Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 195 Unsolved Mysteries

"Hundred ghosts marching at night!"

In such a chaotic situation, due to the reduced field of vision, Xiao Lan used the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Formation very safely to protect himself. Coming up, although he suffered two normal attacks from the warrior during the stun stage, the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Formation also caused a lot of damage to him.

clap la la...

Wang Xue's Purifying Heart and Pu Shan Mantra arrived as scheduled, and Xiao Lan, whose blood volume dropped to normal, was immediately added to full blood. It seems that after the upgrade, Wang Xue's aura has also improved considerably.

"Petrification magic!"

Seeing that the opponent's fighter didn't seem to be leaving, Wang Xue simply attacked him. Although the defense power increased by 50% after petrification, this was not important to Xiao Lan. The opponent's fighter was obviously a defensive type. Xiao Lan and the others could have waited until the end to eliminate them.

Since then, due to a large amount of sand being thrown up, the two sides can only "smear" the battle, but generally speaking, at this stage, the opponent's 8 people still have a slight advantage in comrades-in-arms. After all, there are 3 full-time HP priests as guarantees. It is also a lot ahead of Xiao Lan and others in terms of level and attributes.

But after all, with the experience of fighting the opponent before, Xiao Lan is not afraid of the opponent's aggressive posture.

The attack method of the three-stage rotating shadow + Yueying Jikongpo, except that the opponent's archer mm can dodge, the other three mages have not yet found a way to deal with it.


As if realizing that Xiao Lan was the biggest threat to him, the vitality of the opponents poured directly on Xiao Lan. Just after dodging the two arrows of the archer, the mage's lava burst flew towards him.

"The shadow of the moon seems to be closed!"

Fighting against such an opponent, everyone calmed down, Xiao Lan was no exception. Due to the increase in level, the mage's lava burst is no longer as easy to use as it was at a low level. .But just to be on the safe side, Xiao Lan still chose to hand over Yueying Siguan, so that at least he is absolutely safe for the time being.

"Lava Burst!"

Aiming at the warrior with the lowest magic defense, Xiao Lan sent out his counterfeit skills. Due to the high aura value, Xiao Lan's counterfeit skills are even more threatening than the original ones.


Although it didn't hurt to hit the defensive fighter, the opponent's priest needed at least two healing skills to fill it up, and Wang Xue also took this opportunity to use the Ten Thousand Poisonous Blood Curse on an opponent's priest.

brush brush...

If Ye Shuiyou's Skywalking Arrow is the clarion call for Xiao Lan and others to launch an attack, then Wang Xue's Ten Thousand Poisons and Blood Curse is the new number for Xiao Lan and others to maximize their output.

A red blood mist enveloped one of the other priests, and Chen Tianshuo immediately summoned his ten corrupted mages and more than n small zombies.All of a sudden, there were explosions around the priest who had been cursed with the Ten Thousand Poisonous Blood Curse. Although the other two priests on the other side were already trying their best to increase their blood, they still couldn't stop Xiao Lan's dense vitality.

Ten seconds later, although the Ten Thousand Poisonous Blood Curse did not explode, the output of Xiao Lan and others was enough to instantly kill the opponent's priest.

"Beautiful!" Long Xinxin clenched his fists and shouted excitedly from behind.But after all, the opponent still has 7 people on the field. They took advantage of Long Xinxin's space, and fired one fireball and two lava bursts. Xinxin also had to go to the resurrection point with the pastor just now to keep company.

"Continue, the target is still the other priest." As soon as Xiao Lan gave the order, Scorpio rushed forward recklessly. Of course, on the way to charge, Wang Xue still cast a recovery spell on him.

"Guard shock!"

Scorpio has saved this fighter's only slice-killing skill for a long time, in order to use it in the safest way at this moment, but the opponent's strength is there after all, and the target of Scorpio, the priest, is only slightly weaker. With a sideways move, the guard's impact failed to hit.

"Three sections of spinning shadow! The second section!"

"Moon Shadow Double Blades!"

Dodged the guard's impact, but Xiao Lan's skills, the opponent's priest could not dodge, the Youlan sword drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then the target was hit and floated in the air.


Originally, he wanted to jump up and make up two swords, but he didn't expect that the opponent's archer was also prepared. The stun arrow had already shot when Xiao Lan flashed forward, and it hit Xiao Lan's back.

"Sky flash!"


The praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole were behind, and Ye Shuiyou, who had been looking for an attack point, also focused his attention on the opponent's archer. Although the archer's MM was agile, he had already focused his attention on the opponent's archer. On Xiao Lan's body, it can be said that he didn't notice Ye Shuiyou behind him at all.

Although relying on his extraordinary perception ability, the opponent's archer mm's body moved a little when Ye Shuiyou was about to attack, but Tian Xingshan still had some range on the y-axis, and the opponent's priest was hit instantly, At this time, Xiao Lan in front also woke up from the dizziness.

"Moon Shadow Chain Slash!"

"Huanglong Yanyue!"

4131! 4096!


Xiao Lan and Long Xinxin launched an attack at the same time, but obviously Long Xinxin's damage was stronger.

Chaser Suppression (cd30s, instant): Within 30s, the damage caused by all attacks is increased by 100%.

"Hee hee, Xiao Lan, you don't have it!" After finishing the first move, Long Xinxin still provocatively sent the introduction of Chaser suppression skills to Xiao Lan in secret language.

"Moon Shadow Dark Sky!"

"Moon Shadow Breaks through the Sky!"


Xiao Lan didn't say anything, and directly proved her strength with actions.Under the conditions of the dark night, the Moon Shadow Rapid Skybreaker, which was originally a high-speed and high-damage skill, hit the opponent's priest at the moment the effect of the Skywalking Flash skill expired.

A white light flashed, and this battle presented a completely different situation from the first match of the group stage. The two priests of the opponent were beaten back to the resurrection point by Xiao Lan and others not long after the battle started. The strength comparison was 6 vs. 8 , making the following battles full of suspense.

At the same time, in a chic office building in the CBD core area of ​​Chaoyang District, Beijing, a frowning man was looking outside the building with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm really convinced, how did they find out?" The man suddenly turned around and said to the men who were standing tremblingly behind him.

One of the secretary-like people said with some embarrassment: "Chairman, we didn't expect this matter beforehand. The people who were in charge of tracking reported that they were going to the Temple of the Desert, so we arranged for those people to return from the east gate. The purpose is not to meet them at the south gate, but who would have thought that they changed their direction temporarily, saying that going out from the east gate was closer, and it was already very difficult for us to change the route at that time.”

The man walked quickly to the secretary who was speaking, and stared at the secretary: "Why is it so difficult? Isn't it just a phone call to ask them to change the program?"

Facing the chairman's questioning, the secretary-like man showed embarrassment, "Chairman, Yuehua Legend's operation team is under the direct management of the state, and it will be very dangerous if you keep making phone calls."

Hearing such an answer, the man had no choice but to sigh and said, "Then what do you think should be done?"


In the game, due to the loss of two priests in a row, the opponent's 6 people can no longer withstand the attack of Xiao Lan and others relying on the blood of one priest. The opponent is not a fool. At this time, all they can do is run away.

"What should I do? Are you still chasing him?" Ye Shuiyou asked after catching up.

"Chasing! I must chase, and I have a decision!"

"What?" Everyone asked together.

Xiao Lan thought for a while and said, "After catching up later, don't rush to eliminate the opponent, listen to my password, at least fight another 15-minute tug-of-war with the opponent, everyone try to use low-level skills, Wang Xue and Brother Yidao work hard, if you run out of mana, just take the pill, and I will replenish it for you when the time comes."

Everyone looked blank after hearing this, is Xiao Lan trying to play tricks on his opponent?

"Hehe, hurry up, I have my own reasons, but I don't have time to explain now."

Three seconds later, with Xiao Lan's order, Ye Shuiyou's Skywalking Arrow flew out again, directly stopping the opponent's slower fighter.

But who would have thought that the other party simply ran away regardless, and had no intention of saving the soldier at all.

"No, escaping is so professional, isn't it?" On Xiao Lan's side, everyone couldn't help sighing again.

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