Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 189 The Labyrinth of Fasting

[Dark Enforcer] (rare) (Great Martial Artist of the Time Clan) Level: lv-55 HP: 220000 Magic: ? ?

Skill: Permanent Stealth Moon Shadow Double-edged Moon Shadow Chain Slashing Moon Shadow Meteor Sword Outstanding Ability: Agility Aura Special Description: A killer who escapes into the dark, can be permanently invisible when standing still, and can be intermittent every 5 seconds when moving Go invisible.The attack power is extremely high, but the blood volume is very small.In the stealth state, it will be revealed if it receives more than three damages. If you are not attacked within 8 seconds, you will enter the stealth state again.This unit drops the Dark Enforcer Specialization Scroll.

"I'm not mistaken, you can get a job by killing a monster?" Xiao Lan simply ignored the monsters in the distance and said directly.

"Come on, the drop rate of this kind of scroll is very small, don't think about it." Ye Shuiyou pushed Xiao Lan and said.

The dark executors seem to be hindering the actions of Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou. Their attack power is very strong, and Ye Shuiyou will lose two-thirds of his health with a single strike. Fortunately, these guys have low blood volume. Xiao Lan With a Moon Shadow Meteor Sword, 80% of the HP can be dropped.And Ye Shuiyou only needs three normal attacks or two Shadow Slashing Assaults to solve it, but this guy's invisibility is really troublesome, and his agility and AI settings are also very scary. With Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou's Agility, this guy can actually dodge 30% of attacks.

But generally speaking, it was relatively easy for Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou to clean up this place.Both of them have long-range attack skills, which can prevent them from being suddenly attacked by invisible monsters when exploring the road, and Xiao Lan's melee ability is also outstanding, even if a monster gets close because of their negligence, Xiao Lan Lan can also use Moon Shadow Chain Slash to force him back.

But 10 minutes later, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou couldn't find a way forward. The dark executor was permanently invisible, and the two didn't have flare skills like hunters. Lan also has the bonus of the body of the moon god, maybe the two of them are still circling in circles.

"This is not the way. These executors seem to be refreshing constantly. If this continues, we will be exhausted sooner or later." Ye Shuiyou said nervously, following behind Xiao Lan.

After that, the two of them no longer skimped on any skills.The two speeded up their movement, and gave full play to the advantages of the ranger and the night walker's skill release without the need to read. The latter is permanently invisible, but as long as it is an AOE skill, it can still be attracted.After seeing an opportunity, Ye Shuiyou opened the way with a sky-moving arrow, and the two quickly rushed to the other side of the hall of the archives under the speed boost of the Moon Shadow Phantom Spirit.

"Huh..." Xiao Lan breathed a sigh of relief, "If that little girl Rongxin Rushui came, I would probably be scared to death." Xiao Lan said while panting while smiling at Ye Shuiyou.

"But Brother Lan, I think you're nervous too?" Ye Shuiyou looked around and joked with Xiao Lan after confirming that it was safe.

"Fuck! Is there any?"

"How not?"

"Oh, it must have been influenced by you, a little beauty who has ruined the country and the people."



At the end of the archives, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou finally found the teleportation circle leading to the moving scene. The golden prototype magic circle slowly rotated, quietly waiting for its visitors.

After teleportation, the two finally came to a relatively bright place, but it was still a mission space, with a dark blue dome inlaid with white stars, but it seemed that this place was not as simple as the Hangzhou Archives, because Shenyu Continental Transcripts show that this place appears to be a very large maze.And in this kind of maze exploration, all kinds of monsters are naturally one of the indispensable elements.

As for another troublesome thing now, Ye Shuiyou was no longer by Xiao Lan's side, but appeared at the entrance of another maze, only 20 meters away from Xiao Lan's side, and the two could even see each other.

"Brother Lan, did you receive any quest items after you came in?" Ye Shuiyou's voice came over the team voice channel immediately.

Xiao Lan immediately replied, "It's a disc with a piece of yellow glass inlaid in the middle."

After hearing this, Ye Shuiyou sighed: "Oh, this advanced task is not ordinary, what I received is also a disc, but the middle is inlaid with red glass."

"This is really strange, but there is no way, the system did not send us a mission scroll, so I don't know what is going on."

Open the God's Domain Continent Manuscript again, and the name of the area displayed on it is called the Labyrinth of Fasting. No wonder Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou have to separate. The system of Legend of Yuehua is really powerful, and it can actually make a fuss about the gender difference of the two characters.

In this labyrinth of fasting, although there is no dark executor, it is still very lively. Just as Xiao Lan walked not far away, a ghost-shaped thing with flames all over his body suddenly appeared in the distance. It was a fireball spraying to the direction.

"It's really not polite at all."

Xiao Lan didn't use any skills to dodge this time, because he saw that the flying height of the fireball technique was relatively low. If he jumped up after adding the moon shadow blazing dance, wouldn't he be able to dodge it?But the actual result made Xiao Lan very disappointed. The ghost in front of him seemed to be able to use the ability to increase gravity. Xiao Lan just jumped up and fell down immediately.

After landing, although he was very embarrassed, Xiao Lan threw out the Moon Shadow Meteor Sword directly in a very nervous state.


The monster information was also displayed on Xiao Lan's panel at this moment.

[Flame Ghost] (rare) Level: lv-55 HP: 180000 Magic: 9000000 Skill: Passive Stealth Fireball Flame Shock Outstanding Ability: Agile Aura Special Description: Units that exist in this world in ghost form will die every second when approached Injured by flames, fireball and flame impact will be used, with higher damage and more health. If you don't take damage for 8 seconds, you will enter the invisible state.Invisible state can still use the above two skills.It is a strange creature that any adventurer on the God's Domain Continent is absolutely unwilling to encounter head-on. They have a ferocious personality and even like to kill each other.Adventurers, beware!


Two fireballs struck suddenly, Xiao Lan had just stood up, and now he had no chance to dodge the monster's skills.

2596! 2883!

Since it was an advanced task, Xiao Lan didn't dare to be as unrestrained as before, and took a Moon Shadow Heart Cloud Pill, but because it was daytime, Xiao Lan didn't enjoy the enhanced effect of the pill at night. After the blood volume stabilized, Xiao Lan directly flashed up with the three-stage swirling shadow. Since the flame ghost has no melee attack skills, it can only retreat with Xiao Lan at this time. Pull away the distance, but Xiao Lan, who has completely mastered the opponent's glove at this time, will not give it such a chance. First, he uses the Moon Shadow Dark Wave, followed by the Moon Shadow Chain Slash, because the Dark Power Wave has the effect of reducing the opponent's defense. , so Xiao Lan's next two attacks seemed powerful. The two damages of 4000+ directly made the ghost in front of him have enough fear of Xiao Lan.

At this time, the situation on Ye Shuiyou's side was not much better, what she met happened to be a clear water ghost whose attributes were opposite to Lie Yanhou's.The two skills of water archery and water wave greatly restricted Ye Shuiyou's movement.But the good thing is that the water ghost does not have a very high blood volume like the flame ghost.It was relatively easy for Ye Shuiyou to clean up, but he arrived in the middle of the hall first than Xiao Lan.

It turns out that in the middle of the maze, there will be a place where the two routes of men and women meet. Here, both men and women can hand over the task items in their hands to each other through the transaction function that comes with the game. After the transaction is completed, the male and female players will Separate again and move on.

The fasting maze has three floors, and the discs have to be exchanged three times in the middle. Only when the discs are traded correctly can you go to the next level of the maze through the portal of the corresponding color.

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