"Xiao Lan, I admit that you are very powerful!" Drunk Kuang Jun was obviously aroused by Xiao Lan, and even his voice trembled a little.

"Where is that, you are polite, drunk and drunk, but I have never liked negotiating deals. After all, people who can make such opinions always hide their plots. I am scared." Xiao Lan blocked directly Drunk Kuangjun's next sentence.

"Hmph! I'm afraid you can't do without a deal." Kuang Aohai took the opportunity to put pressure on Xiao Lan.

"Oh? Could it be that Mu Hao, you want to buy and sell by force?" Xiao Lan asked back.

The drunk man stopped, and continued to seduce Xiao Lan: "Actually, this deal is very simple. Brother Xiao Lan, you just need to promise not to be with Ye Shuiyou anymore, and not to help Ye's group after they set up a guild." , then we will guarantee you the championship of this pk competition. How about it, it is generous enough."

Xiao Lan hummed, and then asked, "But why do you think I won't win the championship because I sound like a drunk and handsome man?"

"Isn't this very simple?" Drunk and Kuangjun said disdainfully, "Just because you, those good-for-nothings like Time Fleeting, still want to win the championship..."

"Can you stop us with just a few defeated generals?" Xiao Lan interrupted directly, "I remember that the sword in your hand was still in my hand in the desert temple."

The drunken Kuangjun who had his scars exposed again couldn't stand it anymore, he completely revealed his true colors, "Xiao Lan, let me tell you, even if you are stronger in the game, you will still lose to me in real life. As for that Ye Shui You, I advise you not to touch her, otherwise you will regret it."

As for Xiao Lan, he was even more unrestrained. Before the drunk Kuangjun finished speaking, he clicked to leave the team.


In front of the bank counter in Hailar City, Xiao Lan walked out of the bank gate to join other teammates after taking out all her life.And at the corner of the street, several pairs of eyes were watching Xiao Lan's figure.

"Boss, this kid is too arrogant, do you want to teach him a lesson?" Beside the drunk Kuangjun, Kuangao Hai was looking at the front angrily.

Drunk and Kuangjun turned his head impatiently and reprimanded: "Let me teach you a lesson, we are now 'cooperating' with the Ye Group. In case Ye Shuiyou finds out about this matter and the cooperation fails, then we must find another opportunity to be able to do what we are doing now." Is it easy?"

On Xiao Lan's side, everyone has already repaired their equipment and is waiting at the door of the blacksmith shop. Ye Shuiyou has bought a string of ornaments from a stall on the street at some point. The light green jade pendant is covered by a water blue It was tied with a ribbon and hung on Ye Meimei's waist, which was really pretty.

"Brother Lan, what happened?" Xiao Lan walked for a long time, and Ye Shuiyou immediately showed a worried expression.

Xiao Lan smiled and pretended to be very calm: "This... what can happen in the game? There are too many survivors, so it's a little troublesome to get it."

"It's you." Wang Xue said immediately after hearing it: "Xiao Lan's backpack is notoriously messy. I gave him a piece of equipment in the old version, but this guy actually forgot a day later. It took me half an hour to find it…”

A few people joked with each other, the countdown to the last match of today had already started, and after 10 seconds, everyone was teleported to the reserve area of ​​the game map, and the name of the map displayed on the top of the mini-map was actually Forest of Sighs.

"Is that the map full of broad-leaved trees?" Xiao Lan asked directly.

"That's right, it should be that one." Chen Tianshuo nodded and said.

"This is troublesome. These numbers completely block the field of vision. How can we take advantage of so many long-distance professions?" Long Xinxin said worriedly.

"That's right, you can't use Tian Xing Arrow or Tian Xing Flash in this place." Ye Shuiyou also echoed.

"Then... what if we use skills to cut down the trees?" Rong Xin said a word like water, but immediately realized that her method was too stupid, and the little girl stuck out her tongue and did it. a funny face.

Judging from the opponent's team information, the opponent is actually a wonderful combination of eight assassins, without any remote occupation.For a while, Xiao Lan and the others were at an absolute disadvantage no matter in terms of map or occupation.

"How to do?"

Wang Xue had never seen such a situation before. As soon as she played, the eight opponents disappeared one after another, and Xiao Lan fell into a state of confusion for an instant.

"We have to think of a solution quickly, or we will be in trouble when the other party finds a place." Long Xinxin moved closer to Xiao Lan and said in a low voice.

"Why don't we still follow the previous method?" Xiao Lan turned her head, expressing that she looked at her old president with questioning eyes.

"You mean..." Long Xinxin said immediately as if he had realized something.

"Yes, you go to a group with Rongrong, you protect her, and the others will be separated."

Long Xinxin nodded, then waved to Rong Xin Rushui, and the two acted alone, while the rest were Xiao Lan with Chen Tianshuo, Scorpio with Wang Xue, and Ye Shuiyou with Phoenix Impression.

This kind of collocation was designed by Xiao Lan in the old version to facilitate the infiltration of the enemy's main city in a surprise attack.The action of two or three-person teams can effectively reduce the area to be hit, and the teams are independent of each other, and the flexibility is very strong. The Homecoming Guild once organized nearly 200 such teams in a siege battle, and finally Harass each other to death.

Since the five assassins on the other side were all invisible, Xiao Lan and Chen Tianshuo could only keep their bodies as low as possible and move slowly.

In the Legend of Moonlight, assassins and thieves are two completely different professions. Assassins have high attack and high agility, and all their skills are also biased towards attack, but thieves are different. In addition to their specialties in stealing, they also have stealth skills. It should also be stronger than assassins. In addition to having the same most common stealth skills as assassins, there is also a forced invisibility that can be used every 30 seconds, and can remove all negative effects on the body while being invisible.It can be said that thieves have better survivability than assassins, but their output ability is worse.

As the gentle breeze blew, the leaves as big as umbrellas shook, and the sound of rubbing against each other became the most important sound on the field.

"This group of people can really bear it, and they haven't made any moves until now?" Chen Tianshuo looked around and couldn't help saying.

"Summon three or five zombies to follow. If they appear, they will be detonated immediately." Xiao Lan walked in front, carefully paying attention to the fluctuations in the surrounding air. Assassins are very agile and move faster, and the fluctuations when walking are much larger than those of thieves. , as long as you pay attention, it is not difficult to find.

"Death Grip!"

Death Grip (CD 20 seconds, instant): Dark Healer can teleport a zombie to any location within 30 meters and produce a self-explosion effect. All surrounding enemy targets will suffer a lot of damage and have a knockback effect.The damage value is the zombie's current HP.

After walking a short distance, Chen Tianshuo suddenly launched an attack towards a position in the front right, and the violent explosion effect unexpectedly blasted out 3 assassins at once.

"Good guy, they are all watching you." Chen Tianshuo said with a smile.

"Hundred ghosts marching at night!"

Xiao Lan didn't reply, but threw the AOE skill directly towards the place where the zombie exploded.

In the legend of Yuehua, any damage will cause the freezing time. Generally, the higher the damage, the longer the freezing time. The range of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Formation is very large. In addition to the freezing time, the opponent's 3 assassins have no chance to go out. .

"Black hole plane!"

Chen Tianshuo made a mistake, just after the Hundred Ghosts' Night Walk was over, a big black hole unfolded under his feet. Assassins before level 50 didn't have any teleportation skills at all, so they had to accept this trick.

In the other direction, Ye Shuiyou and Fenghuang Impression also quickly met the two assassins of each other, because neither of them was actually a melee profession in the true sense, and Ye Shuiyou was upgraded because of Xiao Lan's existence. There was no melee skill in the skill selection, so fighting in the dense woods, the two were still a little awkward.

But being awkward doesn't mean you will suffer. After all, Ye Shuiyou still has a top-quality one-handed sword, and Phoenix Impression always puts the seal descending by her side, so the assassins who attacked them can only do it in a hurry.

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