Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 168 Ghost Spirit Sea

After entering the sixth floor, the venom from the top of his head fell more frequently. If Xiao Lan hadn't just used the Phantom of the Moon Shadow just now, the drop of venom that fell immediately would have almost killed him.

"Xiao Lan, walk slowly and be steady." Long Xinxin reminded.

Turning a corner, there is a long downward step in front of you.The underground of the Poison Research Institute also changed from the previous dark scene.Rows of magic lamps hung on the walls on both sides. The yellow light gave people a warm feeling.

"This... will not have any traps."

Standing in front of the stairs, no one would be the first to go down. There was no monster on the long stairs, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

"I'll go up first. If there's any problem, I can use the three-stage whirling shadow to flash back." Xiao Lan said, and took the initiative to take on the task of pioneering. He walked steadily along the steps step by step. go down.

It turned out that Xiao Lan and the others were too weak, and there was no danger at all on the long passage. Xiao Lan didn't see any changes in the surrounding environment until he entered the turning below.

Looking back at the long passage just now, Xiao Lan continued to lead the crowd forward. Since the eight people were actually on the seventh floor underground of the Toxicology Research Institute, the water vapor in the air began to increase gradually, and the ground also A lot of green moss grew, and the surrounding air gradually filled with a pungent smell.


Another drop of venom fell. Although the location did not pose a threat to Xiao Lan and others, the moss around the place where this drop of venom fell quickly withered, and a trace of burning smell quickly drifted into Xiao Lan. nose.

"Brother Lan, have you ever thought about the source of these poisons?" At this time, Ye Shuiyou who was following behind suddenly stepped forward and asked.

Xiao Lan raised her eyebrows after hearing this, "The source? It's not about doing tasks, why think so much about it? Just keep hitting, I don't have so much energy to worry about."

Ye Shuiyou glanced around after hearing this, and nodded slightly.

The 8 people turned the corner at the end of the long passage, and there was another staircase design in front of them. With previous experience, everyone no longer worried, and trotted to the bottom.

"With such a long distance, there is not even a single monster. Could it be that the final boss is below?" Wang Xue said expectantly.

"Hehe, don't, I'm still waiting for leveling. The experience of the few armed skeletons is good. If there are more in the future, it may not be a problem for the whole team to reach 50." Xiao Lan said with a smile .

But at this moment, Chen Tianshuo, who had been exploring the way ahead, called Xiao Lan, and his expression was more serious.

"Oh my god, how many are there?" Xiao Lan walked quickly to Chen Tianshuo, only to see that in the hall in front of him, thousands of monsters with strange shapes were densely distributed. Their heads were big and white, but they had no legs. It moves with the support of a curved body, with three claws protruding from each side of the body. The overall size is not high, only about one-third of the player.

"Why is this guy so familiar?"

While Xiao Lan was still thinking about how to deal with this large group of monsters, Ye Shuiyou also came over, facing the dark area below, Ye Shuiyou looked carefully and asked.

"Have you seen it before?" Xiao Lan turned her head and asked.

"I'm sure I've seen it, but I can't remember where it is." Ye Shuiyou thought about it for a long time, but there was no result.

"Forget it, check it out, it doesn't matter if you're familiar with it or not." Xiao Lan waved his hand and told Chen Tianshuo and Ye Shuiyou to retreat. He stood alone at the entrance of the hall, thinking about ways to eliminate these thousands of monsters.

"What should I do? Are you rushing?" Ye Shuiyou immediately discussed with Chen Tianshuo after returning.

And Chen Tianshuo seemed to have great confidence in Xiao Lan, "Looking at his plan, this kid can always find a way."

Rong Xin Rushui shook her head and said, "I think it's very simple, let brother Xiao Lan go up and lure him back and let's kill him."

"Damn! Why is it me again?" Xiao Lan had already walked back at this time, her face was also full of worry and solemnity.

"Brother Xiao Lan, what do you think we should do?" Rong Xin Rushui threw the question back to Xiao Lan again.

Xiao Lan shook her head and said, "There is no other way but to pull back and fight in this channel." But then, Xiao Lan glanced at the long channel and said in embarrassment, "Although on the way to Hailar, in the seabed We had a similar experience, but at that time there was a big rock stuck in the passage, and our difficulty was much less."

But no matter what, the monsters in the hall are a huge obstacle in front of Xiao Lan and others. If you want to continue to fight down, you must pass the hall in front of you.

"Try it first, if it doesn't work, you can still be invisible." Long Xinxin patted Xiao Lan's shoulder and encouraged her.

Since there was no cover for cover, everyone no longer pursued any positioning. Chen Tianshuo and Scorpio stood at the front and prepared to pick up the monsters, while the girls all stood in the back row.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Lan simply resorted to the Moon Shadow Phantom Spirit. He moved slowly along the wall, trying not to attract the attention of the surrounding monsters, and walked around the hall. The number of monsters in front of him far exceeded that of Xiao Lan before. Lan expected that there would be more than 800 of them.The distance between the monsters is very even. It seems that Xiao Lan's idea of ​​allocating them into the passage is going to fail.

Feeling the beating of his own heart, Xiao Lan has never felt so nervous since he played Yuehua Legend, except for killing high-level bosses like Shi Lai and Shi Yu.

What skills should I use to attract monsters?Xiao Lan couldn't make up his mind for a while. The Moon Shadow Meteor Sword is a good skill. Not to mention the long-range attack, there is also a very powerful explosion effect at the end, but it is this explosion effect that will make the monsters spread too much, and there is no way to concentrate , This is absolutely unwilling to see Xiao Lan and others.

In the end, Xiao Lan made up his mind, boldly rushed to the center of the monster with three swirling shadows, and then used his body to gather all the monsters together.

After calming down his nervous mood, Xiao Lan decisively used a three-stage whirling shadow to flash to the center of the monster. In order to attract enough hatred, Xiao Lan could also use Moon Shadow Double Blades on a monster around him.

clap clap clap...

After Xiao Lan used the Moon Shadow Double Blades, while causing a lot of hatred, he undoubtedly put himself in danger.A few monsters that were relatively close took the opportunity to aim at Xiao Lan and patted it with a few paws.Although the damage of each hit was not high, due to the monster's many hands, Xiao Lan's blood volume still called the police after one hit.

Instead of continuing to be greedy for output, Xiao Lan safely used the three-stage swirling shadow to escape.On the way, he didn't forget to take a look at the monster introduction in the battle record.

[Corrupted undead] (rare) Level: lv-58 HP: 100000 Magic: 999999 Skill: Stealth fireball, poisonous attack, blood-sucking magic fusion Outstanding ability: Agile aura Special introduction: After being corrupted by venom, the undead has been completely changed With the previous characteristics, their defense is low, and their health does not seem to be very high, but due to their strong reproductive ability, they can even see their sixth-generation children in their lifetime. Adventurers are ready to fight abnormally. The undead will let you experience to what is an advantage in numbers.

"As soon as the first monster shows up, the impression of Phoenix will be blocked." Xiao Lan shouted loudly in the team voice channel while running back.

Some of the corrupted undead behind them had already stopped to release the fireball technique, but due to Xiao Lan's fast speed, Xiao Lan ran out of their attack range before the fireball technique could be chanted.

"I hope the teammates in the tunnel can withstand it." Xiao Lan prayed silently, he could no longer restrain his nervousness, his heart kept beating up and down, he wanted to choose to be invisible, but if that was the case, he had to Started from scratch.

"Get ready, Xiao Lan has shown up!"

In the passage, Chen Tianshuo, who was standing in front, reminded.


Waves of commotion came from where Xiao Lan appeared, and a huge black shadow appeared at the end of the passage.

Long Xinxin stared closely behind Xiao Lan, her face full of surprise, "What's wrong with Xiao Lan? There are so many monsters, how can I kill them?"

Rong Xin Rushui also stared at her eyes, "It's over!"

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