Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 104 Conspiracy

Jiang Menghan looked at the prince closely, and after a long time, she let out a sigh of relief, "You already have a plan in your heart, don't you?"

The prince blinked, this woman is really exquisite, it is really hard to hide anything from her.

"I do have plans here, but it depends on what you guys want. After all, once this matter becomes serious, it will involve too much. I don't want to use my ideas to influence you."

"After all, you are not only yourself, you also represent the Zhongtian Group. If anything goes wrong, the entire Zhongtian Group will definitely suffer irreversible damage."

Hearing the prince's earnest warning and persuasion, Jiang Menghan brushed her slightly messy long hair, "As the saying goes, opportunities and challenges coexist."

"The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. This time can be regarded as an investment. If it goes well, there will be a considerable jump in the development of Zhongtian Group in China, won't it?"

The prince looked at Jiang Menghan seriously, wanting to take a closer look at what this woman was thinking.

"I don't think it is necessary to play some word games now. I need to know your exact thoughts now. Your thoughts are very important to my decision."

Jiang Menghan was very happy when she heard the prince's straightforward words, and finally a smile appeared on her face, "Honey, your decision is my decision, it is the decision of Zhongtian Group. No matter what happens in the future, Zhongtian Group will always Standing by your side, even if you want me to be smashed to pieces, I will not hesitate!"

Everyone in the car was stunned when they heard Jiang Menghan's almost sworn statement.

The prince opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a single word out of the thousands of words at this time, all of them were blocked by his mouth.Only tears seemed to slowly moisten the eye sockets.

Feeling that the atmosphere in the car was not very normal, Jiang Menghan smiled slightly, she was not like little girls like Ye Xiaoman and Qin Yajing at this time, but like a woman full of fighting spirit, "Are you surprised that I said this sentence from?"

The others looked at her silently, waiting for her next sentence.

"In fact, the people in the car are not outsiders." When Jiang Menghan said, she glanced at Miranda next to her.

There is very little space in the car, and now everyone's attention is focused on Jiang Menghan, so everyone can see her every move, and naturally also see her and Miranda's expressions in their hearts.

The prince smiled wryly, he and Miranda really had nothing to do, it seems that Jiang Menghan really misunderstood.

Qin Yajing looked at Jiang Menghan's meaningful eyes, and then carefully sized Miranda.Feeling a little sour, this dead prince, why are the women around him so superb.Body, appearance, resourcefulness, even the body is in good shape.

Ye Xiaoman doesn't care anymore.Ever since the crying meal with Miranda that day, his attitude towards the prince has changed a lot.Now, after hearing what Jiang Menghan said, she still looked at Miranda expectantly, wishing that her newly recognized good sister could really be with her forever in the future.

Miranda turned her head away in embarrassment, and glanced at the prince's look of anticipation, and then blushed from face to neck.

Why is this man like this, do all the women around him have something to do with him?Although I don't dislike him very much, and I still have a slight liking for him, but liking is not love.

Jiang Menghan smiled, and looked at the prince affectionately, "Honey, now you, will you agree with me to find another man and start another relationship?"

The prince frowned without any hesitation, "Of course I won't agree, it's impossible unless I die."

Jiang Menghan also nodded, "So, no matter what you do, I will follow you and support you. Since the two of us are going to be tied together, don't hesitate. After much deliberation, the result is the same, so you also You don't need to ask my opinion anymore, I have already made it very clear, your opinion is my opinion, and it is also Zhongtian Group's opinion."

"Actually, I plan to go back to Binhai after this matter is over and let you get engaged to my sister," Jiang Menghan said jokingly.

When the prince got into the car tonight, he was taken aback by the women in the car, and now he was even more scorched by Lei.

"Are you sure what you said just now is not wrong?" The prince scratched his head, "Are you sure you are engaged to your sister, not you?"

"Of course it's not with me. I'm a single mother. It's not nice to say it." Jiang Menghan said naturally, "Of course it's with my sister. I can tell that that little girl probably has you in her heart."

The prince rubbed his nose, "Ahem, can we not talk about our relationship today? If we are destined to return to Binhai this time, let's talk about a vigorous love comfortably."

"Now the Qin family is going to continue, Zhongtian Group is going to continue, slowly, and Miranda, what do you think?" The prince finally asked Ye Xiaoman's second daughter.

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "We are one, don't forget, I will not watch you die in front of my eyes. If this happens, I will block the last bullet for you."

The prince blinked tightly, and blinked back the tears that were already in his eyes.

Although Miranda didn't speak, her eyes and expression had already told the prince her decision.

The prince once again looked at each of them carefully, and then nodded, "In this case, let me talk about what we should do since we are going to continue, and then you all think about it and see if there are any mistakes."

"First of all, let's not worry about who called Mr. Binhai Qin, but at least one thing is certain, that is, in Jinghua, some powerful people already know about the rare earth mine under that piece of land."

"Although this force is using us, why aren't we using them? Since they have already said that they will help us, then I believe that they will definitely help us before they get the final benefit. "

"Secondly, it's the Lin family. If we want to continue, the easiest helper we can get is the Lin family from Jinghua. As for why the Lin family wants to help us, that's a private deal between me and the old man of the Lin family."

"Of course, at the beginning, the Lin family won't make a direct move. At least we have to show our own strength to those families who are secretly watching the show. In this way, we will be able to win more help. After all, everyone Hope to cooperate with the strong."

Jiang Menghan nodded, "You're right about what you said. When necessary, we must be ruthless and do something that surprises them. Brighten our muscles and win more benefits for us."

"Again, it's the Xiao family. The Xiao family didn't do anything on that piece of land before. And Xiao Mengmeng lost the bet, the old man of the Xiao family completely lost his composure."

"Originally, this matter was not considered a major event at all, but the gaffe of the old man of the Xiao family has shaken the entire upper class of Beijing. Now all the families are paying attention. I believe that the Xiao family may not have the time and energy to come here. Against us."

"In the end, it's the attitude of the government."

"You need to know that rare earth is an important strategic material of the country, which is different from other minerals in the general sense. Since many forces know about it, the government should also know about it. Then why hasn't it been moved yet? This is the point It's worth thinking about it."

Ye Xiaoman thought for a while, "Actually, what you said just now, I am most worried about the last point, the government's attitude. Now let's talk about it separately."

"If we didn't have that contract in the end, then the government's attitude would naturally not involve us. But in this case, we would have lost to the Xiao family."

"Furthermore, from the current point of view, we already have at least the assistance of two forces on our side, and under the nose of the government, it is impossible for the Xiao family to do it so obviously, so the probability of our success will be really high. "

"So, now comes the big question. What will the government do to us if we end up getting the contract?"

Hearing Ye Xiaoman's question, everyone in the car fell silent.You know, guessing a government's approach is simply harder than landing on the moon.

Many people may think that the decisions made by the government are unreliable, simply because they have not fulfilled the position of decision makers.

Think about it, a person with a monthly salary of [-], would he know the lifestyle of a person with a monthly salary of [-]?Of course not, so ordinary people don't know all the aspects that a decision maker needs to consider.

There are domestic conflicts that need to be eased, and there are also international conflicts that need to be eased. Therefore, an important decision-making of a country is definitely not a simple matter.

The prince shook his head slowly, "To be honest, this is what I'm most uncertain about, so I asked each of you very seriously before, but this time I'm really not sure."

Jiang Menghan frowned thoughtfully, "Not necessarily."

Everyone else looked at Jiang Menghan suddenly, and the prince asked directly, "Do you have some different opinions?"

Jiang Menghan nodded, "Of course, after all, I have dealt with the high-level government officials of Binhai City for many years, so I still have some opinions in my heart."

"Let's hear it," the prince asked eagerly.

Jiang Menghan sorted out her thoughts, "Think about it, this is Jinghua. Although it is at the foot of the emperor, it is also a place where big families gather. Do you think the government will take care of what it does?"

"They not only take into account the big families in Jinghua, but also many foreign forces. At least the public opinion in the international world, the national government must consider it."

"As long as we make this matter bigger, it's better to let the eyes of the whole world focus on this place. Everyone knows that there is a large rare earth mine underground in Jinghua, China, and the right to develop it is still in our hands. , Do you think the government will play against us? In the focus of the whole world, will the government play against us regardless of our image?"

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