The fight outside the city of Hailar is still going on. Since the number of both sides is about the same, and the equipment is the same excellent, it is difficult to tell the winner for a while. He rushed forward without hesitation, but without exception, he was blocked by the opponent's long-distance occupation.

"It's too bad. I looked at the level list. There is a buddy who is 48, and now he has dropped to 38. It is a full level 10. How long will it take me to practice this?" Wang Xue looked at the city of Hailar almost every second. The ranking list is changing, sighed.

"It depends on how to say it." Long Xinxin pointed to the crowd ahead who were still rushing upwards, "It's no problem to compensate 1 yuan if you don't lose one level with the strength of indifference and injury. If I can get 10 yuan, if it were me, I would do it too."

With a bang, Long Xinxin thought someone was attacking her, but when she looked carefully, it was a longbow used by an archer falling behind her, and the owner of this bow had probably already reported to the Angel of Resurrection went.

"Wow, silver level, although it's a lot worse than Ye Shuiyou's, but if you want to sell it, you need at least 100 gold coins?" Long Xinxin laughed so hard that she couldn't even close her mouth.

"I said Sister Xinxin, I have seen this bow too, does anyone have a share in seeing it?"

"Go, I haven't bought the slimming tea this month yet."

"Oh my god, you're still like this..."


Since the operation of the new version of Legend of Yuehua, this is the first large-scale battle between players. It is different from the "small fights" since Xiao Lan and others entered the game. A pk battle in the sense turned into an abnormal farce, just for a piece of inconspicuous steel ingot, the two sides fought so hard, and even involved many irrelevant players, many neutral players were indifferent and hurt Liyue After being accidentally injured by someone's spell, he mixed into the opponent's team and started his own revenge.

"Sister Xinxin, what do you think is that?"

Suddenly, there was a movement in the indifferent crowd, and a huge six-pointed star magic circle was unfolded in the crowd. Above the magic circle, a phantom appeared, and then slowly materialized.

"My God, Hunyuan body, how did they do it?" When they encountered this thing at the poison research institute, it really cost Xiao Lan and others a lot of effort, but now, the indifferent players can actually pass Something similar to the summoning technique summoned the hybrid body, which was definitely beyond Long Xinxin's and Wang Xue's expectations.

"No, they actually have seal masters too?" Another girl's voice also appeared at this time, but Wang Xue and Long Xinxin knew it was Phoenix Impression without thinking. Basically moved until midnight.

"How did you see that?" Wang Xue immediately turned around and asked.

"Of course I saw that thing?" Phoenix Impression said, pointing to the tall Hunyuan body on the battlefield, "Actually, the most impressive thing about the profession of a sealer is that he can seal the monsters he encounters through the seal card." , and then release it for your own use when needed."

When the little girl explained this, Long Xinxin and Wang Xue's eyes widened instantly, "If that's the case, will others still be alive?"

"Hee hee, how could it be so powerful?" Little MM said with a smile, "First of all, seal cards can only be purchased with real money, and they are divided into levels. I remember that the highest level 10 seal card seems to cost 10 Yuan, and the use of the sealing card has a probability of success, the higher the level of the sealed target, the lower the probability of success."

"Even if it's like this, it's still very powerful." Long Xinxin looked at the Hunyuan body on the field. At this time, this guy was rampaging among Shang Liyue's team and had already killed 8 players.

"That's it." Phoenix Impression also glanced at the field and said, "This seal card can only be used once, and the summoned creature can only be summoned once, and it can only exist for 5 to 8 minutes after being summoned. .”

"Oh, that's about the same." Long Xinxin nodded and said.

The appearance of the hybrid body caused heavy losses to Shang Liyue's team, but judging from Shang Liyue's expression, he didn't seem to care about it.


There was another wave of magic, and the hexagram pattern unfolded in Shang Liyue's team this time.

"Hey, it's a good show, I don't know what they can come out with."

The answer was revealed soon, with a ferocious head and a body dominated by red and yellow.There are also a pair of long tentacles growing on both sides of the huge head. Although the eyes are small, they reveal a sense of domineering.It was the fire bug and wind bug that Xiao Lan and others encountered in the desert temple.

"It's unbelievable. It seems that after we left, this group of people also went to the Temple of the Desert." Long Xinxin stared at the movement on the field and shook his head.

From 1:5 am to 4:80 am, the battle between Dan Ran and Shang Liyue lasted for nearly [-] hours. In the end, both sides consumed a lot. The potion alone was worth almost [-] RMB, not to mention those A seal card that is used like a normal piece of paper.

But in the end, neither of the two warring parties could win. The reason is very simple. The buddy who sold the Aoliha steel ingot couldn't bear the suffering and went off the assembly line early to sleep.

A farce ended in such a way that both parties went offline in exhaustion.


When the city of Hailar slowly returned to calm, the first ray of sunlight in the morning gradually illuminated the whole city. It was very clean and warm, just like a flower just budding and a tree branch just budding.

In the villa outside the Sixth Ring Road, a beautiful figure rubbed her hazy eyes and walked down the stairs slowly.

"Brother Lan, are you still sleeping?"

The image of a young girl appeared in front of his eyes, with a pair of clear eyes like lake water, soft and full red lips, long black hair like silk hanging down behind her fragrant shoulders, skin as snowy as hidden in the translucent white gauze , beautiful and round slender jade legs, seductive and plump breasts, and a perfectly seductive waist, coupled with pure and flawless arms like white jade, exuding holy light all over her body, this is really a supreme beauty.


A small pillow was left on the sofa where Xiao Lan was sleeping by Ye Shuiyou. Xiao Lan, who was a little sleepy just now, was completely woken up by this blow.

"Isn't this the commemorative pillow from the old version of Legend of Yuehua? Back then, I remembered that I could get it in a lottery after completing a certain character. Legend of Yuehua's special express delivery is very powerful, and it can be delivered in half a day."

Xiao Lan took the pillow in her hands and rubbed the flesh.

"Hey, is this how you treat my little dragon?" Ye Shuiyou hurried over and snatched the pillow from Xiao Lan's hand. The white gauze swayed with the little beauty. If a third person saw it, Definitely will get blood pumping.

"Xiaolong, why didn't I see it?" Xiao Lan turned her head and looked carefully at the pillow in Ye Shuiyou's arms.

"Have you forgotten? This was the rarest pet at that time." Ye Shuiyou smiled, and picked up a photo frame from the table.

"Ah, so it's this guy." Xiao Lan understood it all at once. This kind of little guy was called Crypt Whelpling in the game at that time. Come out, in the Homecoming guild, Long Xinxin, Wang Xue, and the earlier president Shuangyan Liunian all brought this kind of pet to run amok around the world.

"I heard that many players have already reached level 50, and the new version of the game's pet system will be released soon. Brother Lan, don't you plan to get one?" Ye Shuiyou grabbed the two ears of the young dragon's pillow, After shaking twice in front of Xiao Lan, he said.

"You think I don't want to, but this thing is probably still so difficult to catch in this version, not to mention the fast movement speed, and it often hides underground."

Ye Shuiyou smiled, and threw the pillow back to Xiao Lan, "Hurry up and play the game, the city of Hailar was a mess last night."

"Tianfan? No, who can play in the game without us?" Xiao Lan put on the clothes on the copy, but found that the clothes had emitted a faint fragrance, and the black marks on the collar had disappeared. So, could it be that Ye Shuiyou washed him after getting up in the morning?

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