Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 109 The prelude kicks off

"Mr. Lin's strategy is really high," the prince praised with an uneasy expression.

"Then since we've already talked about it, I'm going to go back and discuss it with the Qin family. After all, the sooner we act, the better, right?" The prince stood up, bowed, said hello, and opened the door to leave. out.

Until the door was closed, the heads of the two generations of the Lin family still did not look away.

"Father, what do you think?" After a long time, Lin Youtian looked away and asked Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin asked meaningfully, "I've met you before, but it's the first time you've met. Let's talk about your feelings first. After all, it's very likely that he will be your son-in-law in the future. There has to be some calculation."

"If you have anything to say first, if you really regret it in the future, and you don't say it sooner now, when Zhiruo troubles you at that time, you must not push it on me. I am an old bone, but I can't stand Zhiruo's torture."

"A very interesting young man." Lin Youtian smiled and said.

"Don't say that he dared to come to our Lin family alone today, and don't say that he can bargain with the two of us without panic, or that he dared to plot against the Xiao family when he came out of the capital, or that he is here now. Under such circumstances, they dare to help the Qin family in Binhai."

"Let's just talk about him alone, without disturbing any guards, he entered our Lin's house, and even found the location of the two of us accurately. This is beyond what ordinary people can do."

Mr. Lin nodded.

"Father, you have to know. The era is different now. Although it is no longer the era of fighting alone, and no matter how good the skill is, it has already withdrawn from the stage of history. But there are always some important people who died in the assassination among."

"The Xiao family ### that the old man of the Xiao family is most optimistic about, although his business acumen is unparalleled, and he can even be said to be able to completely inherit the position of the head of the Xiao family, but it is always because he is a scholar and has no power to restrain himself. So there is always a group of hidden or visible bodyguards around."

"I have always believed that if you want to defeat the enemy, you must first be invincible. If your own life and death are in the hands of the other party, I am afraid that you will not be able to achieve any great things. What happened today, it seems that he and Lin Qifeng said that day, want to go His head is not difficult, it is not a big talk." Lin Youtian said with emotion very meaningfully.

"Go on, after talking about this matter, let's talk about other things." Mr. Lin is also addicted to listening.

Lin Youtian thought about it again, "I feel that his experience is not simple at all. Although we can easily find his current information, I think that even if we find it, it must be done seamlessly and will not be discovered by us. Something important."

"Besides, he was quite honest. He didn't say anything casually to fool us. Instead, he admitted that the information was relatively confidential and he couldn't tell us. He also promised that he would tell the truth after the incident was completed. It's already pretty good. After all, it's really rare to be so open and aboveboard to him."

"However, since he has already mentioned this matter, I still implore father, it is not too late to tell Zhiruo about this matter after we fully know his details, after all..."

Mr. Lin nodded, "It's up to you. After all, Zhiruo is also my favorite granddaughter, and I don't want to marry her to someone who doesn't understand."

Lin Youtian nodded in relief, "Thank you, father."

"If I have to evaluate it again, I think it is bold and careful. Although I haven't seen his skill today, but I saw that he can touch it quietly. It should belong to the very good kind, or It is said that he is the kind of person who is against the sky. After all, the guards of our Lin family are also the guards of the North China Military Region."

"Being able to walk in and out at will without anyone noticing, if such a person was not cultivated secretly by some hidden groups, I am afraid that they were really cultivated by powerful institutions of the government."

"And he also promised to have a good chat with us after the matter is completed. Obviously, if he is a member of those secret groups, it is impossible to talk to us at all, so his identity is self-evident."

"So, I think, if he doesn't say anything about his previous information and what he's going to do now, we'd better not ask about it. It's best to let things take their course."

"Then tell me, if the Qin family and the Xiao family want to make a deal, which one of our Lin family would be better?" Elder Lin asked again.

Lin Youtian frowned and thought for a while, "This status can't be too low. If it's too low, the Xiao family might use it as an excuse for personal relationship, and they might even be wiped out along with it."

"The status shouldn't be too high. If it's too high, some caring people will think that our Lin family is too anxious and will urge some people to make a move in advance."

"It's best to have a similar person. His appearance can let outsiders and members of the Xiao family know that the Qin family's reliance is not on them, but on the prince's relationship."

"In this way, most people will think that the relationship between that person and the prince is very good, and it is because of the prince's relationship that they help, and it will not touch the most nervous nerve of most people."

"And it can also make the Xiao family still have the desire to snatch after the transaction is over, but there is always some hesitation and fear. In this case, the effect is the best."

Mr. Lin also nodded, "Then who do you think is better?"

Lin Youtian opened his mouth in some embarrassment, and then sighed a little, "I don't know who is more suitable."

Mr. Lin shook his head slightly, "Why bother, you already have the answer in your heart, so why bother to deceive yourself?"

Lin Youtian lowered his head, but didn't say anything.

"Before you act, you should tell Zhiruo about this matter, otherwise, according to Zhiruo's temperament, if you say it in advance, the whole plan will really go to waste."

Lin Youtian nodded, pursed his lips, but still didn't say a word.

"Aren't you quite satisfied before? Why do you have such an expression now?" Mr. Lin frowned and asked.

"I'm not regretting it, but I'm worried that Zhiruo will be in danger if she goes. After all, if the Xiao family really wants to attack, they will definitely attack ruthlessly. At that time, there must be many people in ambush." ​​Lin Youtian worried said.

Mr. Lin shook his head again, "This time you are concerned again and you will be confused. You don't know Zhiruo's skills, and do you think that if she goes, she will have no back-up and arrangements? Although the boss of the Xiao family is a military special The battle team, but Zhiruo is also a member of the Marine Corps of the military region, and this time the needle tip is against Maimang, which is also very interesting."

"However, I think that the boss of the Xiao family may not necessarily be the opponent of that kid. That kid, I have never seen such a character at my age. If the 'Blade' of the military region is young, One point, maybe they really are a pair of very suitable opponents."

"'Blade' seems to have completed the task before he came back. And I heard that he is currently on vacation and basically does not accept tasks, unless there is something that is related to the survival of the nation and the country, otherwise he will not accept any tasks now." Lin Youtian Said.

"Besides, I heard that he has been in Beijing all the time and has not gone on vacation outside. Many people speculate that he seems to be waiting for something."

Mr. Lin also nodded, "He is the best in Jinghua. Once the boss of the Xiao family makes a move, we can still find someone to check and balance him."

Lin Youtian frowned, "'Blade' promised our Lin family three things, and now two of them have been completed, and the last one is used here, isn't it a bit..."

For a while, the study fell into silence again.

When the prince climbed out from the wall of the Lin family's compound, he got into Xiaobai's car within a few minutes.

"Boss, what did Mr. Lin say?" Xiao Hei asked anxiously.

"The Lin family has agreed that the Lin family will come forward during the transaction. In this case, the Xiao family will definitely be caught off guard. And after the Lin family makes a move, the Xiao family will not be able to take back the contract from the Lin family no matter what." The prince said a little Little excitedly replied.

"After all, even if the Qin family and we try our best to get the contract back to Binhai after a narrow escape, we still don't have the strength to independently develop that piece of land in Jinghua. With the support of the Lin family, our future affairs will be much easier."

Both Xiaobai and Xiaobai nodded, "If this is the case, it will be the best result."

Then the prince called Ye Xiaoman again to reassure them, and he has already started contacting Xiao Mengmeng.

Jinghua Xiao's family.

"Grandpa, what does the Lin family mean?" Xiao Zhangong, who ranked ### in the third generation of the Xiao family, complained in front of Mr. Xiao.

"Were you not in the limelight at all before?" Mr. Xiao asked with a frown as he looked at the information in his hand.

Xiao Zhangong shook his head, "There is no news at all. I had tea with Lin Qitian a few days ago, and they were all fine then."

"After this kind of thing happened today, I called and questioned him. Judging from the reaction there, he didn't know what was going on at all. My friend and Tuo asked some people with good relationships in the Lin family , they all reacted the same way, they didn’t know anything.”

"It seems that Lin Youtian initiated it all of a sudden. Some people in the Lin family who don't know the situation have asked Mr. Lin, but Mr. Lin just said that Lin Youtian is solely responsible for this matter, so the people below are nothing at all. I don't know."

"And the people who went to execute it were basically made by Lin Youtian's two sons." Xiao Zhangong said with his head down.

Mr. Xiao shook his head, "These are all in the past tense. Now I want to know, can the business empire you have been running for so many years be completely defeated overnight by the other party from the inside out?"

"Even if we don't know the reason, can we let the other party come and go freely on our territory?"

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