Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 107 Introduce yourself

"You mean, let's make trouble with the Xiao family from the front, and then the Qin family will use this to make a deal with Xiao Mengmeng. When the Xiao family is overwhelmed, they may take the initiative to find you and want you to help them? "Mr. Lin thought for a long time, and then asked.

The prince shook his head, "What I said before is just the most idealized assumption. After all, it is impossible to follow our ideas completely."

"I don't expect them to really ask me for help, because the Xiao family has too many capable people, and the Xiao family has too many relationships and energy that can be used."

"As long as your Lin family can catch the Xiao family by surprise, and if most of your abilities are attracted by your Lin family, the possibility of successful contract transactions will be much greater. As long as the contract is obtained, the initiative will be in our hands at that time. .”

Lin Youtian said from the side, "Actually, why do you bother to talk about this matter?"

"In this deal, you will definitely get the contract. As long as our Lin family happens to be present, I am afraid that the Xiao family will not go back on their word. After all, face is still very important."

"What kind of retaliation the Xiao family will take against you in the future, and what method will be used to take back the contract, that is the most important thing. At this time, if our Lin family stands up and forms an alliance with you, then This problem is naturally equivalent to being solved.”

"So, you made such a big circle just to drag our Lin family into it, right?" Lin Youtian said with a smile.

The prince's smiling face slowly cooled down, and he squinted his eyes, staring closely at the future father-in-law in front of him.

Lin Youtian was stared at by the prince, as if being stared at by a cobra, his whole body was cold, his legs and feet were cold and weak.I already thought that the old man had a high opinion of the prince, but just now, I felt that his words were too much.

But being stared at by the prince, Lin Youtian suddenly discovered that the young man in front of him really had a lot of mysteries. There are not many people who can make themselves feel this way at this age.

"Haha", Mr. Lin laughed happily when he saw the prince was deflated, "Okay, don't pretend to be angry, the old man is very happy to see you so deflated."

The prince immediately smiled, "The old man is still very sharp, I admire him."

Lin Youtian rolled his eyes, and sighed helplessly in his heart, this kid is not only very mysterious, but also a hooligan.

"I can see it too. When we first met, I wondered when a hero like you appeared in the younger generation of Jinghua."

"Originally, I liked the fourth child of the Xiao family very much. Back then, I wanted to marry my granddaughter to him." Mr. Lin said with emotion.

"Oh? Then why don't you have this plan now?" the prince asked curiously, "Don't say it's because of me, after all, we've only known each other for a few days."

Mr. Lin sighed, "Your opponent is the Xiao family, so you should have studied how Xiao defeated this person, right?"

The prince nodded, "Of course I have studied it. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle."

"Let's hear it," Mr. Lin asked patiently.

The prince frowned, thinking about the old man's question.

This question is very level and profound.It has been clearly stated before that Xiao Zhan of the Xiao family, Mr. Lin has clearly denied it, but he still asked himself.

This shows that although the possibility of Xiao Zhansheng becoming his grandson-in-law is denied, he is still regarded as an important role in the competition between the two families.

This question can also be regarded as a test for Mr. Lin in disguise, at least it is an exam question.

The prince thought for a while, and said seriously, "Actually, I haven't looked at a lot of information up close, so I need to be accurate when I say something."

"Maybe you don't believe it, but during the few days I've been in Beijing, I've met and talked with Xiao Mengmeng and Xiao Zhansheng, and even had a barbecue together, of course , I baked it."

Mr. Lin and Lin Youtian looked at each other, and they both found a trace of shock in each other's eyes.

After only a few days in Beijing, it is not easy to have this kind of close observation and even eat a meal.At least let the third generation of the Lin family do it, it must not be able to do this to this extent.

So even if the following analysis is wrong, the prince's ability to execute and create opportunities has been affirmed by two people.

"I don't know how other people evaluate him, but I think he is a person who knows how to win people's hearts. At least on the surface, he is a person who does not care about the past and is eager to seek talents."

"Oh? Did he throw an olive branch at you?" Mr. Lin asked with great interest.

"Of course", the prince then told about the unexpected encounter that night.

"I didn't expect your skills to be so good." Lin Youtian smiled, "The six people around Xiao Zhansheng seem to be in the hospital recently, and I heard that they all suffered serious injuries. of."

The prince shook his head incomprehensibly, "What do you mean? Could it be that those six men under his command are stronger than those of your Lin family? I beat up the man who brought Lin Qifeng that day, and I didn't even see you being so surprised. "

"Hey, those people don't belong to the Lin family at all, they are just his friends. He has the nerve to come back and talk about things like jealousy? Who do you think our Lin family is? It's the kind of family that bullied the weak and feared the strong in ancient times?"

The prince nodded, "So that's the case. I said, if the Lin family is so big, if it's at that level, then I really have to think about it."

"Okay, don't praise you, you're still panting. Go ahead." Mr. Lin said in a deep voice.

"He is a relatively qualified leader with that kind of temperament, but his skills are really too average. If he is really hostile to me, I will definitely be the first to behead him."

"In ancient times, when marching and fighting, the military advisers were far behind the camp. But now it is different. The gangster's fighting can't be that kind of marching and fighting, so he must lead the way, but he also needs to be a military adviser, so he is The weakest link."

"But to be honest, except for the time he recruited me, I really haven't seen him use tricks, so it's really hard to say his level of resourcefulness."

"One more thing, he seems to have announced in public that he left the Xiao family back then, right?" the prince said to himself, "This matter is worth thinking about carefully."

"It's rumored that he was instructed by the higher-ups to rule the underground world of Jinghua, but I think this possibility is unlikely."

"Why?" The old man asked with a frown, "Our Lin family discussed this matter for a long time, but there has been no unified conclusion, but most people still agree with this point of view."

The prince smiled, "Think about it, where is the old man of the Xiao family now? If Xiao Shengsheng is allowed to unify the underground world, then Jinghua will really become the back garden of the Xiao family."

"Other members of the nine-member political group are probably not very happy to see this situation. Moreover, even if they want to find someone of their own, they will of course recommend a child from their own family. After all, Xiao Zhansheng is not a hero People, if you just want to fight for wisdom, there are many things that can be pointed out behind the scenes."

"And the most important point, if there must be someone to unify Jinghua's underground world, if I were that leader, I would definitely choose someone from outside, without any background, who can be easily controlled by me Obviously, Xiao Zhansheng does not fit this characteristic."

Mr. Lin and Lin Youtian listened to the prince's analysis thoughtfully, looked at each other from time to time, frowned from time to time, shook their heads, and nodded.

"And I think," the prince looked at the two of them very cautiously, "The scene of Xiao Zhansheng leaving the Xiao family was originally written, directed and acted by the Xiao family. The reason for going to Xiao’s house, and then go to unify the Jinghua underground world openly and aboveboard.”

"In this case, even that leader can't say anything to Mr. Xiao, because he has no excuse at all."

Mr. Lin nodded in agreement, "That's right, we didn't think about your point of view before. If your guess is correct, then it can be seen that Old Ghost Xiao's plan is a bit big."

The prince shook his head, "Actually, it may not necessarily be a conspiracy. After all, Xiao Zhansheng has been fighting for so many years, and he has not unified the underground world of Jinghua. This has already proved that it is not the order from above."

"Besides, in Jinghua, there are many big families, and there is no small force to support them. Therefore, Xiao Zhansheng's plan is impossible to succeed at all."

"I think Mr. Xiao should be aware of this point, so since he still has to do this seemingly useless work, why is it? In fact, his thinking is the same as your thinking of recruiting me."

"It's not for the purpose of raising the power of the family to a higher level. It is very dangerous to do so, because if you shoot the top bird, it is very likely that you will be eliminated by the government. The biggest possibility is that the old man of the Xiao family just wants to give Xiao It’s just that the family has prepared a back road in advance, since we are no longer going to go up to another level, at least we can’t be squeezed down by others, can we?”

Mr. Lin leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and kept thinking about what the prince said just now.

The prince didn't speak, and didn't treat himself as an outsider at all. He went to the coffee table next to him and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Should I introduce yourself?" Mr. Lin asked after a long time.

When the prince was about to speak, Mr. Lin added, "Don't tell me that you are from the Qin family. According to your character and your behavior, it is impossible for you to be willing to work in the Qin family in Binhai. If Saying that you are in a cooperative relationship, I think the possibility is very high."

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