?" Wang Xue hesitated for a while on the phone.

"I didn't meet you in college, so what's the matter with me?"

In the end, Xiao Lan gave up on teasing Wang Xue on the phone, and instead asked, "Have you made any arrangements for the offline competition?"

"Of course it came out. Three days later, that is, on the 3th, the grouping results of the top 30 will come out. At that time, every eight teams will be divided into groups, and only the top players will be able to advance. But according to the operation team, the final The semi-finals will be held in Haidian e-World in Zhongguancun, and it will be unprecedentedly grand."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Lan asked, "Have you contacted Long Xinxin?"

On the other side of the phone, Wang Xue replied without a moment's pause: "He knew it before me! Sister Xinxin said that we must enter the final 4. Only in this way can we re-establish our image among the players."

After the call was over, Xiao Lan originally wanted to turn around and go back to the bedroom, but unexpectedly, Ye Shuiyou had already arrived behind Xiao Lan at some point, and the two directly came face to face at close range.

" didn't you continue reading." Xiao Lan asked with some embarrassment.

Ye Shuiyou also didn't know what to do: "Brother Lan, I'm sorry, I heard it was Wang Xue who came here." After that, the little beauty lowered her head, her appearance was very cute in the eyes of others, not to mention It was Xiao Lan who had been in close contact.

The two returned to Xiao Lan's study, Ye Shuiyou sat by the bed, Xiao Lan moved the sofa and sat opposite Ye Shuiyou.

"I really envy you all. Now I finally know why Homecoming is so powerful in the old version of Yuehua Legend." Ye Shuiyou smiled helplessly, obviously she was comparing Mu Yu Haoran with Xiao Lan and others in her heart .

After working in Shengjing Group for more than a year, Xiao Lan's insight is far from comparable to when she just graduated. Ye Shuiyou's current thinking was immediately seen through by the cunning Xiao Lan.

"In life, there are some things that we really can't choose. The most painful thing is when you know that you are going to fail, but you have to move forward." Xiao Lan said to Ye Shuiyou after sighing .

"Brother Lan, thank you for understanding." Xiao Lan mentioned the most difficult part of Ye Shuiyou in one sentence. When she said "thank you", her voice trembled a little.

But Xiao Lan immediately continued seriously: "It's over just to thank you? Why don't you think about it yourself, you are also a living person, can't you do something at this time?"

"You mean..."

Xiao Lan understood and interrupted: "It's very simple. Although it is doomed to fail, it is still possible to recover some losses."

After hearing this, Ye Shuiyou looked out the window and nodded. Why didn't he think this way? Did he ever secretly order his secretary to transfer part of the company's property, but the final result not only failed, but It made his father suspicious.

Xiao Lan's lips moved. He wanted to say something, but he was worried that it would be inappropriate, but he finally made up his mind to say it.

"Anyway, we have known each other for such a long time. If there is something that is inconvenient for you to do it yourself, I can help you."

Xiao Lan deliberately said that it was inconvenient to do it herself, the purpose was to remind Ye Shuiyou, and hoped that she could have some good solutions.

After receiving Xiao Lan's affirmative reply, Ye Shuiyou felt much relieved. The two happily ate Xiao Lan's fruit, and then Ye Shuiyou took Xiao Lan to the opposite Shuang'an shopping mall for shopping.


"Hey, hey, you have some money. This dress costs more than 2000, no... it can't be fake." Seeing Ye Shuiyou was about to pay with his pocket, Xiao Lan hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, but this sentence made the side stand Many of the salespeople who saw it were very embarrassed.

Stretching out a hand, Ye Shuiyou quickly pressed Xiao Lan's mouth helplessly.

"It's impossible for a place of this level to be fake." Ye Shuiyou hurriedly explained.

"Why?" Xiao Lan still didn't quite understand.

"Oh, anyway, don't doubt it."

Along the way, Xiao Lan looked left and right, but she still had a suspicious expression on her face. Could it be that the high price is a fake?

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