Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 166 Mysterious special effects

"Well, I've heard of it." As soon as Ye Shuiyou spoke, the people around her, including the blacksmith player, all looked at her, obviously waiting for her further explanation.

"The Ye Group's business has also extended to France. There are many employees there who also play Legend of Moonlight. I have also heard from them about the Oliha Steel. According to them, this physical puncture attack method is quite Powerful, it can reset all defenses and resistances of hostile targets to zero at the moment of attack."

After Ye Shuiyou's words fell, everyone looked at each other in surprise. After a long time, Xiao Lan's head moved slightly: "No, return everything to zero?"

Ye Shuiyou nodded: "Yes, it's all zero. So some high-damage professions like to get skills or weapons with this kind of attack. I remember a 40-level hunter in France got a piece with a certain After a gold-level bow that has a chance to cause a piercing attack special effect, a piercing attack has dealt [-] damage."

Xiao Lan thought for a while after listening, and then asked immediately: "But the function of the Aoliha steel forehead is to prevent this kind of attack from taking effect." After that, he turned his head to the side, looked at Ye Shuiyou and asked : "Are there any bosses or monsters with this kind of attack around us?"

"I'm not sure about this." Ye Shuiyou shook his head and replied.

"But why are Dan Ran and others so interested in this?" Xiao Lan looked into the distance and said to herself.

"It's very simple. Didn't they also receive this two-way mission?" Wang Xue said.

Xiao Lan waved his hand: "It's not that simple. I can see that Dan Ran and others are also very interested in these metals. Their people even don't hesitate to be hung up by Youyou and me many times in a row, and they have to rush to the transport convoy at high speed. direction. Perhaps, they have obtained the content and specific functions of these things through other methods in advance..."

Everyone discussed in this way, but there was no result in the end. It was already late at night, and the blacksmith player who was temporarily called by Long Xinxin couldn't bear the sleepiness and went offline to sleep.

"It's all because of you, Xiao Lan, that my sister and I don't even have the desire to sleep now."

Walking on the street, among the people coming and going, Wang Xue complained to Xiao Lan.

"Hehe, why don't you still come to my place, I have powerful sleeping pills to ensure that you can sleep soundly."

"You have a good idea!" Wang Xue tapped Xiao Lan's butt hard with her staff, "Do you want to take advantage of my sister's sleeping time?"

Xiao Lan responded with a smirk on her face: "How dare you, we sister Xue's dish is so beautiful, do we need to take advantage of it first? We can eat it directly."

"You want to die, you..."

The crowd continued to stroll around the night market for a while, laughing and laughing. Several girls bought a kind of magic potion powder by coincidence. This kind of thing can be applied to equipment or weapons. A special fragrance.

"Is this the perfume in the game? Xiao Lan picked up Ye Shuiyou's longbow and smelled it while walking.

"Hee hee, that's it." The little beauty smiled, and then she smelled it herself.

"Let me tell you, all the beauties, have you finished decorating? Can we continue to play?" When he reached the corner of the road, Xiao Lan stopped, turned around and said to the girls.

"What are you doing, you still go to accept the mercenary mission?" Rong Xin turned her head and looked at the mercenary hall like water and asked.

"Forget it, I can't afford to be hurt by this two-way mission. Do you want to go to the Temple of the Desert?" Chen Tianshuo replied.

Xiao Lan waved his hand: "Farewell, I'm interested in that kind of open dungeon, but if you encounter a large number of players and have a PK with each other, it will be bad. If you hang up once at that time, yes The impact of our pk competition is too great."

"Then we can only go to that ghost place again." Chen Tianshuo spread his hands, showing a look of helplessness.

" don't mean you're going to that poison research institute again?" Rong Xin Rushui felt nauseated as soon as she mentioned this name.

"Forget it, let's go there. Although it's a bit disgusting, but at the moment of the competition, the most important thing is to improve the level as much as possible. My idea is to strive for everyone to reach 50 before the finals."

In Rong Xin Rushui's mind, Xiao Lan's position is still very important. As long as he speaks out, even if there are thousands of little sisters who are unwilling, they will still follow behind Xiao Lan.

The Poison Research Institute at night is still as deserted as before, some dilapidated stairs are still in the corners, and the dust on them is thicker than that of Xiao Lan and others' first visit, even the footprints of Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou are covered Covered by thick dust, it is obvious that no one has come here again.

"Sure enough, it's an unpleasant place to deal with. Look around and no one comes." Standing at the stairs, Chen Tianshuo joked, pointing at the dark space below.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, and I'm counting on you to open the way ahead." Xiao Lan said.

"Damn! You actually let a great healing profession open the way?" Chen Tianshuo turned his head and said dissatisfied.

Xiao Lan stretched out a finger and pointed at Chen Tianshuo: "First, don't tell me you are a great healing profession. I never believe it. Second, your blood is so thick. If you don't open the way, do you want me to go?"

In this way, the underground of the Poison Research Institute, which had been ignored by no one for several days, finally welcomed its visitors again.

Since Xiao Lan and the others have already made a record point on the sixth floor, they can be teleported to the entrance of the sixth floor as soon as they come in. Because the level of Xiao Lan and the others is too low before, the monsters on the sixth floor can't even read their names. Now, with the increase in level, the true face of the monsters on the sixth floor has finally been revealed.

[Land Country Armed Skeleton] (rare) (Time Clan Great Martial Artist) (Land Country Poison Warrior) Level: lv-58 HP: 220000 Magic: ? ?

Skill: Sacred Shield Restoration Charge Moon Shadow Double-Blade Heavy Strike Combo [Poison Attack]: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to cause the target to be poisoned, and 5% of HP will be lost every second.

Outstanding ability: Strength, agility, and physical strength Special introduction: After being personally transformed by the third prince of Lan Kingdom, these little skeletons, which were originally inconspicuous, now have very strong strength. They have lived in a highly toxic environment for a long time, and all parts of their bodies Also overtaken by venom.Adventurers, the consequences of underestimating them are severe.

Seeing such an introduction, Long Xinxin couldn't help but take a deep breath. The blood volume of the monsters now is really abnormal. This kind of ordinary mobs actually have more than 20 blood volume. How can they fight the boss behind?

There was not a single piece of flesh on his body, and even the blood-red eyes on his head were made of two red magic stones. The blood-red long sword in his hand was held up high by this skeleton, as if it was aiming at Xiao Lan and others. Demonstration in general.

"22 blood is enough for us to fight for a while." Wang Xue said.

"Fortunately, it doesn't have any long-range skills. Brother Yidao, you go first, and then Scorpio and I will block its charge route. We must not let this guy rush to our long-range players." Xiao Lan said after taking a look at Chen Tianshuo.

"Why did I go first?" Chen Tianshuo asked Xiao Lan with a blank look.

"Because you don't have to pay back the money you owe me because you go first."

"When do I..."

"Dare you say no, I still have an IOU here."

"Damn! Do you still remember the time you helped me with the course design in college?" Chen Tianshuo was helpless, so he had no choice but to step forward to withstand the attack of the armed skeleton.


Although the character Skull is a bit small, its attack power and reaction are quite fast. Chen Tianshuo was hit by its fierce counterattack just as he entered its attack range. A Moon Shadow Double Blade made Chen Tianshuo float high in the air instantly, and also caused Inflicted more than 4000 physical damage.

"This is too fierce. Chen Yidao's defense is not low, but why is there such a high damage?" Long Xinxin looked at Chen Tianshuo who was flying into the air, his mouth opened wide.

"This is normal. After all, it is a rare monster of level 58. It would be a shame if the attack power is so low." Xiao Lan who was next to him smiled at Wang Xue, and then rushed forward with his sword.

Taking advantage of the interval between the two attacks of the Armed Skeleton, Xiao Lan went up with a move of Moon Shadow Double Blades. The Armed Skeleton originally wanted to continue attacking Chen Tianshuo, but Xiao Lan could only give up because of Xiao Lan's interference.

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