But the more fragile the profession on the surface, the more powerful life-saving skills it has. Phoenix Impression has already used the spirit of sealing in advance before the opponent launches the first round of attack.

Seeing that his target turned into a small light ball out of thin air and then ran away, the opponent completely lost his tricks, and the ensuing battle became one-sided, Xiao Lan and others swept the opponent in no time.

Eight people were teleported to the streets of Hailar one after another. Regarding the rather exciting battle just now, everyone didn't have much discussion, but still focused on the group match at the beginning.

"Sister Xinxin, you said that if those people are really controlled by the system, is it a task for us?" Rong Xin sucked up water and looked up at the sky, looking a little tired.

"It's hard to say, maybe someone else did some task and then affected us." Long Xinxin thought for a long time but couldn't get along with the answer.

Beside Xiao Lan, Chen Tianshuo was also full of interest in his opponent in the first round.

"I'm talking about Xiao Lan, how sure are you that they are controlled by the system rather than players?"

"Ninety percent!" Xiao Lan replied with certainty.

"This group of people is very powerful." Chen Tianshuo glanced at the match list and said, "Look, they are all victorious now." After Chen Tianshuo finished speaking, he shared the specific win-loss relationship provided by the system with Xiao Lan.

Looking at it, Xiao Lan suddenly had another idea in his mind. The first round of the knockout round was still played online, so if this group of people really had a record of undefeated, which team would they face against?

According to this way of thinking, Xiao Lan carefully looked up the detailed matchup situation in the knockout round.

"Hey! Drunk and crazy guys are actually in Group D." Chen Tianshuo said suddenly.

The group that Xiao Lan and others belong to is c, and according to the regulations, after entering the knockout stage, the two groups c and d will cross-match, that is, the first place in group c will play against the second place in group d, and vice versa.

"Could it be that this group of people has something to do with the drunk and crazy handsome?" Xiao Lan said to himself.

"If that's the case, then the drunken family will be second in the group." Chen Tianshuo said.

And at this moment, Ye Shuiyou suddenly ran over from behind and said, "Brother Lan, those people actually lost to the team of 8 assassins in the first match!"

"What, how is it possible?" Xiao Lan turned her head and asked, "There is such a big gap in strength between them, it's impossible for the team to lose no matter how they fight?"

"Did you lose on purpose?" Chen Tianshuo guessed.

"On purpose?" Ye Shuiyou was a little puzzled.

"It's possible!" Xiao Lan nodded and said, "That group of people deliberately lost and won the No.2 group, so that there is a chance to meet the team of Drunk and Kuangjun, although it is not certain that they are arranged by Drunk and Kuangjun Yes, but we can at least observe, with the strength of Drunk Kuangjun and others, it is not a problem for them to win the first place in the group."

"Then what if there is a tie? It will depend on the outcome!" Ye Shuiyou immediately retorted.

At this time, the system had already started counting down for today's second match, and Xiao Lan and the others could only put aside these unclear issues for the time being. Anyway, no matter what happened to others, the most important thing was to ensure that their group qualified.


It was sent to the preparation area again. This time the map was the Typhon Peak Arena. It was originally a very ordinary map and a very ordinary battle, but this group match, because of the addition of one person, became Unusual.

"Brother Lan, do you still remember this person?" Ye Shuiyou ran over with a smile and asked.

id: Shadow Dance Moon Occupation: Star Reaching Assassin Level: 50id: Obsessed Occupation: Elemental Archer Level: 49id: Night Companion Weiyang Occupation: Mage Level: 49id: Blooming in a Foreign Land Occupation: Priest Level: 49...

"Hehe, it's him?" Xiao Lan couldn't help laughing. As early as in Tifeng City, Ying Wuyue made trouble because of PK with Xiao Lan. When they met, the two said good-bye in the pk competition, but they met in the group stage.

"Pay attention, the opponent's strength should not be weak, so be careful, especially that star picking assassin named Shadow Wuyue."

Shadow Wuyue is also really clever, there is actually a hidden profession of elemental archer in her team, since she fought with Yuyuko of Xixing Temple, also known as Xu Manni from Deli Auction House, and the elemental archer named Yu'er next to her, Xiao Lan has never seen such a hidden profession player.

"Be careful of lightning strikes, fight steadily, and don't be too far away from each other!" Xiao Lan blessed loudly at the beginning of the scene.

After all, the two had fought against each other before. Although Xiao Lan won in the end, it can be seen that Ying Wuyue's strength is not weak, at least in terms of reaction speed and consciousness, it is stronger than Xiao Lan's Rong Xin Ru Shui and Phoenix Impression.


Sure enough, as soon as Ying Wuyue's team came up, the elemental archers used high-speed design to fool Rong Xinrui's flash, and Ying Wuyue had already judged the direction and distance of the little mm's flash.

The cold light of the dagger flashed, and Rong Xinrushui lost two-thirds of his health.


Fortunately, Chen Tianshuo was by his side, but he didn't use any blood-boosting skills, but directly detonated his own zombies, and the knockback effect produced by the explosion just shook Shadow Wuyue out of the melee range.

"Elemental black hole!"

Chen Tianshuo did it beautifully, and the little beauty did it even more beautifully. Although it was very dangerous, she did not escape, but chose to release a black hole on the spot to protect herself.

This move worked immediately, and the repelled Shadow Dance Moon still couldn't forget Rong Xin Rushui, but when he rushed up to output again, the black hole happened to block his attack line.

Shadow Dance Moon's reaction was still very fast, seeing the magic effect of the black hole being generated, he immediately turned around, using his agility to leave the dangerous area.

But his other warrior teammate was not so lucky. Seeing his boss rushing forward to attack, he also wanted to charge to help, but in the middle of the charge, he found himself trapped in a black hole and could not move.

"Lava Burst!"

The little MM arranged the order of skills very well. Seeing that the black hole still existed, she decided that Shadow Dance Moon would not dare to charge up at this time, and simply attacked the opponent's fighters who had been trapped by the black hole again, so as to heal Shadow Dance Moon's team. Occupational stress.

On the other side, Wang Xue cooperated very well and released the Ten Thousand Poison Blood Curse on another mage in the Shadow Dance Moon team. Since the mage was far away, it was impossible for the priest player to join him and the trapped mage at the same time. In desperation, these two warriors had no choice but to choose to save the mage first, and the price they paid was the death of the warrior players in the team.

"Xiao Lan, the overall equipment foundation of your old opponent's team is not very good."

Long Xinxin could breathe a sigh of relief when the soldier was killed. She immediately walked up to Xiao Lan and asked.

Xiao Lan nodded after hearing this: "Yeah, but their consciousness is very good. Except for the mage's walking position just now, the rest are quite good."

"Then, is there any possibility of winning over?" Long Xinxin asked.

"I can only give this a try. Ying Wuyue is very proud. You have to let him completely convince you, otherwise there is no chance." Xiao Lan looked at Ying Wuyue on the field and said lightly.

"After the pk competition is over, the establishment of Homecoming will start. At present, there are only more than 800 players from the old guild who have entered the new version, and we have to recruit the remaining 200 players. People, to be honest, I really like these people." Long Xinxin said, smiled at Xiao Lan and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait!" Xiao Lan suddenly stopped Long Xinxin.

"What else is there?" Long Xinxin didn't care about the situation on the field, and asked calmly.

"What about Ye Shuiyou? I mean..."

"Forget it, you decide for yourself, the brothers in the guild believe in you, it's just..."

After a pause, Long Xinxin continued, "You have to be worthy of Wang Xue."

"En!" Xiao Lan pursed her lips and nodded solemnly.

At this time, the situation on the field did not reverse because of the chat between Xiao Lan and Long Xinxin. After losing a player, Ying Wuyue and the others lost a lot of combat power, coupled with the disadvantage of equipment.Failure is a foregone conclusion!

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