Online game dark night assassin

Chapter 541 Chapter Remembrance

Ye Shuiyou sneered: "You have so many problems!"

Xiao Lan said: "First, ordinary friends are ordinary friends, and we must keep a distance from each other."

Ye Shuiyou said: "Stop being sentimental, you think I will rape you!"

Xiao Lan smiled, "Look at your personality, why don't you dare."

Ye Shuiyou said: "What is the second?"

"Second, you are not allowed to come to the company to look for me in the future. It will not be good for your colleagues or superiors to see it. If my girlfriend finds out again, I will die."

Ye Shuiyou said: "Looks like there are others who are more horizontal than me."

Xiao Lan said, "Do you agree or not?"

Ye Shuiyou said: "You have to tell me how to find you, don't be afraid, I won't always make you hate me."

"Uh, you send text messages to my mobile phone. I turn it on at any time. If you have anything to write on it, don't keep asking me to call back. It's very inconvenient for us to call many times."

Ye Shuiyou memorized his mobile phone number, and then asked: "What about the third one?"

Xiao Lan thought for a while, but couldn't think of anything else, "Just these two first, and then I'll talk about it when I think about it."

Ye Shuiyou said: "Okay, I also want to make three chapters."

Xiao Lan said, "Don't follow me, okay?"

Ye Shuiyou said: "I must be equal."

Xiao Lan had no choice but to say, "Okay, tell me."

"First, since we are friends, we should be sincere to each other, tell the truth, not lie or cheat. Can you do it?"

Xiao Lan: "You talk about the second one."

"Can it be done?"

"Okay, I do. What's number two?"

"You are not allowed to fall in love with a third woman."

"What's the third one? Who's the second one?"

"Except for your current girlfriend, don't be bothered."

"Am I still a little free?"

"I hate men who are promiscuous everywhere."

Xiao Lan said seriously: "I don't know how to do this, but what kind of relationship do we have, you are a little too lenient."

Ye Shuiyouli refused to give up and said: "Even if you are an ordinary friend, I have the right to remind you."

Xiao Lan smiled wryly: "Okay, okay, I'll convince you."

Ye Shuiyou also smiled: "Third,..."

Xiao Lan interrupted her: "There is no third, and I only have two. Don't you want to be equal?"

Ye Shuiyou stopped arguing, and said, "Okay, equality!" She breathed out as if she had accomplished something, and said, "To celebrate our friendship starting today, let's go out to watch a movie together now, OK?"

Xiao Lan was really a little tired after all this rhetoric.He was eager to get rid of it and said: "No, no, I have to go home early, I have something to do."

"What is so important?"

Xiao Lan raised a finger: "Hey, listen, I promise you to tell the truth to each other and not lie, but it doesn't mean I have to report everything to you. Do I have any privacy anymore!"

Ye Shuiyou replied with the same tough tone: "You have the right not to speak, but it doesn't mean I don't have the right to ask."

Xiao Lan asked her to hold her back, she was at a loss for words, and said, not wanting to fight, "Okay, okay, let's respect each other's rights. I have to go, I really have something to do."

Ye Shuiyou said: "Where are you going, I can take you there, I have a car."

Xiao Lan said, "No need, I have a bicycle."

Ye Shuiyou said: "The bicycle can be placed in my trunk. Don't worry, I will send you and leave."

Xiao Lan hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, thank you then."

Xiao Lan pushed the bicycle and walked out of the path with Ye Shuiyou.In order to avoid talking, he deliberately distanced himself from her, and didn't speak on the road.After leaving the school gate, a brand-new BMW 740 parked on the side of the road made a "wow" sound and its lights flashed brightly. Ye Shuiyou opened the car door with the remote control key in his hand, and then pressed the backup button with a "bang". lid.Xiao Lan was stunned by this series of movements and sounds.

"Is this your car?"

Ye Shuiyou didn't answer, lifted the trunk lid high, and ordered: "Put your car in."

Xiao Lan put the bicycle in and asked, "Will it damage your car?"

Ye Shuiyou said indifferently: "No."

This is the most spacious and luxurious car that Xiao Lan has ever sat in.The leather seats, shiny baffles, and spaceship-like instruments all made his heart flutter.Ye Shuiyou drove the car with an elegant demeanor, but at this moment she was also very moving.Xiao Lan couldn't help admiring from the bottom of her heart: This car is really great!Ye Shuiyou asked: Can you drive?Do you want to try it?Xiao Lan shook her head: It's a pity that I don't know how to do it, but I will definitely learn it in the future.

When the lights came on, they were driving on the spacious and bright streets, at full speed.The majestic roar of the engine made Xiao Lan feel as if he was driving a high-speed tank. The unstoppable pride made him exhilarated, and he was still excited until the car stopped in front of his building.Ye Shuiyou asked: Is my skill good?He said: Yes, women have a special taste in driving.Ye Shuiyou asked: What's the smell?He replied: heroic and valiant!

Seeing that Ye Shuiyou was excited by the praise, she offered to say, "How about I teach you how to drive?" At this time, Xiao Lan had already opened the door and got out of the car.He patted the roof of the car with his hand, and said half seriously and half jokingly: "If you want to teach, you have to teach with this car."

Ye Shuiyou sneered indifferently: "It's free!"

"Thank you then."

As a result, Xiao Lan was obviously careless at the time. He knew how to drive a long time ago, so he deliberately said no to keep Ye Shuiyou away from him, but when Ye Shuiyou taught him, he discovered that Xiao Lan's driving skills Ye Shuiyou needs to be more proficient. Of course, this kind of discovery will inevitably make Xiao Lan suffer a round of Ye Shuiyou's powder punches.

Now, Xiao Lan has never been here since she moved back to live with her. Ye Shuiyou was a little puzzled at first, but now, she feels a little regretful in her heart. I am very conservative in my heart.But Ye Shuiyou is the complete opposite. She was born in a big city and was pampered and spoiled since she was a child. Although Ye Shuiyou often doesn't have the inherent weakness of a rich girl because her father doesn't like her, but in essence, Ye Shuiyou Shuiyou is much more open than Xiao Lan.

In addition, Ye Shuiyou has been working at the top of the group for a long time. Although she doesn't have much real power, she manages an organization independently after all. She has been running around all year round and has seen a lot of things. No wonder.

Twenty minutes later, Long Xinxin led everyone back to the city after finishing the collection work. Along the way, everyone couldn't stop praising Xiao Lan for collecting 10 sets of Shersila branches in one fell swoop. Players who can collect by dragging corpses, but only guessed a group of players.

"I saw you so preoccupied just now, were you thinking about Xiao Lan?" Seeing that Ye Shuiyou had been following everyone silently, Long Xinxin hurriedly asked.

"" Ye Shuiyou replied in a hurry.

Long Xinxin laughed and said, "Okay, if you really miss him, call him."

They are all people who have seen the world, and they are so familiar with Xiao Lan. Seeing Ye Shuiyou's appearance, Long Xinxin is of course very clear about what she is thinking.

But what happened next made Ye Shuiyou a little worried, because he called Xiao Lan twice in succession, but the other party didn't turn on the phone.

"No, Xiao Lan has never been like this."

This point was told by Xiao Lan herself to Ye Shuiyou, because she was very busy with work in Shengjing Group, so she often had to answer the phone even in the middle of the night.Under such circumstances, Xiao Lan has gradually developed the habit of turning on the phone 24 hours a day. Even if it needs to be charged, it will be turned on and charged directly, so as not to delay some important calls due to the shutdown.

At one o'clock in the middle of the night, this was the fourth time Ye Shuiyou called Xiao Lan, but the voice she heard still disappointed her, and after playing games for a whole day, Ye Shuiyou couldn't take it anymore.But after she lay down and slept for only 7 hours, Long Xinxin called again.

"When I contacted Xiao Lan yesterday, there was a busy signal. Did you get any results from contacting him?"

Long Xinxin's words made Ye Shuiyou's heart tense. If it is normal for Xiao Lan not to turn on the phone for a while, then it is a little strange that no one can be found until this morning.Ye Shuiyou contacted He Bo, Chen Tianshuo and others, but the answer he got was that Xiao Lan had never been online at all.

At this time, Long Xinxin was going to the street to buy ingredients for lunch as usual, and overheard many people's comments on the street.It is said that at noon yesterday, the special bridge for high-speed trains from Beijing to Tianjin suddenly broke, and now engineers have begun to repair it.

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