Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 191 Water Beast

"No, A-level boss?" Seeing the information on the big tree opposite, Xiao Lan's eyes straightened.The most powerful boss that Xiao Lan and others encountered before, Shi Lai, was only C-level, but a boss of that strength alone was enough to make Xiao Lan's head burnt. Now, this tree spirit is directly A-level, but I don't know What is its strength?

A very loud roar came from a distance, as if a large amount of water was rushing towards Xiao Lan. After a few seconds, as expected, the whole scene was completely submerged by the flood. The water was not deep, but only reached the knees. position, but when players fight in such an environment, their movement speed will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, another boss of this battle also appeared on the stage at the same time. After the water surface calmed down, the huge Water God of Fighting slowly emerged from the water, with a huge body, the whole body was blue.Although there is only one eye on the head, this design shows the boss's arrogance even more from the outside.

"Now I have some fun, the scene is so big, it's enough for the two of us to mobilize the boss." Xiao Lan stared at the person in front of Yishu, and said.

[Water God of War] (Legend) (Level A leader) (Blood Master) (Messenger of all phenomena) Level: lv-60 HP: 220000 Magic: ? ?


[Water Surpasses the Torrent]: Water God uses his understanding of the water element to summon a torrent at the designated target. After 2 seconds, a water column will be sprayed out, and enemies within the range of the water column will be rushed to the sky, causing certain damage.Has a 35% deceleration effect after falling.

[Ghost Arrow]: Water God gathers all the strength of his body and shoots a ghost magic arrow at the target. The magic arrow will travel a distance of 200 meters on the straight line formed by Water God and the target point, forming an explosion.The explosion stuns for 1.4 seconds.On the way, the hero's movement speed +30% will be increased by the ghost arrow, and only 50% of the damage will be received. When the acceleration effect disappears, it will receive another 50% of the damage accumulated during this period.

[Water Fury]: Instantly kill all hostile targets within 1000 meters.

[Water Archery] [Heavy Hit] [Mingjing Zhishui] Outstanding Ability: Agility and Strength "It seems that the necklace must be used to deal with the Water Wrath skill, otherwise we will not be able to beat this boss." Xiao Lan turned to Ye Shui You smiled, and rushed forward with a sword first.

The Fighting God of Water didn't have too complicated attack methods at the beginning of the battle, he just kept smashing his arms against the water surface, using the rising water column to attack, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou could easily dodge.But the trouble is still the camphor tree essence, which keeps attacking the two with leaves, and leaves that look like withered yellow fly over, but in fact, these things are like sharp knives, and the special effect of piercing attacks is still there. Tough, Ye Shuiyou was rubbed on the shoulder because he didn't notice a flying leaf at the beginning, but because of this rub, his health immediately dropped by a quarter.The effect of physical puncture is indeed terrifying.

Although the dryad cannot move, the range of the leaves is very long. When Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou were 150 meters away from the dryad's position, they had already entered the opponent's range.

Realizing that fighting like this is not the way to fight the opponent, Xiao Lan changed his tactics decisively. With the bonus of Blazing Dance, Xiao Lan found that as long as he stepped on the talking surface, with the help of the recoil force of the water surface, he could even directly Vacant.Taking advantage of the fact that all the skills of the Night Walker are instantaneous, Xiao Lan can fight well on the water with the two opponents in front of him.

Xiao Lan, who had tasted the sweetness, repeated his old tricks. As soon as Chikongwu's CD arrived, he immediately blessed his body, and then kicked his right foot hard on the water surface, and his whole body was already in the air.

The Hundred Ghosts made a move, but I didn't expect the tree spirit in the distance to be immune to its magic effect. It seems that not all skills of the A-level boss will be displayed in the introduction. Skills like magic immunity are sometimes hidden in the meeting The form is waiting for players to discover.

Fortunately, Ye Shuiyou is by her side, and her various physical output skills are still effective. The tree spirit who cannot move has become a living target in front of Ye Shuiyou for a while, so don't worry about Ye Shuiyou who can't hit it. All the big moves were thrown out.

Seeing that the tree spirit was restrained by Ye Shuiyou, Xiao Lan hurriedly freed his hands to deal with the God of Water. For the first time, Xiao Lan used the three swirling shadows on the water surface. Although his body sank immediately after the flash, Xiao Lan Lan's position is very close to the Water God.

The Battle God of Water was also dissatisfied with his reaction, he clasped his fists together and slammed into the surface of the water, which was the harbinger of the flood of water. Two seconds later, a huge jet of water rose from under Xiao Lan's feet. If Xiao Lan hadn't reacted quickly and escaped with the second part of the three-part swirling shadow, he would have been crippled by now.

"Moon Shadow Meteor Sword!"


While dodging the skills, Xiao Lan did not forget to continue attacking the enemy. Bosses above C level have thicker blood volumes one by one. When Xiao Lan and others joined forces to deal with it, they were tortured enough by him, let alone Today, Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou are the only two who are going to deal with a water god with 20+ HP.

After the skill level of the Moon Shadow Meteor Sword is increased, the damage increase is only one aspect. More importantly, its CD time is also shortened with the level up. At present, with Xiao Lan's level 6 Moon Shadow Meteor Sword, the CD time is already only Just 3 seconds.

A burst of blue magic arrows flew towards the God of Water, and his blood volume began to drop rapidly.Ye Shuiyou, who was next to him, also took advantage of this opportunity to use this opportunity to attack the Fighting God of Water with Tianzaiyun and Tianxing Arrow after blessing Ji Miekong.

The balance of victory in the battle began to slowly tilt towards Xiao Lan, and it took less than 5 minutes for the Water God's HP to drop by 60%, and the dryad in the distance also fell asleep because of Ye Shuiyou's repeated use Arrow and Skywalking Arrow limit their attacks and cannot display the true strength of a level boss.

But an A-level boss is an A-level boss after all. At this moment, a sudden change occurred. Xiao Lan and Ye Shuiyou's various skills suddenly lost their effect. What's more important is that the blood volume of the Water Fighting God is directly full. And began to chant a spell, and the chant time was up to 6 seconds.With such a long chanting time, the attack power of this spell must be very strong, but Xiao Lan has nothing to do.At this time, the God of Water Fighting is in a state of complete invincibility, and any attack will not cause damage to him. Just when the spell was about to finish singing, Xiao Lan's eyes suddenly went dark, and he appeared next to Ye Shuiyou the next moment , At the same time, the Water God let out a huge roar, and quickly spread a water wave centered on himself. Even the dryad who was immune to magic was sent directly to the bottom of the water by the water wave, and never came out again.

Just when Xiao Lan was very surprised, Ye Shuiyou smiled at him, and then pointed to the necklace on his neck, Xiao Lan understood the question just now.

With a chanting time of 6 seconds, if you need to use such a long chanting time spell, it is estimated that it can only be the Wrath of Water on the God of Water.

And Ye Shuiyou first used the heart of fascination to teleport Xiao Lan to her side, and then used the special effect of the cursed necklace of the black lotus to make the two of them escape the attack of Water Fury.

[Heart of Fascination] (Ring) (Silver Lower Level) Strength +10 Concentration +10 Agility +12 Attack Speed ​​+1% After use: Bind the Heart of Fascination to a target player (cannot be changed), and the user can Teleports to the target player, or teleports the target player to the user. cd12 hours. (This special effect can be transferred to other equipment) Do you still remember the ice twister Ohana on the second floor of the Tower of Origin?It was this ring that she dropped, and it was this ring that became the key to turning the tide of the current boss battle.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for this thing, I'm afraid I'd have to go back to level 49 to practice again." Xiao Lan smiled, pointing to Ye Shuiyou's enchanted heart ring and said.

"Just thank you and that's it? I saved your life. This little thank you is too shabby." Ye Shuiyou tilted his head and said.

"Then what else do you want?" Xiao Lan asked with staring eyes.

"Uh... How about letting me kiss you?" Although the little beauty was already blushing, she still said boldly.As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Tianshuo's cough came from the voice channel.

"Ding! The player Chasing Dreams has removed you from the friend list."

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